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Provisions related to forced marriage in Portugal are found in the Penal Code, which addresses marriage concluded through compulsion at Article 154b with a potential penalty of prison sentence of up to 5 years. The Penal Code also addresses marriage as a result of threat, coercion, persecution or force at Article 155. The Civil Code also addresses marriage vitiated by error or coercion at article 1628.
There appears to be no legislation in Portugal that requires consent to marriage
There appears to be no legislation in Portugal that prohibits servile matrimonial transactions.
Although legislation in Portugal does not prohibit marriage trafficking as such, it does prohibit taking abroad for forced marriage under article 154 (c) of the Penal Code, with a potential penalty of imprisonment up to one year or penalty Of fine up to 120 days.
The minimum age for marriage in Portugal is 18, without differentiation by gender, as set out on Article 1601 of the Civil Code. However, marriages of below the minimum age are permitted with the consent of the parents, as set out on Article 1612 of the Civil Code. These exceptions are not differentiated by gender, and allow marriage as early as 16. Where marriages are conducted involving a person below the age of 16, the marriage is voidable, as set out on Articles 1601 and 1631 of the Civil Code.
Western Europe and Others
European Court of Human Rights
Article 9. Fundamental tasks of the state
The fundamental tasks of the state shall be:
b. To guarantee fundamental rights and freedoms and respect for the principles of a democratic state based on the rule of law;
d. To promote the people’s well-being and quality of life and real equality between the Portuguese, as well as the effective implementation of economic, social, cultural and environmental rights by means of the transformation and modernisation of economic and social structures;
Article 19. Suspension of the exercise of rights
6. Under no circumstances shall a declaration of a state of siege or a state of emergency affect the rights to life, personal integrity, personal identity, civil capacity and citizenship, the non-retroactivity of the criminal law, defendants’ right to a defence, or freedom of conscience and religion.
Article 25. Right to personal integrity
1. Every person’s moral and physical integrity shall be inviolable.
2. No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, degrading or inhuman treatment or punishment.
Article 27. Right to freedom and security
1. Everyone shall possess the right to freedom and security.
2. No one may be wholly or partially deprived of their freedom, except as a consequence of a judicial sentence imposed for the practise of an act that is punishable by law with a prison term or the imposition by a court of a security measure.
3. The following cases of deprivation of freedom for such time and under such conditions as the law may determine shall be exceptions to this principle:
Article 44. Right to travel and to emigrate
1. Every citizen shall be guaranteed the right to travel and settle freely anywhere in Portuguese territory.
Article 47. Freedom to choose a profession and to join the public administration
1. Everyone shall possess the right to freely choose a profession or type of work, subject only to such restrictions as the law may impose in the collective interest, or as are inherent to his own capabilities.
Article 58. Right to work
1. Everyone shall possess the right to work.
2. In order to ensure the right to work, the state shall be charged with promoting:
a. The implementation of full-employment policies;
b. Equal opportunities in the choice of profession or type of work, and the conditions needed to avoid the gender-based preclusion or limitation of access to any position, work or professional category;
c. Cultural and technical training and vocational development for workers.
Article 59. Workers’ rights
1. Regardless of age, sex, race, citizenship, place of origin, religion and political and ideological convictions, every worker shall possess the right:
a. To the remuneration of his work in accordance with its volume, nature and quality, with respect for the principle of equal pay for equal work and in such a way as to guarantee a proper living;
b. That work be organised in keeping with social dignity and in such a way as to provide personal fulfilment and to make it possible to reconcile professional and family life;
c. To work in conditions that are hygienic, safe and healthy; d. To rest and leisure time, a maximum limit on the working day, a weekly rest period and periodic paid holidays;
e. To material assistance when he involuntarily finds himself unemployed;
f. To assistance and fair reparation when he is the victim of a work-related accident or occupational illness.
2. The state shall be charged with ensuring the working, remuneratory and rest-related conditions to which workers are entitled, particularly by:
a. Setting and updating a national minimum wage which, among other factors, shall have particular regard to workers’ needs, increases in the cost of living, the level to which the sectors of production have developed, the requirements imposed by economic and financial stability, and the accumulation of capital for development purposes;
b. Setting national limits on working hours;
c. Ensuring special work-related protection for women during pregnancy and following childbirth, as well as for minors, the disabled and those whose occupations are particularly strenuous or take place in unhealthy, toxic or dangerous conditions;
d. In cooperation with social organisations, ensuring the systematic development of a network of rest and holiday centres;
e. Protecting emigrant workers’ working conditions and guaranteeing their social benefits;
f. Protecting student workers’ working conditions.
3. Salaries shall enjoy special guarantees, as laid down by law.
Article 69. Childhood
1. With a view to their integral development, children shall possess the right to protection by society and the state, especially from all forms of abandonment, discrimination and oppression and from the abusive exercise of authority in the family or any other institution.
2. The state shall ensure special protection for children who are orphaned, abandoned or deprived of a normal family environment in any way.
3. Labour by minors of school age shall be prohibited as laid down by law; Portugal Constitution
Article 154. Coercion
1 – Any person who, by means of violence or threatening with an important evil, embarrasses another person to an action or omission, or to support an activity, shall be punished with imprisonment for up to three years or with a fine.
2 – The attempt is punishable.
3 – The fact is not punishable:
(A) if the use of the means to achieve the intended purpose is not objectionable; or
(B) If it is aimed at avoiding suicide or typical illicit practice.
4 – If the act occurs between spouses, ascendants and descendants, adopters and adoptees, or between persons of the same sex, living in a situation similar to that of the spouses, the criminal procedure depends on a complaint.
Article 154b. Forced marriage
Anyone who compels another person to enter into a marriage or union comparable to that of marriage is punished with a prison sentence of up to 5 years.
Article 158. Kidnapping
1 – Anyone who detains, arrests, holds or apprehends another person or in any way deprives them of their liberty shall be punished with imprisonment for up to three years or with a fine.
2 – An officer shall be punished with imprisonment of two to ten years if deprivation of liberty:
(A) Last for more than two days;
(B) is preceded or accompanied by an offense to the grave physical integrity, torture or other cruel, degrading or inhuman treatment;
(C) It is practiced with the false pretext that the victim suffered from a psychic anomaly;
(D) result in suicide or offense to the grave physical integrity of the victim;
(E) Is practiced against a particularly defenseless person, due to age, disability, illness or pregnancy;
(F) is committed against one of the persons referred to in article 132, paragraph 2, l), in the performance of their duties or because of them;
(G) It is practiced by means of a simulation of public authority or by an official with serious abuse of authority.
3 – If the deprivation of liberty results in the death of the victim, the agent shall be punished by imprisonment from three to fifteen years.
Article 159. Slavery
A) To reduce another person to the state or the condition of slave; or
B) To dispose of, assign or acquire a person or to acquire it with the intention of maintaining it in the situation described in the previous paragraph;
Is punished with imprisonment from 5 to 15 years.
Article 160. Trafficking in Persons
1 – Whoever offers, delivers, enlists, encourages, accepts, transports, lodges or accommodates persons for the purpose of exploitation, including sexual exploitation, exploitation of work, begging, slavery, extraction of organs or the exploitation of other activities Criminals:
(A) By violence, abduction or serious threat;
(B) Through trick or fraudulent maneuver;
(C) With abuse of authority resulting from a relationship of hierarchical, economic, work or family dependency;
(D) Taking advantage of the psychic incapacity or situation of special vulnerability of the victim; or
(E) by obtaining the consent of the person having control over the victim;
Shall be punished by imprisonment for three to ten years.
2. The same penalty shall be applied to anyone who, by any means, to recruit, solicit, transport, host or receive a minor, or to deliver, offer or accept, for the purpose of exploitation, including sexual exploitation, Begging, slavery, the extraction of organs, the adoption or exploitation of other criminal activities.
3 in the case provided for in the preceding paragraph, if the agent uses any of the means provided in the sub-paragraphs of paragraph 1 or acts professionally or with a lucrative intention, he shall be punished with imprisonment from three to twelve years.
4 – The penalties provided for in the preceding paragraphs shall be increased by one third, in their minimum and maximum limits, if the conduct referred to therein:
(A) Has endangered the life of the victim;
(B) has been committed with particular violence or has caused the victim particularly serious damage;
(C) it has been committed by an official in the performance of his duties;
(D) it has been committed in connection with a criminal association; or
(E) It results in the suicide of the victim.
5 – Any person who, through payment or other consideration, offers, delivers, solicits or accepts minor, or obtains or gives consent to its adoption, shall be punished with imprisonment from one to five years.
6. Who, having knowledge of the practice of crime referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2, use the services or organs of the victim shall be punished with imprisonment from one to five years, if a more serious penalty does not fit him under another provision cool.
7 – Any person who retains, conceals, damages or destroys identification or travel documents of a person who has been a victim of a crime, as provided for in paragraphs 1 and 2, shall be punished by imprisonment for up to three years, if a serious penalty does not apply to him by virtue of another Provision.
8 – The consent of the victim of the crimes foreseen in the previous numbers does not exclude in any case the illegality of the fact.
Article 169. Procurement
1 – Any person, professionally or with a lucrative intention, to foment, favor or facilitate the exercise by another person of prostitution shall be punished with imprisonment from six months to five years.
2 – If the agent commits the crime foreseen in the previous number:
(A) By means of violence or serious threat;
(B) Through trick or fraudulent maneuver;
(C) With abuse of authority resulting from a family relationship, guardianship or custody, or hierarchical, economic or work dependency; or
(D) Taking advantage of the psychic incapacity or situation of special vulnerability of the victim;
Shall be punished with imprisonment from one to eight years.
Article 174. Recourse to child prostitution
1 – Those who, being a major, practice a sexual act of relief with a minor between 14 and 18 years, by means of payment or other consideration, shall be punished with imprisonment up to two years or with a fine of up to 240 days.
2 – If the sexual act of relief consists of copulation, anal intercourse, oral intercourse or vaginal or anal introduction of parts of the body or objects, the agent shall be punished with imprisonment for up to three years or with a fine of up to 360 days.
3 – The attempt is punishable.
Article 175. Child Litter
1 – Anyone who encourages, favors or facilitates the practice of prostitution of a minor shall be punished with imprisonment from one to five years.
2 – If the agent commits the crime foreseen in the previous number:
(A) By means of violence or serious threat;
(B) Through trick or fraudulent maneuver;
(C) With abuse of authority resulting from a family relationship, guardianship or custody, or hierarchical, economic or work dependency;
(D) Acting professionally or for profit; or
(E) Taking advantage of the psychic incapacity or situation of special vulnerability of the victim;
Shall be punished with imprisonment from two to ten years.
Adaptation of Criminal Legislation to ICC Statute
Chapter II Crimes
Section I Crime of genocide and crimes against humanity
Article 9 Crimes against humanity
Anyone who commits any of the following acts as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian population:
(c) Slavery, as defined in article 159 of the Criminal Code;
shall be punished with a term of imprisonment of 12 to 25 years.
Section II War crimes
Articl1. Anyone who, in the context of an international armed conflict or a non-international armed conflict, commits any of the following acts against a person protected by international humanitarian law:
(g) Acts described in subparagraph (g) of the preceding article that constitute a serious violation of the Geneva Conventions;
shall be punished with a term of imprisonment of 10 to 25 years.Portugal Penal Code
e 10 War crimes against persons
Article 7. Worker’s conditions of work
1 – Without prejudice to a more favorable regime established by law or contract of employment, the posted worker has the right to the conditions of employment provided for by law and collective labor regulations of general effectiveness applicable to:
A) Employment security;
B) Maximum duration of working time;
C) Minimum rest periods;
D) Holidays;
E) Minimum remuneration and payment for additional work;
F) Assignment of workers by temporary employment agency;
G) Occasional hiring of workers;
H) Occupational safety and health;
I) Protection in parenthood;
J) Protection of the work of minors;
L) Equality of treatment and non-discrimination.
2 – For the purpose of the previous number:
A) The minimum remuneration includes the allowances or allowances attributed to the employee because of the secondment that do not constitute reimbursement of expenses incurred, namely travel, accommodation and meals;
B) holidays, minimum remuneration and additional work pay shall not apply to the secondment of a qualified worker by an undertaking supplying a good to carry out the initial assembly or installation necessary for its operation, provided that it is integrated In the supply contract and its duration does not exceed eight days in the period of one year.
3 – The provisions of paragraph b) of the preceding paragraph do not include the secondment in construction activities that aim at the realization, repair, maintenance, alteration or elimination of constructions, namely excavations, embankments, construction, assembly and dismantling of prefabricated elements, Installation of equipment, transformation, renovation, repair, maintenance or maintenance, namely painting and cleaning, dismantling, demolition and sanitation.Portugal Labor Code – Employment Contract General Conditions
Article 36: Family, marriage and filiation
dissolution by death or divorce, regardless of the form in which it was entered into.
Article 132 Assigned homicide
1 – If the death is produced in circumstances that reveal special censorship or perversity, the agent shall be punished with imprisonment from twelve to twenty-five years.
2 – It is susceptible to reveal the special censorship or perversity referred to in the previous number, among others, the fact that the agent:
(C) practice the act against a particularly defenseless person, on grounds of age, disability, illness or pregnancy;
(F) be determined by racial, religious, political or racial hatred derived from color, ethnic or national origin, sex, sexual orientation or gender identity
of the victim;
(H) to practice this together with at least two other persons or to use a particularly dangerous means or to commit a crime of common danger;
Article 152 Domestic violence
1 – Who, whether or not repeatedly, inflict physical or psychological maltreatment, including corporal punishment, deprivation of liberty and sexual offenses:
(D) a person who is particularly defenseless, in particular because of age, disability, illness, pregnancy or economic dependency, which coexists with him;
Shall be punished with imprisonment from one to five years, if a more severe penalty does not fit him under another legal provision.
2 – In the case provided for in the preceding paragraph, if the perpetrator acts against a minor, in the presence of a minor, in the common domicile or at the domicile of the victim shall be punished with imprisonment of two to five years.
4 – In the cases foreseen in the previous numbers, the accessory sentences of prohibition of contact with the victim and prohibition of the use and possession of arms, for the period of six months to five years, and of obligation of frequency of programs Prevention of domestic violence.
6 – Anyone who is convicted of a crime under this article may, given the specific gravity of the act and its connection with the function exercised by the agent, be disqualified from exercising parental authority, guardianship or custody for a period of one to ten years .
Article 154. Coercion
1 – Any person who, by means of violence or threatening with an important evil, embarrasses another person to an action or omission, or to support an activity, shall be punished with imprisonment for up to three years or with a fine.
2 – The attempt is punishable.
3 – The fact is not punishable:
(A) if the use of the means to achieve the intended purpose is not objectionable; or
(B) If it is aimed at avoiding suicide or typical illicit practice.
4 – If the act occurs between spouses, ascendants and descendants, adopters and adoptees, or between persons of the same sex, living in a situation similar to that of the spouses, the criminal procedure depends on a complaint.
Article 154b. Forced marriage
Anyone who compels another person to enter into a marriage or union comparable to that of marriage is punished with a prison sentence of up to 5 years.
Article 154c Preparatory acts
The preparatory acts of the crime foreseen in the previous article, including that of attracting the victim to a territory other than that of his residence with the intention of embarrassing him to contract marriage or marriage comparable to that of marriage, shall be punished with a prison sentence of up to one year or penalty Of fine up to 120 days.
Article 155 The record
The perpetrator shall be punished with imprisonment for up to two years or with a fine of up to 240 days, in cases of articles 153 and 154-C, with a term of imprisonment of 1 to 5 years, in cases of no. (1) and 154a and with a term of imprisonment of 1 to 8 years in the case of Article 154b.
Article 158. Kidnapping
1 – Anyone who detains, arrests, holds or apprehends another person or in any way deprives them of their liberty shall be punished with imprisonment for up to three years or with a fine.
2 – An officer shall be punished with imprisonment of two to ten years if deprivation of liberty:
(A) Last for more than two days;
(B) is preceded or accompanied by an offense to the grave physical integrity, torture or other cruel, degrading or inhuman treatment;
(C) It is practiced with the false pretext that the victim suffered from a psychic anomaly;
(D) result in suicide or offense to the grave physical integrity of the victim;
(E) Is practiced against a particularly defenseless person, due to age, disability, illness or pregnancy;
(F) is committed against one of the persons referred to in article 132, paragraph 2, l), in the performance of their duties or because of them;
(G) It is practiced by means of a simulation of public authority or by an official with serious abuse of authority.
3 – If the deprivation of liberty results in the death of the victim, the agent shall be punished by imprisonment from three to fifteen years.
Article 160. Trafficking in Persons
1 – Whoever offers, delivers, enlists, encourages, accepts, transports, lodges or accommodates persons for the purpose of exploitation, including sexual exploitation, exploitation of work, begging, slavery, extraction of organs or the exploitation of other activities Criminals:
(A) By violence, abduction or serious threat;
(B) Through trick or fraudulent maneuver;
(C) With abuse of authority resulting from a relationship of hierarchical, economic, work or family dependency;
(D) Taking advantage of the psychic incapacity or situation of special vulnerability of the victim; or
(E) by obtaining the consent of the person having control over the victim;
Shall be punished by imprisonment for three to ten years.
3 in the case provided for in the preceding paragraph, if the agent uses any of the means provided in the sub-paragraphs of paragraph 1 or acts professionally or with a lucrative intention, he shall be punished with imprisonment from three to twelve years.
4 – The penalties provided for in the preceding paragraphs shall be increased by one third, in their minimum and maximum limits, if the conduct referred to therein:
(A) Has endangered the life of the victim;
(B) has been committed with particular violence or has caused the victim particularly serious damage;
(C) it has been committed by an official in the performance of his duties;
(D) it has been committed in connection with a criminal association; or
(E) It results in the suicide of the victim.
5 – Any person who, through payment or other consideration, offers, delivers, solicits or accepts minor, or obtains or gives consent to its adoption, shall be punished with imprisonment from one to five years.
7 – Any person who retains, conceals, damages or destroys identification or travel documents of a person who has been a victim of a crime, as provided for in paragraphs 1 and 2, shall be punished by imprisonment for up to three years, if a serious penalty does not apply to him by virtue of another Provision.
8 – The consent of the victim of the crimes foreseen in the previous numbers does not exclude in any case the illegality of the fact.
Article 169. Procurement
1 – Any person, professionally or with a lucrative intention, to foment, favor or facilitate the exercise by another person of prostitution shall be punished with imprisonment from six months to five years.
2 – If the agent commits the crime foreseen in the previous number:
(A) By means of violence or serious threat;
(B) Through trick or fraudulent maneuver;
(C) With abuse of authority resulting from a family relationship, guardianship or custody, or hierarchical, economic or work dependency; or
(D) Taking advantage of the psychic incapacity or situation of special vulnerability of the victim;
Shall be punished with imprisonment from one to eight years.
Article 175. Facilitation of Child Prostitution
1 – Anyone who encourages, favors or facilitates the practice of prostitution of a minor shall be punished with imprisonment from one to five years.
2 – If the agent commits the crime foreseen in the previous number:
(A) By means of violence or serious threat;
(B) Through trick or fraudulent maneuver;
(C) With abuse of authority resulting from a family relationship, guardianship or custody, or hierarchical, economic or work dependency;
(D) Acting professionally or for profit; or
(E) Taking advantage of the psychic incapacity or situation of special vulnerability of the victim;
Shall be punished with imprisonment from two to ten years.
Article 177 The record
Article 132 Emancipation
The minor is fully emancipated by marriage.
Article 147 Personal rights and business of everyday life
1 – The exercise by the person accompanied by personal rights and the celebration of business in everyday life are free, except
provision of the law or judicial decision to the contrary.
2 – The rights to marry or constitute situations of union, procreation, profiling or
adopt, care for and educate children or adoptees, choose a profession, move around the country or abroad, fix home and residence, establish relationships with those who understand and test
Article 1589 Duality of marriages
1 – The Catholic marriage contracted by persons already linked to each other by an undissolved civil marriage is registered to the seat, regardless of the preliminary marriage process.
2 – The civil marriage of two persons united by previous Catholic marriage is not permitted.
Article 1597 Preliminary Marriage Process
1 – The ability of the bride and groom to contract marriage is proven through the preliminary marriage process, organized in the conservatories at the request of the bride and groom or the respective parish priest.
2 – The consent of the parents or guardian, regarding the minor child, can be given in the presence of two witnesses before the parish priest, who will raise a case report, signing it with all the intervening parties.
Article 1598 Certificate of marital capacity
1 – In the final dispatch of the preliminary marriage process, the absence of any impediment to the marriage being verified, the civil registry official extracts from him the certificate of matrimonial capacity, which is sent to the parish priest and without which the marriage cannot be celebrated.
2 – If, after the certificate has been issued, the employee becomes aware of any impediment, he shall immediately report it to the parish priest, in order to remain in the celebration until the respective judgment.
Article 1599 Exemption from preliminary marriage proceedings
1 – Marriage in articulo mortis, on the verge of childbirth or whose immediate celebration is expressly authorized by the ordinary ordinary, for serious moral reasons, can be celebrated regardless of the preliminary process of marriage and the passing of the certificate provided for in the previous article.
2 – The exemption from the preliminary marriage process does not alter the requirements of the civil law as to the matrimonial capacity of the bride and groom, subject to the sanctions established in the same law.
Article 1601 Absolute direct impediments
These are direct impediments, preventing the marriage of the person whom they respect with any other:
Article 1602 Relative direct impediments
The following impediments are also mandatory, notwithstanding the marriage between each other, the following impediments:
Article 1604 Impedent impediments
Impedent impediments, in addition to others designated in special laws, are:
Article 1611 Statement of impediments
3 – Once the declaration has been made, the marriage will only be celebrated if the impediment ceases, is dismissed under the terms of article 1609 or if it is judged unfounded by a judicial decision with final judgment.
Article 1612 Authorization from parents or guardian
2 – The civil registry officer may supply the authorization referred to in the preceding paragraph if there are significant reasons justifying the celebration of the marriage and the minor has sufficient physical and psychological maturity.
Article 1617 Actuality of the mutual consensus
The will of the spouses is only relevant when manifested in the very act of celebrating the wedding.
Article 1619 Personal character of the mutual consensus
The will to marry is strictly personal in relation to each of the spouses.
Article 1622 Celebration
1 – When there is a fear of death close to one of the spouses, or imminent childbirth, the celebration of the marriage is allowed regardless of the respective preliminary process and without the intervention of the civil registry official.
2 – Minutes of the urgent marriage are drawn up, under the conditions provided for in the civil registration law.
3 – (Repealed.)
Article 1625 Jurisdiction of ecclesiastical courts
Knowledge of the causes regarding the nullity of Catholic marriage and the exemption from rat and unconsummated marriage is reserved for the competent courts and ecclesiastical offices.
Article 1628 Non-existent marriages
It is legally non-existent:
Article 1631 Causes of annulment
Marriage is voidable:
Article 1633 Marriage validation
1 – The annulment is considered to have been solved and the marriage is valid from the moment of the celebration, if before the judgment of annulment any of the following facts occurs:
2 – Paragraph 2 of article 287 does not apply to marriage.
Article 1634 Presumption of will
The declaration of the will, in the act of the celebration, constitutes a presumption not only that the spouses wanted to contract the marriage, but that their will is not vitiated by error or coercion.
Article 1635 Nullability due to unwillingness
Marriage is voidable due to unwillingness:
Article 1638 Moral coercion
Article 1639 Annulment based on handicap direct
2 – In addition to the persons mentioned in the previous number, the guardian, the companion with powers for that purpose and the first spouse of the offender, in the case of bigamy, may also initiate the action or continue it.
Article 1640 Annulment based on unwillingness
Article 1641 Annulment founded on vices of the will
An action for annulment based on vices of the will can only be brought by the spouse who has been the victim of error or coercion; but their relatives, related to the straight line, heirs or adopters, may continue in the action if the plaintiff dies pending the cause.
Article 1643 Annulment based on handicap direct
1 – An action for annulment based on a direct impediment must be initiated:
Article 1644 Annulment based on unwillingness
The action for annulment due to the unwillingness of one or both of the spouses can only be initiated within the three years following the celebration of the marriage or, if the latter was ignored by the applicant, within six months after the moment when he became aware of it.
Article 1645 Annulment founded on vices of the will
The action for annulment based on defects in the will lapses if it is not initiated within the six months following the cessation of the defect.
Article 1647 Effects of marriage declared null or void
Article 1648 Good faith
Article 1649 Marriage of minors
Article 1671 Equality of spouses
Article 1672 Duties of spouses
Spouses are reciprocally bound by the duties of respect, fidelity, cohabitation, cooperation and assistance.
Article 1673 Family residence
Article 1674 Duty to cooperate
The duty of cooperation implies for the spouses the obligation of mutual help and assistance and that of jointly assuming the responsibilities inherent in the life of the family they founded.
Article 1675 Duty to assist
Article 1676 Duty to contribute to the burden of family life
1- The duty to contribute to the burden of family life is incumbent on both spouses, in accordance with the possibilities of each, and can be fulfilled, by either of them, by the allocation of their resources to those charges and by the work spent at home or in the maintenance and education of children.
2 – If the contribution of one of the spouses to the burden of family life is considerably higher than that provided for in the preceding paragraph, because he has excessively renounced the satisfaction of his interests in favor of life together, namely his professional life, with damage to property important, that spouse is entitled to claim the corresponding compensation from the other.
3 – The credit referred to in the previous number is only payable when the couple’s assets are shared, unless the separation regime is in force.
4- If the due contribution is not paid, either spouse may demand that the part of the income or earnings of the other that the court determines be delivered directly to him.
Article 1677-D Exercise of profession or other activity
Each spouse may exercise any profession or activity without the consent of the other.
Article 1698 Freedom of convention
Spouses can freely set the marriage property regime in a prenuptial agreement, either by choosing one of the regimes provided for in this code, or by stipulating what they like in this regard, within the limits of the law.
Article 1708 Ability to enter into prenuptial agreements
2 – Minors are only allowed to enter into prenuptial agreements with the authorization of their legal representatives.
3 – When accompanied by a major, when they are to be represented for carrying out acts of disposition between the living or when they depend on authorization, it is only permitted to enter into prenuptial agreements with the express agreement of the companion.
Article 1717 Supplementary property regime
In the absence of a prenuptial agreement, or in the event of forfeiture, invalidity or ineffectiveness of the agreement, the marriage is considered to have been concluded under the regime of communion of acquired persons.
Article 1721 Applicable standards
If the regime of assets adopted by the spouses, or applied by substitution, is that of the communion of acquired, the provisions of the following articles shall be observed.
Article 1732 Stipulation of the regime
If the property regime adopted by the spouses is that of the general communion, the common heritage consists of all the present and future assets of the spouses, which are not excepted by law.
Article 1735 Domain of separation
If the regime of assets imposed by law or adopted by the spouses is that of separation, each of them retains control and enjoyment of all their present and future assets, being able to dispose of them freely.
Article 1767 Grounds for separation
Either spouse may request simple legal separation of assets when he is in danger of losing what is his due to the mismanagement of the other spouse.
Article 1773 Modalities
1 – Divorce can be by mutual consent or without the consent of one of the spouses.
2 – Divorce by mutual consent may be requested by both spouses, by mutual agreement, at the civil registry office, or at the court if, in this case, the couple has not reached agreement on any of the matters referred to in paragraph 1 of Article 1775
3 – Divorce without the consent of one spouse is required in court by one spouse against the other, on any of the grounds provided for in article 1781.
Article 1775 Request and instruction of the process at the civil registry office
1 – Divorce by mutual consent may be instituted at all times at the civil registry office, by means of an application signed by the spouses or their attorneys, accompanied by the following documents:
2 – If something else does not result from the documents presented, it is understood that the agreements are intended both for the period of pending proceedings and for the subsequent period.
Article 1781 Wedding break
The grounds for divorce without the consent of one of the spouses:
Article 1874 Duties of parents and children
Article 1883 Son conceived out of wedlock
The father or the mother may not bring the child conceived in the constancy of the marriage who is not the son of his spouse into the marital home, without his consent.
Article 1901 Parental responsibilities in the constancy of marriage
1 – In the course of marriage, the exercise of parental responsibilities belongs to both parents.
2 – Parents exercise parental responsibilities by mutual agreement and, if the parent is absent in matters of particular importance, any of them may appeal to the court, which will try to reconcile.
3 – If the conciliation referred to in the previous number is not possible, the court will hear the son, before deciding, except when ponderous circumstances advise against it.
Article 1902 Acts performed by a parent
1 – If one of the parents practices an act that integrates the exercise of parental responsibilities, it is presumed that he acts in accordance with the other, except when the law expressly requires the consent of both parents or it is an act of particular importance; failure to agree is not enforceable against a third party in good faith.
2 – The third party must refuse to intervene in the act performed by one of the parents when, under the terms of the previous number, the agreement of the other is not assumed or when he knows the opposition of the other.
Article 1905 Maintenance payable to the child in the event of divorce, legal separation of persons and property, declaration of nullity or annulment of marriage
1 – In cases of divorce, legal separation of persons and property, declaration of nullity or annulment of marriage, the maintenance owed to the child and the manner of providing them are regulated by agreement of the parents, subject to approval; homologation is refused if the agreement does not correspond to the minor’s interest.
2 – For the purposes of the provisions of article 1880, it is understood that after the age of majority, until the child reaches 25 years of age, the pension fixed in his benefit during the age of minority, unless the respective process of education or vocational training is completed before that date, if it has been freely interrupted or if, in any case, the obligation to provide food proves the unreasonability of your requirement.
Article 1906 Exercise of parental responsibilities in the event of divorce, legal separation of persons and property, declaration of nullity or annulment of marriage
1 – Parental responsibilities relating to issues of particular importance to the child’s life are exercised in common by both parents under the terms that prevailed at the time of marriage, except in cases of manifest urgency, in which either parent may act alone, and must provide information to the other as soon as possible.
2 – When the joint exercise of parental responsibilities relating to issues of particular importance to the child’s life is deemed to be contrary to the child’s interests, the court, by reasoned decision, must determine that these responsibilities are exercised by one of the parents.
3 – The exercise of parental responsibilities related to the acts of the child’s current life is the responsibility of the parent with whom he habitually resides, or the parent with whom he temporarily meets; however, the latter, when exercising his responsibilities, should not contradict the most relevant educational guidelines, as defined by the parent with whom the child usually resides.
4 – The parent who is responsible for the exercise of parental responsibilities related to the acts of everyday life can exercise them by himself or delegate their exercise.
5 – The court shall determine the child’s residence and visiting rights in accordance with the child’s interest, taking into account all relevant circumstances, namely the possible agreement of the parents and the willingness expressed by each of them to promote the child’s usual relations with the other.
6 – The parent who does not exercise, in whole or in part, parental responsibilities, has the right to be informed about the method of their exercise, namely about the education and life conditions of the child.
7 – The court will always decide in accordance with the minor’s interest, including maintaining a close relationship with the two parents, promoting and accepting agreements or making decisions that favor ample opportunities for contact with both and for sharing responsibilities between them. .
Article 1906-A Regulation of parental responsibilities in the context of crimes of domestic violence and other forms of violence in the family context
For the purposes of paragraph 2 of the previous article, it is considered that the joint exercise of parental responsibilities can be considered contrary to the interests of the child if:
Article 2015 Maintenance obligation in relation to spouses
During the conjugal partnership, the spouses are mutually obliged to provide maintenance, under the terms of article 1675.
Article 2016 Divorce and legal separation of persons and property
1 – Each spouse must provide for his / her subsistence after the divorce.
2 – Any spouse is entitled to maintenance, regardless of the type of divorce.
3 – For obvious reasons of equity, the right to food may be denied.
4 – The provisions of the preceding paragraphs are applicable if the legal separation of persons and property has been decreed.
Article 2139 General rules
Article 2233 Condition of marrying or not marrying