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Provisions related to forced marriage in France are found in the 2020 Penal Code, which addresses compelling a person into a marriage or a union at Article 222-14-4, with potential penalties of three year’s imprisonment and a fine of € 45,000.
Provisions requiring consent to marriage in France are found in the civil code , article 146 of which states that there is no marriage when there is no consent. Article 146 further recognises that the consent of a party or prospective party to a marriage is invalidated where the person is subjected to coercion.
There appears to be no legislation in France that prohibits servile matrimonial transactions.
Although legislation in France does not prohibit marriage trafficking as such, it does prohibit taking abroad for marriage under Article 222-14-4 of the Penal Code 2020, with a potential three years’ imprisonment and a fine of € 45,000.
The minimum age for marriage in France is 18, without differentiation by gender, as set out on Article 144 of the Civil Code. However, marriages below this age can be permitted by the public prosecutor for special reasons, as set out on Article 4 of the 1987 Marriage Act. These exceptions are not differentiated by gender.
Western Europe and Others
European Court of Human Rights
Paragraph 161
As early as the beginning of the fourteenth century, royal edicts proclaimed that “there shall be no slaves in France”. (Edicts of 1315, 1318 and 1553).
Paragraph 162
Later, slavery was expressly declared to be abolished in the French colonies and possessions by the Decree of 27 April 1848, the substance of which was incorporated into the Constitution of the same year.
Paragraph 163
Under article 8 of that Decree, French nationals were forbidden to own, buy or sell slaves, even abroad.
Paragraph 164
Later, article I of the Sénatus-Consulte of 3 May 1854 provided that slavery could never be re-established in the territories under French rule.
Paragraph 167
An examination of the judicial precedents reveals that the above-mentioned principle, according to which the soil of France frees the slave who touches it, was declared applicable to aliens…
Paragraph 168
It was also held that the kidnapping of a person with intent to reduce him to slavery constituted an unlawful arrest or arbitrary imprisonment punishable by the criminal penalties laid down in article 341 et seq. of the above-mentioned Criminal Code (Order of the Court of Cassation).
Paragraph 175
Imprisonment for civil or commercial debts or to compel aliens to fulfil their obligations was abolished by the Act of 22 July 1867.
Article 1
Men are born and remain free and equal in rights. Social distinctions may be based only on considerations of the common good.
Article 4
Liberty consists in being able to do anything that does not harm others: thus, the exercise of the natural rights of every man has no bounds other than those that ensure to the other members of society the enjoyment of these same rights. These bounds may be determined only by Law.
In the morrow of the victory achieved by the free peoples over the regimes that had sought to enslave and degrade humanity, the people of France proclaim anew that each human being, without distinction of race, religion or creed, possesses sacred and inalienable rights. They solemnly reaffirm the rights and freedoms of man and the citizen enshrined in the Declaration of Rights of 1789 and the fundamental principles acknowledged in the laws of the Republic.
They further proclaim, as being especially necessary to our times, the political, economic and social principles enumerated below:
Each person has the duty to work and the right to employment. No person may suffer prejudice in his work or employment by virtue of his origins, opinions or beliefs.
Chapter II: Other Crimes against Humanity
Article 212-1
It also constitutes a crime against humanity and is punishable by life imprisonment for one of the following acts committed in pursuance of a concerted plan against a group of the civilian population within the framework of a Generalized or systematic attack:
(3) Reduction to slavery;
(5) Imprisonment or any other form of serious deprivation of physical liberty contrary to fundamental provisions of international law;
(7) Rape, forced prostitution, forced pregnancy, forced sterilization or any other form of sexual violence of comparable gravity;
(11) Other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing large suffering or serious injury to physical or mental integrity.
The first two paragraphs of Article 132-23 relating to the period of security shall apply under this article.
Chapter IV: Violations of personal liberties
Section 1: From the enslavement and exploitation of enslaved persons
Article 224-1A
The enslavement is the exercise of a control over another person as one’s property.
The enslavement of another person is punished by 20 years in prison.
Article 224-1 B
The exploitation of a person who is enslaved is the act of committing a sexual assault against a person whose enslavement is apparent or known to the perpetrator, or of sequestering or subjecting him to forced work or service.
The exploitation of a person enslaved is punishable by twenty years’ imprisonment.
Article 224-1C
The crime of enslavement defined in article 224-1 A and the crime of exploitation of a person enslaved as defined in article 224-1 B are punishable by thirty years of imprisonment when they are committed :
(1) In respect of a minor;
(2) In respect of a person whose vulnerability due to age, disease, infirmity, physical or mental disability or pregnancy is apparent or known to the perpetrator;
(3) by a legitimate, natural or adoptive ascendant, or by a person who has authority over the victim, or abuses the authority conferred on him by his functions;
(4) by a person called upon to take part in the struggle against slavery or the maintenance of public order by his functions;
(5) When the crime is preceded or accompanied by torture or acts of barbarism.
Chapter V: Offenses against the Dignity of the Person
Section 1 bis: Trafficking in Human Beings
Article 225-4-1
(1) either with the use of threats, coercion, violence or fraudulent acts directed against the victim, his family or a person in habitual contact with the victim;
(2) Either by a legitimate, natural or adoptive ascendant of that person or by a person who has authority over or abuses the authority conferred on him by his functions;
(3) by abuse of a situation of vulnerability due to his age, illness, infirmity, physical or mental disability or pregnancy, apparent or known to his perpetrator;
(4) Either in exchange or by the granting of a remuneration or any other advantage or a promise of remuneration or advantage.
The exploitation referred to in the first subparagraph of this I is to place the victim at his disposal or at the disposal of a third party, even unidentified, in order either to allow the commission against the victim of offenses of procuring, Sexual abuse, enslavement, subjection to forced labor or services, reduction in servitude, harvesting of one of its organs, exploitation of begging, working conditions or Dignity, or to compel the victim to commit any crime or offense.
Trafficking in human beings is punishable by seven years’ imprisonment and a fine of € 150,000.
It is punishable by ten years’ imprisonment and a fine of € 1,500,000.
Article 225-4-2
Article 225-4-2
I. The offense provided for in section I of section 225-4-1 is punishable by ten years’ imprisonment and a fine of € 1,500,000 when committed in two of the circumstances mentioned in 1 to 4 ° of the same I or with any of the following additional circumstances:
(1) In respect of several persons;
(2) In respect of a person who was outside the territory of the Republic or on his arrival in the territory of the Republic;
(3) When the person has been put in contact with the perpetrator of the facts through the use of an electronic communication network for the transmission of messages to an unspecified public;
(4) In circumstances directly exposing the person in respect of whom the offense is committed to an immediate risk of death or injury likely to result in permanent dismemberment or disability;
(5) With the use of violence which caused the victim a total incapacity for work of more than eight days;
(6) By a person called upon to take part in the fight against trafficking or the maintenance of public order by his or her duties;
(7) Where the offense has placed the victim in a material or psychological situation.
II.-The offense provided for in II of Article 225-4-1 shall be punishable by fifteen years’ imprisonment and a fine of € 1,500,000 when committed in one of the circumstances mentioned in (1) at
(4) I of the same article 225-4-1 or in one of the circumstances mentioned in (1) to (7) of I of this article.
Article 225-4-3
The offense provided for in article 225-4-1 is punishable by twenty years of criminal imprisonment and a fine of € 3,000,000 when committed in organized gangs.
Article 225-4-4
The offense provided for in article 225-4-1 committed by torture or barbaric acts is punishable by life imprisonment and by a fine of € 4,500,000.
Article 225-4-5
Where the crime or offense committed or to be committed against the person who is the victim of the offense of trafficking in human beings is punishable by deprivation of liberty for a period longer than that of imprisonment incurred in The offense of trafficking in persons shall be punished with penalties for the crimes or offenses of which the perpetrator has knowledge and, if the offense is accompanied by circumstances Aggravating penalties, punishment for the aggravating circumstances of which he became aware.
Article 225-4-6
Legal entities declared criminally liable under the conditions laid down in Article 121-2 of the offenses defined in this Section shall incur, in addition to the fine in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 131-38, Article 131-39.
Article 225-4-7
Attempts to commit offenses under this section shall be punishable by the same penalties.
Article 225-4-8
Where the offenses provided for in Articles 225-4-1 and 225-4-2 are committed outside the territory of the French Republic, French law is applicable by way of derogation from the second paragraph of Article 113-6 and the second sentence Of Article 113-8 shall not apply.
Article 225-4-9
Any person who has attempted to commit the offenses provided for in this section shall be exempt from punishment if, having notified the administrative or judicial authority, it has prevented the commission of the offense and, where appropriate, The other authors or accomplices.
The penalty of deprivation of liberty incurred by the perpetrator or accomplice of one of the offenses set forth in this section shall be reduced by half if, having notified the administrative or judicial authority, the offense has been stopped, To prevent the offense from causing the death of a man or permanent infirmity and to identify, as the case may be, the other perpetrators or accomplices. When the penalty incurred is life imprisonment, it is reduced to twenty years’ imprisonment.
Section 2: Procuring and the resulting offenses.
Article 225-5
Pimping is the act, by anyone, in any way whatsoever:
(1) To assist, assist or protect the prostitution of others;
(2) to take advantage of the prostitution of others, to share the produce thereof, or to receive subsidies from a person habitually engaged in prostitution;
(3) To hire, train or divert a person for the purpose of prostitution or to exert pressure on him to prostitute himself or to continue to do so.
Pimping is punishable by seven years’ imprisonment and a fine of € 150,000.
Article 225-6
A person shall be deemed to be procuring and punishable by the penalties provided for in section 225-5 by any person in any manner whatsoever,
(1) To act as an intermediary between two persons, one of whom engages in prostitution and the other exploits or pays for the prostitution of others;
(2) To facilitate the justification of fictitious resources for a procurer;
(3) not be able to justify resources corresponding to his or her lifestyle while living with a person who habitually engages in prostitution or while being in habitual relations with one or more persons engaged in prostitution;
(4) To impede the prevention, control, assistance or rehabilitation activities undertaken by qualified organizations in respect of persons at risk of prostitution or engaged in prostitution.
Article 225-7
Pimping is punishable by ten years’ imprisonment and a fine of € 1,500,000 when committed:
(1) In respect of a minor;
(2) In respect of a person whose particular vulnerability, due to his age, disease, infirmity, physical or mental disability or pregnancy, is apparent or known to his perpetrator;
(3) In respect of several persons;
(4) In respect of a person who has been induced to engage in prostitution either outside the territory of the Republic or on his arrival in the territory of the Republic;
(5) By a legitimate, natural or adoptive ascendancy of the person who prostitutes himself or by a person who has authority over him or abuses the authority conferred on him by his functions;
(6) by a person called upon to participate in the fight against prostitution, the protection of health or the maintenance of law and order;
(7) by a person carrying a weapon;
(8) With the use of coercion, violence or deceitful maneuvers;
(9) By several persons acting as author or accomplice, without constituting an organized band;
(10) Through the use of an electronic communication network for the transmission of messages to an undisclosed audience.
The first two paragraphs of article 132-23 relating to the period of security shall apply to the offenses provided for in this article.
Article 225-7-1
Pimping is punishable by fifteen years of criminal imprisonment and a fine of € 3,000,000 when committed with respect to a minor of fifteen years of age.
Article 225-8
Pimping provided for in article 225-7 is punishable by twenty years of criminal imprisonment and a fine of € 3,000,000 when committed in organized gangs.
The first two paragraphs of Article 132-23 relating to the period of security shall apply to the offense provided for in this Article.
Article 225-9
Pimping by torture or barbaric acts is punishable by life imprisonment and a fine of € 4500000.
The first two paragraphs of article 132-23 relating to the period of security shall apply to the offense provided for in this article.
Article 225-10
The following is punishable by ten years’ imprisonment and a fine of € 750,000 by any person acting directly or through an intermediary:
(1) To hold, manage, operate, direct, operate, finance or contribute to the financing of a prostitution establishment;
(2) A licensee, manager, operator, officer, operating, financing or contributing to the financing of any establishment that is open to the public or used by the public, to accept or tolerate usually one or more persons engaged in prostitution Within the institution or its annexes or are looking for clients for prostitution;
(3) To sell or keep at the disposal of one or more persons premises or places not used by the public, knowing that they will engage in prostitution;
(4) To sell, lease or hold at any one of a person’s disposal vehicles of any kind knowing that they will engage in prostitution.
The first two paragraphs of Article 132-23 relating to the period of security shall apply to infringements
Article 225-10-1
The use by any means, including even a passive attitude, of proceeding publicly to solicit others in order to incite him to sexual relations in exchange for remuneration or a promise of remuneration is punished by two Month imprisonment and a fine of 3,750 Euros.
Article 225-11
Attempts to commit offenses under this section shall be punishable by the same penalties.
Section 2 bis: Recourse to the prostitution of minors or particularly vulnerable persons.
Article 225-12-1
The soliciting, accepting or obtaining, in exchange for remuneration or a promise of remuneration, sexual relations on the part of a minor engaged in prostitution, including Is punishable by three years’ imprisonment and a fine of 45,000 euros.
The same penalties apply to soliciting, accepting or obtaining, in exchange for remuneration or promise of remuneration, sexual relations by a person engaged in prostitution, including Occasionally, when that person has a particular vulnerability, apparent or known to the perpetrator, due to illness, infirmity, physical or mental disability or pregnancy.
Article 225-12-2
The penalties are increased to five years’ imprisonment and a fine of 75,000 euros:
(1) Where the offense is committed habitually or in relation to several persons;
(2) Where the person has been brought into contact with the perpetrator by means of the use of a communication network for the transmission of messages to an unspecified public;
(3) Where the acts are committed by a person who abuses the authority conferred on him by his duties;
(4) When the perpetrator deliberately or recklessly put the life of the person in danger or committed violence against him.
The penalties are increased to seven years imprisonment and a fine of € 100,000 for a minor of fifteen.
Section 2b: Exploitation of begging
Article 225-12-5
The exploitation of begging is done by anyone in any way whatsoever:
1. To organize the begging of others in order to profit from them;
(2) to take advantage of the begging of others, to share in the benefits of it, or to receive subsidies from a person habitually engaged in begging;
(3) To hire, train or divert a person for the purpose of begging, or to exert pressure on him to beg or continue to do so;
(4) To hire, train or divert a person for the purpose of personal enrichment with a view to delivering it to a service by means of a gift on the public highway.
It is equated with the exploitation of begging that one can not justify resources corresponding to one’s lifestyle while exercising a de facto influence, permanent or not, on one or more persons engaged in begging or being in relation Usual with this or these.
The exploitation of begging is punishable by three years of imprisonment and a fine of 45,000 Euros.
Article 225-12-6
The exploitation of begging is punishable by five years’ imprisonment and a fine of 75 000 Euros when it is committed:
1 ° In respect of a minor;
(2) In respect of a person whose particular vulnerability, due to his age, disease, infirmity, physical or mental disability or pregnancy, is apparent or known to his person;
3. In respect of several persons;
4 ° In respect of a person who has been induced to engage in begging either outside the territory of the Republic or on his arrival in the territory of the Republic;
(5) By a legitimate, natural or adoptive ascendancy of the person who begs or by a person who has authority over it or abuses the authority conferred on him by his functions;
(6) With the use of coercion, violence or fraudulent acts on the person engaging in begging, on his family or on a person in habitual contact with him;
(7) By several persons acting as authors or accomplices, without constituting an organized gang.
Article 225-12-7
The exploitation of the begging of others is punishable by 10 years imprisonment and 1 500 000 Euros of fine when it is committed in organized gang.
Section 3: Conditions of work and accommodation contrary to the dignity of the person, forced labor and reduction in servitude.
Article 225-13
Obtaining from a person whose vulnerability or state of dependency is apparent or known to the perpetrator the provision of unpaid services or in return for a remuneration manifestly unrelated to the importance of the work Shall be punished by five years’ imprisonment and a fine of € 150,000.
Individuals or legal entities guilty of the offense provided for in this section shall also incur the following additional penalty: prohibition of continuing vocational training provider activity within the meaning of Article L. 6313-1 of the Labor Code for a period of five years.
Article 225-14
The submission of a person whose vulnerability or state of dependence is apparent or known to the author to conditions of work or accommodation incompatible with human dignity shall be punished by five years’ imprisonment and 150 000 Euros of fine.
Article 225-14-1
Forced labour is an act through violence or threat of forcing someone to carry out labour without remuneration or exchange of payment regardless of the importance of the work. It is punishable by 7 years in prison and 200 00 € fine.
Article 225-14-2
Servitude is an act of making someone suffer regularly the offense provided in Article 225-4-1 through that person’s vulnerability or a state of dependence, visible or known to a perpetrator. The crime is punishable by 10 years of imprisonment and 300 000 € fine.
Article 225-15
I.-When committed in respect of several persons:
II.-When committed in respect of a minor:
III.-When committed in respect of several persons, including one or more minors:
Article 225-15-1
For the purposes of sections 225-13 to 225-14-2, minors or persons who have been victims of the acts described in these sections upon arrival in French territory are considered vulnerable persons or dependent persons.
Article 225-16
Legal entities found criminally liable, in accordance with the conditions laid down in Article 121-2, of the offenses defined in Articles 225-13 to 225-15 shall incur, in addition to the fine in accordance with the procedures laid down in Article 131-38:
(1) (Repealed);
(2) The penalties mentioned in article 131-39;
(3) The confiscation of goodwill intended for the lodging of persons and used to commit the offense provided for in Article 225-14.
Section 3. – working and living conditions violating the dignity of persons
Article 225-13
Ordinance No. 2000-916 of 19 September 2000 Article 3 Official Journal of 22 September into force 1 January 2002
Obtaining the performance of unpaid services or of services against which a payment is made which clearly bears no relation to the importance of the work performed by abusing a person’s vulnerability or situation of dependence is punished by two years’ imprisonment and a fine of € 75,000.
Article 225-14
Ordinance No. 2000-916 of 19 September 2000 Article 3 Official Journal of 22 September into force 1 January 2002
Subjecting a person to working or living conditions incompatible with human dignity, by abusing a person’s vulnerability or situation of dependence, is punished by two years’ imprisonment and a fine of € 75,000.
Article 225-15
The offences defined under articles 225-13 and 225-14 are punished by five years’ imprisonment and a fine of € 150,000 when they are committed in respect of several persons.
Article 225-16
Act no. 1998-657 of 29 July 1998 Article 124 Official Journal of 31 July 98
Legal persons may be convicted of the offences defined by articles 225-13 to 225-15, pursuant to the conditions set out under article 121-2. The penalties incurred by legal persons are: 1° a fine, pursuant to the conditions set out under article 131-38; 2° the penalties set out under article 131-39.
Article R645-3
Is punished by the fine provided for contraventions of the 5th class the fact, by a registrar or a person delegated by him under the provisions of article R. 2122-10 of the general code of communities territorial:
1 ° To contravene the regulatory provisions concerning the keeping of registers and the publication of acts civil status;
2 ° Not to ensure the existence of the consent of the father, mother or other persons when the law prescribed for the validity of a marriage.
The contraventions provided for in this article are constituted even when the nullity of acts of the State civilian has not been requested or has been covered.
Recidivism of the contraventions provided for in this article is punished in accordance with article 132-11.
Article 144
Marriage cannot be contracted before the age of eighteen.
Article 145
Nevertheless, it is open to the public prosecutor of the place where the marriage is celebrated to grant age exemptions for serious reasons.
Article 146
There is no marriage when there is no consent.
Article 148
Minors cannot contract marriage without the consent of their father and mother; in case of disagreement between the father and the mother, this sharing implies consent.
Article 173
The father, the mother, and, in the absence of father and mother, the grandfathers and grandmothers can oppose the marriage of their children and descendants, even adults. After judicial release of an opposition to marriage filed by an ascendant, no news opposition, formed by an ascendant, is neither admissible nor can delay the celebration.
Article 180
A marriage which was contracted without the free consent of both spouses, or of one of them, cannot be attacked only by the spouses, or by the one of the two whose consent was not free, or by the ministry public. The exercise of coercion on the spouses or one of them, including out of reverential fear of a ascending, constitutes a case of nullity of the marriage.
If there has been an error in the person, or in essential qualities of the person, the other spouse can ask for the nullity of the marriage.
Article 181
In the case of the previous article, the request for invalidity is no longer admissible after a period of five years. count of marriage.
Article 182
Marriage contracted without the consent of the father and mother, ascendants, or the family council, in cases where this consent was necessary, can only be attacked by those whose consent was required, or by whichever of the spouses needed this consent.
Article 183
The action for nullity can no longer be brought either by the spouses or by the parents whose consent was required, whenever the marriage was expressly or tacitly approved by those whose consent was required, or when five years have passed without a claim on their part, since they had knowledge of the marriage. It cannot be brought by the husband either, when five years without claim on his part, since he reached the competent age to consent by himself to the wedding.
Article 184
Any marriage contracted in contravention of the provisions contained in Articles 144, 146, 146-1, 147, 161,162 and 163 can be attacked, within thirty years from its celebration, either by the spouses themselves. themselves, either by all those who have an interest in it, or by the public prosecutor.
Article 187
In all cases where, in accordance with article 184, the action for nullity can be brought by all those who have an interest in it, it cannot be by the collateral parents, or by the children born of another marriage, of the living of both spouses, but only when they have a born and current interest in it.
Article 191
Any marriage which has not been contracted publicly, and which has not been celebrated in front of the public officer competent, can be attacked, within thirty years from its celebration, by the spouses themselves same, by the father and mother, by the ascendants and by all those who have a born and present interest in it, as well as by Crown.
Article 192
If the marriage has not been preceded by the required publication or if the permitted dispensations have not been obtained by law, or if the prescribed intervals between publication and celebration have not been observed, the public prosecutor will order a fine against the public officer which may not exceed 4.5 euros and against the contracting parties, or those under whose power they have acted, a fine proportionate to their fortune.
Article 194
No one can claim the title of spouse and the civil effects of the marriage, unless it represents an act of celebration. entered in the civil status register; except in the cases provided for in article 46, under Civil status documents.
Article 199
If the spouses or one of them died without discovering the fraud, the criminal action can be brought by all those who have an interest in having the marriage declared valid, and by the public prosecutor.
Article 201
Marriage which has been declared void, nevertheless produces its effects with regard to the spouses, when it has been contracted in good faith.
If good faith exists only on the part of one of the spouses, the marriage produces its effects only in favor of this husband.
Article 203
The spouses contract together, by the mere fact of marriage, the obligation to nourish, maintain and raise their children.
Article 207
The obligations resulting from these provisions are reciprocal.
However, when the creditor himself has seriously breached his obligations towards the debtor, the judge can discharge all or part of the food debt.
In the event of the conviction of the creditor for a crime committed against the person of the debtor or one of his ascendants, descendants, brothers or sisters, the debtor is discharged from his maintenance obligation towards the creditor, unless the judge decides otherwise.
Article 212
The spouses owe each other respect, fidelity, help, assistance.
Article 213
The spouses together ensure the moral and material direction of the family. They provide for the education of children and prepare for their future.
Article 214
If the matrimonial agreements do not regulate the contribution of the spouses to the expenses of the marriage, they contribute in proportion to their respective faculties.
If one of the spouses does not fulfill his obligations, he may be forced to do so by the other in the forms provided for in Code of Civil Procedure
Article 215
The spouses oblige each other to a community of life.
The family’s residence is at the place they choose by mutual agreement.
The spouses cannot without the other have the rights by which the housing of the family is ensured, nor furnishings with which it is furnished. The one of the two who has not given his consent to the act can request the annulment: the action for nullity is open to him within one year from the day he became aware of the of the deed, without ever being able to be brought more than a year after the matrimonial regime has dissolved.
Article 216
Each spouse has the full legal capacity; but his rights and powers may be limited by the effect of matrimonial regime and the provisions of this chapter.
Article 217
A spouse may be authorized by justice to perform alone an act for which the co-operation or consent of his spouse would be necessary, if he is unable to express his will or if his refusal is not justified by the interests of the family.
The act passed under the conditions set by the court authorization is enforceable against the spouse whose assistance or the consent was lacking, without resulting in any personal obligation.
Article 220
Each of the spouses has the power to enter into contracts for the purpose of household maintenance or the education of children: any debt thus contracted by one binds the other jointly.
Solidarity does not take place, however, for manifestly excessive expenditure, given the standard of living household, the usefulness or uselessness of the operation, the good or bad faith of the third party.
It does not take place either, if they have not been concluded with the consent of both spouses, for purchases at installment or for loans unless the latter relate to modest sums required the needs of everyday life and that the cumulative amount of these sums, in the event of multiple loans, or not manifestly excessive having regard to the standard of living of the household.
Article 223
Each spouse can freely exercise a profession, collect their earnings and salaries and dispose of them after have discharged the burdens of marriage.
Article 227
The marriage dissolves:
1 ° By the death of one of the spouses;
2 ° By legally pronounced divorce.
Article 229
The spouses can mutually consent to their divorce by deed under private signature countersigned by lawyers, filed in the minutes of a notary.
Divorce can be pronounced in the event of:
– by mutual consent, in the case provided for in 1 ° of article 229-2;
-or acceptance of the principle of marriage breakdown;
– or permanent alteration of the marital bond;
-or fault
Article 270
Divorce puts an end to the duty of help between spouses.
One of the spouses may be required to pay the other a compensatory benefit, to the extent that it is possible, the disparity that the breakdown of the marriage creates in the respective living conditions. This service has a lump sum character. It takes the form of a capital, the amount of which is set by the judge.
However, the judge may refuse to grant such a service if fairness demands it, either in consideration of the criteria provided for in article 271, i.e. when the divorce is pronounced at the exclusive fault of the spouse who requests the benefit of this service, in view of the specific circumstances of the termination.
Article 278
In the event of divorce by mutual consent, the spouses determine the amount and terms of the benefit compensatory in the agreement established by deed under private signature countersigned by lawyers or in the agreement that they submit to the judge for approval. They may provide that the payment of the benefit will cease upon the occurrence of a specific event. The benefit can take the form of an annuity granted for a limited time.
The judge, however, refuses to ratify the agreement if it unfairly fixes the rights and obligations of husband.
Article 285-1
If the premises used as accommodation for the family belong to one of the spouses, personally or personally, the judge may lease it to the spouse who alone or jointly exercises parental authority over one or more of the their children when they usually reside in this accommodation and their interests so require.
The judge fixes the duration of the lease and can renew it until the majority of the youngest of the children.
The judge can terminate the lease if new circumstances justify it.
Article 296
Legal separation can be pronounced or declared in the same cases and under the same conditions as the divorced.
Article 299
Legal separation does not dissolve the marriage but it puts an end to the duty of cohabitation.
Article 302
Legal separation always entails separation as to property.
With regard to property, the date on which the legal separation takes effect is determined in accordance with the provisions of Articles 262 to 262-2.
Article 303
Separation from bed and board leaves the duty of help; the judgment pronouncing it or a judgment later fixes the alimony which is due to the spouse in need. Alimony can also be provided for in the legal separation agreement by mutual consent.
This pension is awarded regardless of wrongs. The debtor spouse may nevertheless invoke, if there is place, the provisions of article 207, paragraph 2.
This pension is subject to the rules of maintenance obligations.
However, when the consistency of the property of the debtor spouse lends itself to it, the alimony is replaced, in whole or in part, by the constitution of a capital, according to the rules of articles 274 to 275-1,277 and 281. If this capital becomes insufficient to cover the needs of the creditor, the latter can request a supplement under form of alimony.
Article 371-2
Each of the parents contributes to the maintenance and education of their children in proportion to their resources, those of the other parent, as well as the needs of the child.
This obligation does not automatically cease either when parental authority or its exercise is withdrawn, or when the child is of age.
Article 372
The father and mother jointly exercise parental authority.
However, when parentage is established with respect to one of them more than one year after the birth of a child whose parentage is already established with regard to the other, the latter alone remains invested with the exercise of authority parental. The same applies when parentage is legally declared with regard to the second parent of the child.
Parental authority may nevertheless be exercised jointly in the event of a joint declaration by the father and mother addressed to the director of judicial registry services of the judicial court or by decision of the judge family matters.
Article 373-2
The separation of parents has no effect on the rules for devolving the exercise of parental authority.
Each father and mother must maintain personal relations with the child and respect the bonds of the child. here with the other parent.
To this end, exceptionally, at the request of the person directly concerned or of the business judge family, the public prosecutor may request the assistance of the public force to have a decision of the family court judge, a divorce agreement by mutual consent taking the form of an act under private signature countersigned by lawyers deposited in the ranks of the minutes of a notary or a approved agreement fixing the terms of exercise of parental authority.
Any change of residence of one of the parents, since it modifies the terms of exercise of parental authority, must be the subject of prior and timely information from the other parent. In case of disagreement, the most diligent parent refers to the family court judge who rules according to what is required in the interest of the child. The judge allocates the travel expenses and adjusts the amount of the contribution to maintenance and education of the child.
Article 413-1
The minor is automatically emancipated by marriage.
Article 515-9
When violence within the couple, including when there is no cohabitation, or by a former spouse, a former partner bound by a civil solidarity pact or a former cohabitant, including including when there has never been cohabitation, endanger the person who is the victim, one or several children, the family court judge can issue the family urgently with an order of protection.
Article 515-13
A protection order can also be issued urgently by the judge to the adult
threatened with forced marriage, under the conditions set out in article 515-10.
The judge is competent to take the measures mentioned in 1 °, 2 °, 6 ° and 7 ° of article 515-11. he can also order, at its request, the temporary ban on leaving the territory of the threatened person. This ban on leaving the territory is entered in the file of persons wanted by the public prosecutor. the Republic. Article 515-12 is applicable to measures taken on the basis of this article.
Article 1401
The community actively consists of the acquests made by the spouses together or separately during the marriage, and derived both from their personal industry and from savings made on the fruits and income of their own property.
Article 1403
Each spouse retains full ownership of his own.
The community is only entitled to the fruits that are collected and not consumed. But reward may be due to him, at the dissolution of the community, for the fruits that the husband has neglected to collect or has consumed fraudulently, without any research, however, being admissible beyond the last five years.
Article 1536
When the spouses have stipulated in their marriage contract that they will be separated as to property, each of them retains the administration, enjoyment and free disposal of his personal property.
Each of them remains solely liable for debts arising in his person before or during the marriage, except in the case of section 220.
Article 1569
When the spouses have declared to marry under the regime of participation in acquests, each of them retains administration, enjoyment and free disposal of his personal property, without distinguishing between those which belonged to the day of the marriage or have since happened to him by inheritance or liberality and those he has acquired during the marriage for a consideration. During the marriage, this regime works as if the spouses were married under the separation of property regime. When the regime is dissolved, each of the spouses has right to participate for half in value in the net acquisitions recorded in the assets of the other, and measured by the double estimate of the original heritage and the final heritage. The right to participate in acquests is not transferable as long as the matrimonial regime is not dissolved. If the dissolution occurs by the death of a spouse, his heirs have the same rights over the net acquisitions made by the other as their author.