The Antislavery in Domestic Legislation and Forced Marriage in Domestic Legislation databases have benefitted from funding and support from a range of sources in supporting the development and maintenance of the databases themselves and this online platform.
Suport for development of the Antislavery in Domestic Legislation database web platform has included funding from the University of Nottingham through the APVC Research and Knowledge Exchange Strategic Funding.
The Forced Marriage in Domestic Legislation database project was initiated in a project funded by the UK Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), titled “To Have and To Hold”: Understanding the Relationship between Forced Marriage and Modern Slavery (AH/S012788/1) led by Dr Helen McCabe. The finalisation of the online platform has been supported through the University of Nottingham’s AHRC Impact Acceleration Account project titled Advancing Evidence and Advocacy on Forced Marriage Law (AH/X003027/1) led by Dr Katarina Schwarz.