Article 29.
Work is a right, an honour, and a necessity for society’s progress. Every citizen has the right to choose the appropriate work for himself within the law. No citizen can be compelled to do any work except within the law, and in which case it is to serve the common interest and be in return for a fair wage. The law shall regulate union activities and professional work, and the relationship between workers and employers.
Article 48.
a. The state shall guarantee to its citizens their personal freedom, preserve their dignity and their security. The law shall define the cases in which citizens freedom may be restricted. Personal freedom cannot be restricted without the decision of a competent court of law.
Article 57.
Freedom of movement from one place to another within the country is guaranteed for all citizens, and may not be restricted except by law and for reasons necessitated by the security and safety of the people. The law shall regulate entry and exit from Yemen. No citizen may be deported from or denied return to Yemen.
Constitution (Rev. 2001) (PDF)
Article (248): The crime of slavery
Anyone who buys or sells or presents or deals in any such way on a human being shall receive the punishment of imprisonment for a period not exceeding ten years is to : First: Anyone who buys of sells or give as present or deal in any way in a human being. Second: Anyone who brings to the country or imports from it a person for the purpose of dealing with him.
Article (279): Instigation on Immorality and Prostitution
Punishment with imprisonment for a period not exceeding three years is to whoever instigates others on immorality or prostitution. If the crime occurs in accordance with this instigation, the punishment with imprisonment will be not more than seven years.
If the crime committed is on a minor not reaching fifteen years of age, or the instigator supports in his living on immorality or prostitution whoever he instigates, it is lawful that the punishment of the instigator reaches imprisonment for a period not exceeding ten years.
If both cases are combined, it is possible that the punishment of the instigator reaches imprisonment for a period not exceeding fifteen years.
Article (280): Punishment of the Procurer
Punishment with imprisonment for a period not exceeding fifteen years is to whoever consents to his wife or any of his unmarried females or those to whom he is the guardian or whoever he undertakes to raise, to commit prostitution. If he returns [to his act], his punishment will be the death penalty and the woman who consents that her daughters commit prostitution will be punished with the same penalty.
Decree concerning Crimes and Penalties (PDF)
Note: article 161 specifically criminalizes the prostitution of children (no text available)