Provisions related to slavery are found in the Criminal Code at article 418 which criminalises placing or keeping a person in slavery as well as transporting, buying, selling, handing over, or mediating the buying, selling or handing over of a person, and instigating another to sell his freedom or the freedom of a person he is keeping or caring for.
Provisions related to institutions and practices similar to slavery are found in the Criminal Code at article 418 which criminalises placing or keeping a person in a relationship similar to slavery as well as transporting, buying, selling, handing over, or mediating the buying, selling or handing over of such a person.
There appears to be no legislation in place in North Macedonia which prohibits servitude.
Provisions related to forced labour are found in the Constitution which prohibits forced labour at article 11. The Criminal Code also criminalises violation of the rights from a work relationship under article 166, voluntary entry into employment being protected under the Labour Relations Law, although these provisions do not specifically mention forced or compulsory labour.
Provisions related to trafficking in persons are found in the Criminal Code at articles 418-a (trafficking in human beings) and 418-d (trafficking in juveniles).