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Provisions related to forced marriage in Mozambique are found in the 2019 Family Law, which addresses marriage contracted with unwillingness or addicted by error or coercion at Article 60.
There appears to be no legislation in Mozambique hat requires consent to marriage. However, section 60 of the Family law 2019 recognises that the consent of a party or prospective party to a marriage is invalidated where the person is subjected to coercion.
There appears to be no legislation in Mozambique that prohibits servile matrimonial transactions.
There appears to be no legislation in Mozambique that prohibits marriage trafficking.
The minimum age for marriage in Mozambique is 18, without differentiation by gender, as set out on Article 32 of the 2019 Family Law. Where marriages are conducted involving a person below the minimum age, the marriage is voidable, as set out on Articles 32 and 60 of the 2019 Family Law. However, marriages below this age may permitted with the consent of the parents, legal representatives or the guardian, as set out on as set out on Article 28 of the 2019 Family Law. These exceptions are not differentiated by gender.
African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights
Article 59. Right to liberty and to security
1. In the Republic of Mozambique everyone has the right to security and nobody shall be detained and put on trial except in accordance with the law.
Article 84. Right to work
1. Work shall be a right and a duty of every citizen.
2. All citizens shall have the right freely to choose their profession.
3. Forced labour shall be prohibited, except where the work is performed within the framework of penal legislation.
Article 85. Right to retribution and to safety at work
1. All workers shall have the right to fair remuneration, rest and vacation and to retirement in accordance with the law.
2. Workers shall have the right to protection, health and safety at work.
3. Workers may be dismissed only in the cases and in accordance with the terms provided for by law.
Article 119. Family
1. The family is the fundamental unit and the basis of society.
2. The State shall, in accordance with the law, recognise and protect marriage as the institution that secures the pursuit of family objectives.
3. In the context of the development of social relations based on respect for human dignity, the State shall guarantee the principle that marriage is based on free consent.
4. The law shall establish forms in which traditional and religious marriage shall be esteemed, and determine the registration requirements and effects of such marriage.
Article 121. Childhood
1. All children have the right to protection from the family, from society and from the State, having in mind their full development.
2. Children, in particular orphans and disabled and abandoned children, shall be protected by the family, by society and by the State against all forms of discrimination, ill treatment and the abusive use of authority within the family and in other institutions.
3. Children shall not be discriminated against on the grounds of their birth, nor shall they be subjected to ill treatment.
4. Child labour shall be prohibited, whether the children are of compulsory school going age or any other age.Mozambique Constitution
Article 196 (Slavery)
Anyone who alienates, entices, acquires, or cedes any person, or seizes it, reducing it to the condition of a slave, will be sentenced to imprisonment of more than eight to twelve years.
Article 197 (Physical coercion)
He who employs acts of bodily injury to compel another to do something, or prevent him from doing so, shall be sentenced to imprisonment from one month to one year, and may also be condemned in the corresponding fine.
Article 198 (Trafficking of persons)
Any person who recruits, transports, receives, receives or receives a person under the pretext of employment, training or learning for the purpose of prostitution, forced labor, slavery, involuntary servitude or debt bondage shall be punished with a sentence of sixteen to twenty years’ imprisonment larger.
Article 199 (Abduction)
1. Any person who, by means of violence, threat or any fraud, abducts another person for the purpose of subjecting him to extortion, rape, redemption, reward, embarrassing public authority or third party to an action or omission, or Support an activity, shall be punished with imprisonment of more than twenty to twenty-four years.
2. The penalty provided in the previous number will be aggravated if the abduction is:
A) preceded or accompanied by a serious offense to the physical integrity of the victim;
B) accompanied by torture or other cruel, degrading or inhuman treatment;
C) practiced against a defenseless person due to age, illness, disability or pregnancy;
D) practiced by simulation of quality of public authority, by public servant with serious abuse of authority;
E) accompanied by crime against the sexual freedom of the victim;
F) followed by suicide of the victim.
3. If deprivation of liberty results in the death of the victim, the agent shall be punished in accordance with article 160.
Article 419 (Establishment of employment relationship with illegal immigrant)
Those who hire or broker the hiring, directly or indirectly, even if precarious, illegal immigrant, shall be punished with imprisonment from three months to one year and fine.Mozambique Penal Code
Article 10 (Trafficking of persons)
Anyone who recruits, transports, welcomes, supplies or receives a person, for any means, including under the pretext of domestic or foreign employment or training or learning, for the purposes of prostitution, forced labor, slavery, involuntary servitude or bondage shall be punished with a penalty of sixteen to twenty years in prison.
Article 11 (Pornography and sexual exploitation)
Anyone who traffics persons for the purpose of obtaining money, profit or any other
Advantage, a Mozambican citizen to a foreign citizen, in order to marry the
Purchase, offer, sell or exchange the person for
Pornography, sexual exploitation and forced labor, slavery, involuntary servitude and
Servitude for debts, shall be punished with the penalty of twelve to sixteen years of greater imprisonment.
Article 12 (Adoption for illicit purposes)
Anyone who adopts or facilitates the adoption of persons for the purpose of involvement in prostitution, sexual exploitation and forced labor, slavery, servitude and debt bondage, shall be punished by the penalty of sixteen to twenty years of jail time.
Article 13 (Transportation and abduction)
Anyone who recruits, hires, adopts, transports or abducts a person,
Threat, use of force, fraud, deception, coercion or intimidation, with the
Purpose of removal or sale of organs of said person, shall be punished with the penalty
From sixteen to twenty years in prison.
Article 14 (Rental of property for traffic purposes)
Anyone who knowingly leases or subleases, or allows the use of Any establishment or establishment for the purpose of promoting trafficking in persons, it is punished with eight to twelve years in prison.
Article 15 (Advertising and traffic promotion)
Anyone who advertises, prints, transmits or distributes, or causes to advertise, publish, print, trans mission or distribute, by any means, including the use of information technology and the internet, or any brochure or advertising material which Promotes trafficking in persons, will be punished with a sentence of two to eight years in prison.
Article 16 (Destruction of travel documents)
Anyone who confiscates, conceals or destroys the passport, travel documents, documents or personal belongings of the victims of trafficking in order to prevent them from leaving the country or seeking assistance from the Government or competent authorities, shall be punished with a penalty of two Eight years in prison.
Article 17 (Financial benefit)
Anyone who consciously benefits financially or otherwise or makes use of the work or services of a person subject to a condition of involuntary servitude, forced labor or slavery shall be punished by eight to twelve years in prison.
Article 18 (Consent of the offended)
The consent of the offended person does not exclude or attenuate the criminal responsibility of the agents of the crimes foreseen in this Law.
Article 198 (Kidnapping)
Abduction and concealment of minors
Article 263- Violent or fraudulent removal of a minor under the age of twelve
Whoever, by violence or fraud, removes or causes to be removed or carried away a minor under the age of twelve from the house or place where, with the authorisation of the persons in charge of his custody or management, he is found, is punished by imprisonment from one to five years
Article 119. Family
Mozambique Constitution 2004 (Rev 2007) – Constitute Project – English (PDF)
CHAPTER XI Crimes Against the Family
SECTION I Bigamy, usurpation of marital status and alleged and illegal marriages
A RTIGO 260 (Usurpation of another’s marital status)
Who intentionally usurp another’s marital status, or who, to harm someone’s rights, usurp marital rights through false marriage, or for the same purpose pretending married, or usurp any family rights, is punished with the imprisonment for 1 to 2 years.
ARTICLE 17 (Civil, religious and traditional marriage)
ARTICLE 18 (Effects of religious and traditional marriage)
ARTICLE 28 (Preliminary process of religious marriage)
ARTICLE 32 (Absolute direct impediments)
They are direct impediments, preventing marriage of the person they respect with any other:
a ) the age of less than eighteen years;
b ) the notorious dementia, even in the lucid intervals, and interdiction or disqualification due to psychic anomaly;
c ) previous civil, religious or traditional marriage does not dissolved, contracted under the law, provided that duly transcribed in the civil registry.
d ) the de facto union duly attested.
ARTICLE 41 (Opposition from parents or guardian)
ARTICLE 43 (Actuality of the mutual consensus)
The will of the spouses is only relevant when manifested in the act of the celebration of the wedding.
ARTICLE 45 (Personal character of the mutual consensus)
The will to marry is strictly personal in relation to each of the spouses
ARTICLE 48 (Causes justifying non-approval)
a ) if the requirements established in the law, or the formalities have not been followed prescribed for the celebration of urgent marriage and for the realization of the respective provisional seat;
b ) if there are serious indications that they are assumed or false those requirements or formalities;
c ) if there is any impediment direct.
ARTICLE 54 (Validity rule)
Marriage is valid for which there is no any of the causes of legal nonexistence, nullity or annulment specified in the law.
ARTICLE 55 (Non-existent marriages)
It is legally non-existent:
a ) the marriage celebrated before anyone who has not functional competence for the act, except in the case of urgent marriage;
b ) urgent marriage that has not been approved;
c ) the wedding whose celebration was missing the declaration of will of one or both spouses, or of the attorney for one of them;
d ) the marriage contracted through an attorney, when concluded after the effects of the power of attorney, or when it has not been granted by those in it as a constituent, or when be void for lack of special powers for the act or express designation of the other contractor;
e ) marriage contracted by two persons of the same sex.
ARTICLE 56 (De facto officials)
Marriage is not considered legally non-existent celebrated by those who, without having functional competence for the act, publicly exercised the competent functions, unless both parties at the time of the celebration, they knew the lack of that competence
ARTICLE 60 (Causes of annulability)
Marriage is voidable:
a) contracted with any direct impediment, with exception of that provided for in Article 32 ( c ) of the this Law;
b) contracted, on the part of one or both spouses, with unwillingness or the will addicted to error or coercion;
c) concluded without the presence of witnesses required by law
ARTICLE 62 (Validation of marriage)
1. The irregularity is considered to have been solved and the marriage is valid, from the moment of the celebration, if before becoming final the decision of annulment occurs any of the following facts:
a) be the marriage of a non-nubile minor confirmed by the latter, before the civil registry officer and two witnesses, after reaching the age of majority or being emancipated;
b) be the marriage of the banned or disabled due to anomaly psychic confirmed by him under the terms of subparagraph a ), after being lifted the ban or disqualification or, in the case of notorious dementia, after the insane to judicially check your status sanity;
c) it is the lack of witnesses due to circumstances services, as recognized by the director of the competent registers, provided that there is no doubt about the celebration of the act.
2. The irregularity is also considered to have been remedied and the marriage, if the annulment sentence is final and unappealable or of the nullity of the marriage, any of the following facts occurs:
a ) the first wedding of the bigamous be dissolved;
b ) the termination of the partnership is declared.
ARTICLE 63 (Presumption of will)
The declaration of will, in the act of the celebration, constitutes presumption not only that the spouses wanted to contract the marriage, but that their will is not vitiated by error or coercion.
ARTICLE 64 (Nullability due to unwillingness)
Marriage is voidable due to unwillingness when:
a ) the spouse, at the time of the celebration, did not have the awareness of the act he performed, due to incapacity accidental or other cause;
b ) the spouse was in error about the physical identity of the another contractor;
c ) the declaration of will has been extorted by physical and / or moral coercion;
d ) there has been a simulation.
ARTICLE 65 (Error addicting the will)
The error that vitiates the will is only relevant for the purposes of annulment when it falls on the person of the other contracting party and consist of ignorance of any of the following facts:
a ) the practice, before marriage, of a willful crime punished with a prison sentence of more than two years, whatever the nature of this is;
b ) dishonorable life and customs before marriage
ARTICLE 68 (Annulment based on unwillingness)
ARTICLE 69 (Annulment founded on vices of the will)
An action for annulment based on vices of will can only be attempted by the spouse who was the victim of the error or coercion, but their relatives, who are related in a straight line, can continue in the action, heirs or adopters, if the plaintiff dies pending the action
(Civil, religious and traditional marriage)
equal value and efficacy is recognized as that of civil marriage, when
the requirements established by law for compliance with
civil marriage.
(Effects of religious and traditional marriage)
civil effects, by the common rules of the present Law, except
otherwise provided.
provided for in this Law or in special legislation, provided that
is duly transcribed by the civil registry services in the
terms of the law.
(Preliminary process of religious marriage)
through a preliminary publication process, organized in the
civil registry offices at the request of the betrothed or the
religious dignitary, under the terms of the registration law.
relative to the minor couple, can be provided in the presence of two
witnesses before the religious dignitary, who draws a statement of
occurrence, signing all stakeholders.
(Absolute direct impediments)
They are direct impediments, preventing marriage
of the person they respect with any other:
a ) the age of less than eighteen years;
b ) the notorious dementia, even in the lucid intervals,
and interdiction or disqualification due to psychic anomaly;
c ) previous civil, religious or traditional marriage does not
dissolved, contracted under the law, provided that
duly transcribed in the civil registry.
d ) the de facto union duly attested.
(Opposition from parents or guardian)
parents, legal representative or guardian of the minor child, can deduct
opposition under the terms prescribed in the civil registry legislation.
the Court of Minors judging it unjustified
(Actuality of the mutual consensus)
The will of the spouses is only relevant when manifested in the
act of the celebration of the wedding.
(Personal character of the mutual consensus)
The will to marry is strictly personal in
relation to each of the spouses
(Causes justifying non-approval)
a ) if the requirements established in the
law, or the formalities have not been followed
prescribed for the celebration of urgent marriage and
for the realization of the respective provisional seat;
b ) if there are serious indications that they are assumed or false
those requirements or formalities;
c ) if there is any impediment direct.
is canceled.
or their heirs, as well as the Public Prosecutor’s Office, appeal to
the court in order to declare the marriage valid.
(Validity rule)
Marriage is valid for which there is no
any of the causes of legal nonexistence, nullity or
annulment specified in the law.
(Non-existent marriages)
It is legally non-existent:
a ) the marriage celebrated before anyone who has not
functional competence for the act, except in the case of
urgent marriage;
b ) urgent marriage that has not been approved;
c ) the wedding whose celebration was missing the declaration
of will of one or both spouses, or of the
attorney for one of them;
d ) the marriage contracted through an attorney,
when concluded after the effects of the
power of attorney, or when it has not been granted
by those in it as a constituent, or when
be void for lack of special powers for the act or
express designation of the other contractor;
e ) marriage contracted by two persons of the same sex.
(De facto officials)
Marriage is not considered legally non-existent
celebrated by those who, without having functional competence for the act,
publicly exercised the competent functions, unless both parties
at the time of the celebration, they knew the lack of that
(Causes of annulability)
Marriage is voidable:
a ) contracted with any direct impediment, with exception of that provided for in Article 32 ( c ) of the this Law;
b ) contracted, on the part of one or both spouses, with unwillingness or the will addicted to error or coercion;
c ) concluded without the presence of witnesses required by law
(Validation of marriage)
from the moment of the celebration, if before becoming final
the decision of annulment occurs any of the following facts:
a ) be the marriage of a non-nubile minor confirmed by
the latter, before the civil registry officer and two
witnesses, after reaching the age of majority or being
b ) be the marriage of the banned or disabled due to anomaly
psychic confirmed by him under the terms of subparagraph a ),
after being lifted the ban or disqualification
or, in the case of notorious dementia, after the
insane to judicially check your status
c ) it is the lack of witnesses due to circumstances
services, as recognized by the director of the
competent registers, provided that there is no doubt about
the celebration of the act.
marriage, if the annulment sentence is final and unappealable
or of the nullity of the marriage, any of the following facts occurs:
a ) the first wedding of the bigamous be dissolved;
b ) the termination of the partnership is declared.
remedying the irregularity of the marriage takes effect from the
dissolution of the previous marriage or declaration of termination
of the de facto union.
(Presumption of will)
The declaration of will, in the act of the celebration, constitutes
presumption not only that the spouses wanted to contract the
marriage, but that their will is not vitiated by error
or coercion.
ARTICLE 64 (Nullability due to unwillingness)
Marriage is voidable due to unwillingness when:
a ) the spouse, at the time of the celebration, did not have the awareness of the act he performed, due to incapacity accidental or other cause;
b ) the spouse was in error about the physical identity of the another contractor;
c ) the declaration of will has been extorted by physical and / or moral coercion;
d ) there has been a simulation.
ARTICLE 65 (Error addicting the will)
The error that vitiates the will is only relevant for the purposes of annulment when it falls on the person of the other contracting party and consist of ignorance of any of the following facts:
a ) the practice, before marriage, of a willful crime punished with a prison sentence of more than two years, whatever the nature of this is;
b ) dishonorable life and customs before marriage
ARTICLE 68 (Annulment based on unwillingness)
ARTICLE 69 (Annulment founded on vices of the will)
An action for annulment based on vices of will can only be attempted by the spouse who was the victim of the error or coercion, but their relatives, who are related in a straight line, can continue in the action, heirs or adopters, if the plaintiff dies pending the action
ARTICLE 72 (Annulment based on unwillingness)
The action for annulment due to the unwillingness of one or both weddings can only be established within one year from the date of the celebration of the wedding or, if this fact was ignored by the applicant in the year following the moment in which knowledge of the wedding celebration.
ARTICLE 73 (Annulment founded on vices of the will)
The action for annulment based on defects in the will has expired, if it is not initiated within one year from the date of celebration of the wedding, or within a year thereafter cessation of addiction
ARTICLE 77 (Marriage of minors)