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There appears to be no legislation in Oman that addresses forced marriage.
Provisions requiring consent to marriage in Oman are found in the personal status law 1997, article 17 which states that subject to the provisions of Article (19) of this law, the marriage takes place with the offer of one of the contracting parties and the acceptance of the other. They are issued with complete consent, with words stating the meaning in language or custom, and in the event of inability to pronounce the writing, the writing takes its place, and if it is not possible It is an understandable reference. Article 19 further states that the woman’s guardian assumes the contract of marriage with her consent.
There appears to be no legislation in Oman that prohibits servile matrimonial transactions.
Provisions related to marriage trafficking in Oman are found in the 2008 Anti-human trafficking act, which prohibits quasi-slavery practices at Articles 1 and 8, with a potential penalty of imprisonment for a minimum term of three years and a maximum term of seven years, and a fine of a minimum amount of five thousand rials and a maximum amount of one hundred thousand rials.
The minimum age for marriage in Oman is 18, without differentiation by gender, as set out on Article 7 of the 1997 Personal Status Law. However, marriages below this age are permitted with the permission of the judge and after a validation of interest, as set out on as set out on Article 10 of the 1997 Personal Status Law. These exceptions are not differentiated by gender.
Not party to a court
Article 12.
The Social Principles:
The State enacts laws for the protection of the employee and the employer and regulates the relationship between them. Every Citizen has the right to engage in the work of his choice within the limits of the Law. It is not permissible to impose any compulsory work on anyone except by virtue of a law, for rendering a public service, and for a fair remuneration.
Article 18
Personal freedom is guaranteed according to the Law, and it is not permissible to arrest a person, search, detain, imprison, subject to residence detention, or restrict his freedom of residency or movement except in accordance with the provisions of the Law.
Article 20
No person shall be subjected to physical or psychological torture, inducement or demeaning treatment. The Law stipulates punishment of whomever commits such acts. Any statement or confession proven to have been obtained under torture, inducement, demeaning treatment, or the threat of any of these acts, shall be deemed void.Oman Constitution
Article 220. Child prostitution
‘The penalty of imprisonment from three to five years shall be applied to any person who incites another to carnality or prostitution by the use of coercion, threat or deception. The penalty shall not be less than five years if the victim was below the age of eighteen.’
Article 260. Enslavement
Any one who enslaves a person or puts him in a quasi-slavery status shall be sentenced to imprisonment from five to fifteen years.
Article 261. Trafficking of Slaves
Any one who brings into or out of the Omani territory a human being in a state of slavery, disposes of him, by any means whatsoever, receives him, purchases him or keeps him in a state of slavery shall be sentenced to imprisonment from three to five years.Oman Penal Code 7-78 (English)
Article 3 bis
The employer has no right to impose any form of compulsory or coercive work.
Article 123
Failure to observe ” Article No. 3 [bis]” will result in imprisonment of a maximum of one month and a fine of R.O. 500/- or either of them. The penalty will be doubled in case of recurrence.Oman Labour Law (2012)
Article 1
In application of the provisions of this law, and unless the context otherwise provides, the following terms and expressions shall have the meaning ascribed thereto hereunder:
The Crime of Trafficking In Persons: Any of the acts cited in Article (2) of this law.
Exploitation: Illegal exploitation of a person to include: prostitution, sexual assault, servitude, forced labor, enslavement, quasi-slavery practices, subjugation, or illegal detachment of organs.
Article 2
Any individual who intentionally carries out any of the following acts with the purpose of exploitation shall be adjudged as committing the crime of human trafficking:
a) To recruit, transport, harbor, or receive a person by instruments of coercion, threat, deceit, blackmail, or misuse of power, influence, or use of authority on that individual, or by any other illegal instrument, either directly or indirectly.
b) To recruit, transport, harbor, or receive a child even without using the instruments cited in the previous paragraph.
Article 3
The consent of the victim shall not be a determining factor in any of the following cases:
A- If any of the instruments cited in Article (2/a) of this law is used.
B- If the victim was a child.
C- If the victim was in a circumstances or a personal situation where it was not possible to determine his/her consent or free choice.
Article 4
Shall be adjudged as a perpetrator any individual who contributed by soliciting, facilitating, or agreeing to commit a human trafficking crime.
Article 7
Without prejudices to subsidiary or additional punishments, or any other more severe punishment prescribed by the Omani Penal Law, or any other law, crimes cited in this law shall be punished by the stipulated punishments.
Article 8
Any person found guilty of committing a human trafficking crime shall be sentenced to imprisonment for a minimum term of three years and a maximum term of seven years, and a fine of a minimum amount of five thousand rials and a maximum amount of one hundred thousand rials.
Article 9
Imprisonment of a minimum term of seven years and a maximum term of fifteen years and a fine of a minimum amount of ten thousand rials and a maximum amount of one hundred thousand rials shall be imposed for the crime of human trafficking in any of the following cases:
A- If the victim was a child or a person with special needs.
B- If the perpetrator carried a weapon.
C- If the crime was committed by more than one person.
D- If the perpetrator was the spouse, parent, grandparent, child, grandchild, or guardian of the victim, or had authority over him/her.
E- If the crime was committed by an organized criminal gang, or if the perpetrator was a member of such a gang.
F- If the perpetrator was a public sector employee or designated to perform a public service and misused the position to commit the crime.
G- If the crime was transnational in nature.
H- If the victim has suffered insanity, AIDS, or any other irreparable psychological or physical disease or injury, as a result of being exploited in a human trafficking crime. The same punishment shall be imposed on anyone found guilty of the formation of, establishment of, organizing, administering, assuming a leading role in, or soliciting members for an organized criminal gang, aimed at committing the crime of human trafficking as its sole objective or as one of its objectives.
Article 15
Attempting to commit a human trafficking crime shall be punished with the same punishment imposed on the full crime.Oman Trafficking in Persons Law
Article 260. Enslavement
Any one who enslaves a person or puts him in a quasi-slavery status shall be sentenced to imprisonment from five to fifteen years.
Article 261. Trafficking of Slaves
Any one who brings into or out of the Omani territory a human being in a state of slavery, disposes of him, by any means whatsoever, receives him, purchases him or keeps him in a state of slavery shall be sentenced to imprisonment from three to five years.
Art 211
Any one who establishes a marriage without being legally entitled to, or makes a marriage not conform to the provisions of the law applicable to that marriage or to the married spouses shall be sentenced to imprisonment for ten days to six months.
Article 1
In application of the provisions of this law, and unless the context otherwise provides, the following terms and expressions shall have the meaning ascribed thereto hereunder:
The Crime of Trafficking In Persons: Any of the acts cited in Article (2) of this law.
Exploitation: Illegal exploitation of a person to include: prostitution, sexual assault, servitude, forced labor, enslavement, quasi-slavery practices, subjugation, or illegal detachment of organs.
Article 2
Any individual who intentionally carries out any of the following acts with the purpose of exploitation shall be adjudged as committing the crime of human trafficking:
Article 3
The consent of the victim shall not be a determining factor in any of the following cases:
A- If any of the instruments cited in Article (2/a) of this law is used.
B- If the victim was a child.
C- If the victim was in a circumstances or a personal situation where it was not possible to determine his/her consent or free choice.
Article 4
Shall be adjudged as a perpetrator any individual who contributed by soliciting, facilitating, or agreeing to commit a human trafficking crime.
Article 8
Any person found guilty of committing a human trafficking crime shall be sentenced to imprisonment for a minimum term of three years and a maximum term of seven years, and a fine of a minimum amount of five thousand rials and a maximum amount of one hundred thousand rials.
Article 9
Imprisonment of a minimum term of seven years and a maximum term of fifteen years and a fine of a minimum amount of ten thousand rials and a maximum amount of one hundred thousand rials shall be imposed for the crime of human trafficking in any of the following cases:
A- If the victim was a child or a person with special needs.
B- If the perpetrator carried a weapon.
C- If the crime was committed by more than one person.
D- If the perpetrator was the spouse, parent, grandparent, child, grandchild, or guardian of the victim, or had authority over him/her.
E- If the crime was committed by an organized criminal gang, or if the perpetrator was a member of such a gang.
F- If the perpetrator was a public sector employee or designated to perform a public service and misused the position to commit the crime.
G- If the crime was transnational in nature.
H- If the victim has suffered insanity, AIDS, or any other irreparable psychological or physical disease or injury, as a result of being exploited in a human trafficking crime. The same punishment shall be imposed on anyone found guilty of the formation of, establishment of, organizing, administering, assuming a leading role in, or soliciting members for an organized criminal gang, aimed at committing the crime of human trafficking as its sole objective or as one of its objectives.
Article 15
Attempting to commit a human trafficking crime shall be punished with the same punishment imposed on the full crime.
Oman Trafficking in Persons Law-Arabic-PDF.
Article 4
Marriage is a legal contract between a man and a woman, with the aim of impunity and the establishment of a stable family, under the protection of the husband, on grounds that guarantee
For them to bear their burdens with affection and compassion.
Article 7
Eligibility for marriage is complete with reason, and the age of eighteen is complete.
Article 10
A- If a person who has completed eighteen years of age asks to marry and his guardian refuses to marry him, he may refer the matter to a judge.
B – The judge determines a period for the guardian’s presence to explain his statements. If he does not attend at all, or if his objection is not acceptable, his wife the judge .
C – Subject to the provisions of Paragraph (b) of this Article, a person who has not completed eighteen years of age shall not marry without the permission of the judge and after Validation of interest.
Article 17
Subject to the provisions of Article (19) of this law, the marriage takes place with the offer of one of the contracting parties and the acceptance of the other.
They are issued with complete consent, with words stating the meaning in language or custom, and in the event of inability to pronounce the writing, the writing takes its place, and if it is not possible It is an understandable reference.
Article 19
The woman’s guardian assumes the contract of marriage with her consent.
Article 39
Marriage is valid or invalid, and an invalid marriage includes corrupt and invalid.
Art 41
A – A corrupt marriage that breaks down some of its conditions.
B- A corrupt marriage has no effect before consummation.
Article 42
After consummation, a corrupt marriage has the following effects:
A- Less than the named and proverbial dowry.
B- Descent, and the sanctity of intermarriage.
C- The waiting period.
D- Alimony as long as the woman is ignorant of the corruption of the contract.
Article 43
An invalid marriage shall have no effect.
Article 117
Marriage does not take place if one of its pillars is broken, or if it falls under one of the prohibitions.
Article 118
A- The marriage contract shall be annulled if it includes an impediment that is inconsistent with its requirements, or if something has been affected by it that prevents its continuation according to Sharia.
B- The division with the curse annulled.
Article 139
Age of majority complete eighteen years of age.