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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer luctus suscipit felis, sed aliquam tellus mattis in. Duis quis sodales nunc. Cras bibendum aliquet magna, id accumsan ligula convallis ac. Nullam molestie quis risus quis hendrerit. Vestibulum hendrerit felis quis enim mattis, ut varius augue.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris fringilla feugiat justo, in convallis neque euismod ut. Nam commodo justo maximus, faucibus eros id, porttitor urna. Pellentesque sit amet massa odio. Nulla facilisi. Aliquam euismod arcu sit amet molestie blandit.
There appears to be no legislation in Palau that addresses forced marriage.
There appears to be no legislation in Palau that requires consent to marriage.
There appears to be no legislation in Palau that prohibits servile matrimonial transactions.
There appears to be no legislation in Palau that prohibits marriage trafficking.
The minimum age for marriage without parental consent in Palau is 18, without differentiation by gender, as set out on Section 201 of the 1986 National Code. However, marriages of females below this age are permitted with the consent of at least one parents or the guardian, as set out on as set out on Section 201 of the 1986 National Code. This exception allow marriage as early as 16.
Not party to a court
Article 4. Fundamental rights
Section 6
The government shall take no action to deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law nor shall private property be taken except for a recognized public use and for just compensation in money or in kind. No person shall be held criminally liable for an act which was not a legally recognized crime at the time of its commission, nor shall the penalty for an act be increased after the act was committed. No person shall be placed in double jeopardy for the same offense. No person shall be found guilty of a crime or punished by legislation. Contracts to which a citizen is a party shall not be impaired by legislation. No person shall be imprisoned for debt. A warrant for search and seizure may not issue except from a justice or judge on probable cause supported by an affidavit particularly describing the place, persons, or things to be searched, arrested, or seized.
Section 10
Torture, cruel, inhumane or degrading treatment or punishment, and excessive fines are prohibited.
Section 11
Slavery or involuntary servitude is prohibited except to punish crime. The government shall protect children from exploitation.Palau Constitution
Title 17 Crimes
§ 1801.
Defined; punishment. Every person who forcibly or fraudulently and deceitfully, and without authority by law, imprisons, seizes, detains, or inveigles away any person other than his or her minor child, with intent to cause such person to be secreted within the Republic against his or her will, or sent out of the Republic against his or her will, or sold or held as a slave or for ransom, shall be guilty of kidnaping, and upon conviction thereof shall be imprisoned not more than 15 years, or fined not more than $10,000, or both
§ 3906.
Offense of people trafficking. Every person who knowingly or recklessly recruits, transports, transfers, harbors or receives any person or persons for the purpose of exploitation by threat, use of force, abduction, fraud, deception, abuse of power, or the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person, shall be guilty of people trafficking, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not more than $250,000, or imprisoned not more than 25 years or both
§ 3907.
Offense of trafficking in children. Every person who knowingly or recklessly recruits, transports, transfers, harbors or receives a child by any means for the purposes of exploitation shall be guilty of trafficking in children and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not more than $500,000, or imprisoned for not more than 50 years or both.
§ 3908.
Offense of exploiting a trafficked person. Every person who knowingly or recklessly engages in, participates in, or profits from the exploitation of a trafficked person shall be guilty of exploitation of a trafficked person and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not more than $50,000, or imprisoned for not more than 10 years or both.
§ 3909.
Consent of trafficked person irrelevant. For sections 3905, 3906 and 3907 of this chapter, it is not a defense that the trafficked person consented to the people trafficking or to the exploitation.Palau National Code
Section 2. Definitions:
(d) “Exploitation” means sexual servitude, exploitation of another person’s prostitution, forced labor or services, slavery, or obtaining labor or services through deceit, fraud, or by means of a material misrepresentation.
(h) “People trafficking” means the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of a person for the purposes of exploitation as described in section 5 or 6.
Section 6. Offense of People Trafficking
Every person who knowingly or recklessly recruits, transports, transfers, harbors or receives any person or persons for the purpose of exploitation by threat, use of force, abduction, fraud, deception, abuse of power or the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person, shall be guilty of people trafficking, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not more than $250,000, or imprisoned not more than 25 years, or both.
Section 7. Offense of Trafficking in Children
Every person who knowingly or recklessly recruits, transports, transfers, harbors or receives a child by any means for the purposes of exploitation shall be guilty of trafficking in children and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not more than $500,000, or imprisoned for not more than 50 years, or both.
Section 8. Offense of Exploiting a Trafficked Person. Every person who knowingly or recklessly engages in participates in, or profits from the exploitation of a trafficked person shall be guilty of exploitation of a trafficked person and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not more than $50,000, or imprisoned for not more than 10 years, or both.
Section 9. Consent of Trafficked Person Irrelevant.
For section 5,6 and 7 hereof, it is not a defense that the trafficked person consented to the people trafficking or to the exploitation.Palau Trafficking in Persons Law
Section 13
The government shall provide for marital and related parental rights, privileges, and responsibilities on the basis of equality between men and women, mutual consent, and cooperation. Parents or individuals acting in the capacity of parents shall be legally responsible for the support and for the unlawful conduct of their minor children as prescribed by law.
Chapter 18 Kidnaping
1801. Defined; punishment.
Every person who forcibly or fraudulently and deceitfully, and without authority by law, imprisons, seizes, detains, or inveigles away any person other than his or her minor child, with intent to cause such person to be secreted within the Republic against his or her will, or sent out of the Republic against his or her will, or sold or held as a slave or for ransom, shall be guilty of kidnaping, and upon conviction thereof shall be imprisoned not more than 15 years, or fined not more than $10,000, or both.
Chapter 39 Anti-People Smuggling and Trafficking
3901. Definitions.
(a) “Child” means a person who is less than 18 years of age.
(d) “Exploitation” means sexual servitude, exploitation of another person by and through prostitution, forced labor or services, or slavery.
(h) “People trafficking” means the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of a person for the purposes of exploitation as described in sections 3905 or 3906.
3906. Offense of people trafficking.
Every person who knowingly or recklessly recruits, transports, transfers, harbors or receives any person or persons for the purpose of exploitation by threat, use of force, abduction, fraud, deception, abuse of power, or the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person, shall be guilty of people trafficking, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not more than $250,000, or imprisoned not more than 25 years or both.
3907. Offense of trafficking in children.
Every person who knowingly or recklessly recruits, transports, transfers, harbors or receives a child by any means for the purposes of exploitation shall be guilty of trafficking in children and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not more than $500,000, or imprisoned for not more than 50 years or both.
3908. Offense of exploiting a trafficked person.
Every person who knowingly or recklessly engages in, participates in, or profits from the exploitation of a trafficked person shall be guilty of exploitation of a trafficked person and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not more than $50,000, or imprisoned for not more than 10 years or both.
3909. Consent of trafficked person irrelevant.
For sections 3905, 3906 and 3907 of this chapter, it is not a defense that the trafficked person consented to the people trafficking or to the exploitation.
Title 21 Domestic Relations
103. Same; local custom recognized.
Nothing contained in this title, except for the provisions of section 104 of this chapter, shall apply to any annulment, divorce, or adoption effected in accordance with local custom, nor shall any restrictions or limitations be imposed upon the granting of annulments, divorces, or adoptions in accordance with local custom.
105. Age of majority.
All persons, whether male or female, residing in the Republic, who shall have attained the age of 18 years shall be regarded as of legal age and their period of minority to have ceased.
201. Marriage between two noncitizens or noncitizen and citizen; requisites of marriage contract.
In order to make valid the marriage contract between two noncitizens or between a noncitizen and a citizen of the Republic, it shall be necessary that:
(a) the male at the time of contracting the marriage be at least 18 years of age and the female at least 16 years of age, and if the female is less than 18 years of age she must have the consent of at least one of her parents or her guardian;
(b) neither of the parties has a lawful spouse living; and
(c) a marriage ceremony be performed by a duly authorized person as provided in this chapter.
204. Marriage between citizens.
Marriage contracts between parties, both of whom are citizens of the Republic, solemnized in accordance with recognized custom, shall be valid. A notice of such marriage, showing the names and addresses of the persons married, their ages and the date of marriage, shall be sent to the Clerk of Courts, who shall, upon receipt thereof, record the same in the marriage register.
311. Authorized; grounds.
A decree annulling a marriage may be rendered on any ground existing at the time of the marriage which makes the marriage illegal and void or voidable. A court may, however, refuse to annul a marriage which has been ratified and confirmed by voluntary cohabitation after the obstacle to the validity of the marriage has ceased, unless the public interest requires that the marriage be annulled.
Section 2. Definitions:
(a) “Child” means a person who is less than 18 years of age.
(d) “Exploitation” means sexual servitude, exploitation of another person’s prostitution, forced labor or services, slavery, or obtaining labor or services through deceit, fraud, or by means of a material misrepresentation.
(h) “People trafficking” means the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of a person for the purposes of exploitation as described in section 5 or 6.
Section 6. Offense of People Trafficking
Every person who knowingly or recklessly recruits, transports, transfers, harbors or receives any person or persons for the purpose of exploitation by threat, use of force, abduction, fraud, deception, abuse of power or the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person, shall be guilty of people trafficking, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not more than $250,000, or imprisoned not more than 25 years, or both.
Section 7. Offense of Trafficking in Children
Every person who knowingly or recklessly recruits, transports, transfers, harbors or receives a child by any means for the purposes of exploitation shall be guilty of trafficking in children and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not more than $500,000, or imprisoned for not more than 50 years, or both.
Section 8. Offense of Exploiting a Trafficked Person.
Every person who knowingly or recklessly engages in participates in, or profits from the exploitation of a trafficked person shall be guilty of exploitation of a trafficked person and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not more than $50,000, or imprisoned for not more than 10 years, or both.
Section 9. Consent of Trafficked Person Irrelevant.
For section 5,6 and 7 hereof, it is not a defense that the trafficked person consented to the people trafficking or to the exploitation.
Palau Trafficking in Persons Law 2005-English-PDF.