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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer luctus suscipit felis, sed aliquam tellus mattis in. Duis quis sodales nunc. Cras bibendum aliquet magna, id accumsan ligula convallis ac. Nullam molestie quis risus quis hendrerit. Vestibulum hendrerit felis quis enim mattis, ut varius augue.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam volutpat tristique arcu eu vehicula. Ut a nunc vel dui blandit aliquet. Praesent magna mauris, viverra eleifend nunc non, bibendum posuere.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean ut mauris sed nisl dapibus efficitur in nec libero. Praesent aliquet sapien nec elit sodales venenatis. Aliquam orci nisl, suscipit at sodales ut, congue non massa. Curabitur gravida nunc id est imperdiet lobortis. Mauris quis urna semper, pulvinar tellus viverra, gravida leo. Duis scelerisque nulla at.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris fringilla feugiat justo, in convallis neque euismod ut. Nam commodo justo maximus, faucibus eros id, porttitor urna. Pellentesque sit amet massa odio. Nulla facilisi. Aliquam euismod arcu sit amet molestie blandit.
Provisions related to forced marriage in Italy are found in the Penal Code, which addresses taking a minor for the purpose of marriage at Articles 573 and 574. Article 558 also addresses fraudulently concealing from the other spouse the existence of an impediment, with a potential penalty of imprisonment up to one year or a fine from € 206 to € 1,032. Provisions related to forced marriage in Italy are also found in the Civil Code, which addresses a marriage where consent has been violently extorted or determined by fear, or given as a result of an error on the identity of the person or an essential error on the personal qualities of the other spouse, at Article 122.
There appears to be no legislation in Italy that requires consent to marriage. However, section 122 of the Civil code recognises that the consent of a party or prospective party to a marriage is invalidated where the person is subjected to coercion.
There appears to be no legislation in Italy that prohibits servile matrimonial transactions.
Although legislation in Italy does not prohibit marriage trafficking as such, it does prohibit abduction for marriage under SECTION 573 AND 574 of the Penal Code 2014, with a potential penalty of imprisonment up to two years.
The minimum age for marriage in Italy is 18, without differentiation by gender, as set out on Article 84 of the Civil Code. However, marriages below this age are permitted by the council chamber for serious reasons at the request of the interested party, having ascertained the psycho-physical maturity and the validity of the reasons given and having heard the public prosecutor, as set out on Article 84 of the Civil Code. These exceptions are not differentiated by gender, and allow marriage as early as 16.
Western Europe and Others
European Court of Human Rights
Art. 3
All citizens have equal social dignity and are equal before the law, without distinction of sex, race, language, religion, political opinion, personal and social conditions.
It is the duty of the Republic to remove those obstacles of an economic or social nature which constrain the freedom and equality of citizens, thereby impeding the full development of the human person and the effective participation of all workers in the political, economic and social organisation of the country.
Art. 4
The Republic recognises the right of all citizens to work and promotes those conditions which render this right effective.
Every citizen has the duty, according to personal potential and individual choice, to perform an activity or a function that contributes to the material or spiritual progress of society.
Art. 13
Personal liberty is inviolable
Art. 23
No obligation of a personal or financial nature may be imposed on any person except by law.
Art. 35
The Republic protects work in all its forms and practices. It provides for the training and professional advancement of workers. It promotes and encourages international agreements and organisations which have the aim of establishing and regulating labour rights. It recognises the freedom to emigrate, subject to the obligations set out by law in the general interest, and protects Italian workers abroad.
Art. 36
Workers have the right to a remuneration commensurate to the quantity and quality of their work and in any case such as to ensure them and their families a free and dignified existence. Maximum daily working hours are established by law. Workers have the right to a weekly rest day and paid annual holidays. They cannot waive this right. Italy Constitution
Article 600. Placing or holding a person in conditions of slavery or servitude
Whoever exercises on any other person powers and rights corresponding to ownership; or who reduces or maintains a person in a state of constant subjection, forcing that person to work or to provide sexual services or to beg or to any other illegal activity involving exploitation or to consent to the removal of organs, shall be punished with imprisonment from eight to twenty years.
Reduction or maintenance in a state of continuous subjection [soggezione] occurs when conduct is carried out by means of violence, threat, deception, abuse of authority or taking advantage of a situation of vulnerability, physical or mental inferiority or a situation of need, by promising or giving sums of money or other benefits to those having authority over the person.
The aforesaid penalty becomes harsher, increasing by one third to 50%, if the offences referred to in the first paragraph above are perpetrated against minors under eighteen or for sexual exploitation, prostitution or organ removal purposes.
Article 601. Trafficking in human beings
Whoever carries out trafficking in persons who are in the conditions referred to in article 600, that is, with a view to perpetrating the crimes referred to in the first paragraph of said article; or whoever leads any of the aforesaid persons through deceit or obliges such person by making use of violence, threats, or abuse of power; by taking advantage of a situation of physical or mental inferiority, and poverty; or by promising money or making payments or granting other kinds of benefits to those who are responsible for the person in question, to enter the national territory, stay, leave it or migrate to said territory, shall be punished with imprisonment from eight to twenty years. The aforesaid penalty becomes harsher, increasing by one third to 50%, if the offences referred to in this present article are perpetrated against minors under eighteen or for sexual exploitation, prostitution or organ removal purposes.
Article 602. Sale and purchase of slavesWhoever, in cases other than the ones referred to in article 601, purchases or sales or transfers any person who is in any of the conditions referred to in article 600, shall be punished with imprisonment from eight to twenty years. The aforesaid penalty becomes harsher, increasing by one third to 50%, if the offences referred to in this present article are perpetrated against minors under eighteen or for sexual exploitation, prostitution or organ removal purposes.
Art. 602 Ter – Aggravating circumstances
(1) The penalty for the offences referred to in Articles 600, 601 and 602 is increased from one third to half:
a) if the offended person is under eighteen years of age;
b) if the facts are directed to the exploitation of prostitution or in order to subject the offended person to the removal of organs;
c) if the fact results in a serious danger to the life or physical or psychological integrity of the injured party.
If the facts provided for in Title VII, Chapter III of this book are committed in order to commit or facilitate the offences referred to in Articles 600, 601 and 602, the penalties provided for therein shall be increased by between one third and one half.
In the cases provided for in articles 600-bis, first paragraph, and 600-ter, the penalty is increased by between one third and one half if the act is committed with violence or threats
(2) In the cases provided for in Articles 600-bis, first and second paragraphs, 600-ter, first paragraph, and 600-quinquies, the sentence shall be increased from one third to one half if the offence is committed taking advantage of the juvenile’s situation of need
(3) In the cases provided for in articles 600-bis, first and second paragraphs, 600-ter and 600-quinquies, as well as articles 600, 601 and 602, the penalty shall be increased by half to two thirds if the act is committed to the detriment of a minor of sixteen years of age
(4) In the cases provided for in Articles 600-bis, first paragraph, and 600-ter, as well as, if the act is committed to the detriment of a child under the age of eighteen, by Articles 600, 601 and 602, the penalty shall be increased by half to two thirds if the act is committed by an ascendant, the adoptive parent, or their spouse or cohabiting partner, spouse or relatives within the second degree, by relatives up to the fourth degree of collateral care, by the guardian or by a person to whom the child has been entrusted for reasons of care, education, education, supervision, custody, work, or by public officials or persons in charge of a public service in the performance of their duties, or if it is committed to the detriment of a child in a state of mental, natural or caused infirmity or impairment
(5) In the cases provided for in Articles 600-bis, first paragraph, and 600-ter, as well as Articles 600, 601 and 602, the penalty shall be increased by half to two thirds if the offence is committed by the administration of alcoholic, narcotic or narcotic substances or in any case harmful to the physical or mental health of the minor, or if it is committed against three or more persons
(6) In the cases provided for in articles 600-bis, 600-ter, 600-quater, 600-quater.1. and 600-quinquies, the penalty is increased.
a) if the offence is committed by several persons together;
b) if the offence is committed by a person who is part of a criminal association and in order to facilitate its activity;
c) if the offence is committed with serious violence or if, as a result of the repetition of the conduct, serious harm is caused to the child
(7) The penalties envisaged for the offences referred to in the previous paragraph are increased by no more than two-thirds in cases where the offences are committed using means to prevent the identification of access data to computer networks.
(8) The extenuating circumstances, other than those provided for in articles 98 and 114, competing with the aggravating circumstances referred to in this section, cannot be considered equivalent or prevalent with respect to these, and the penalty reductions shall be applied to the amount of the same resulting from the increase due to the aforesaid aggravating circumstances.
Art. 603 Bis – Illegal intermediation and exploitation of labour.
Unless the fact constitutes a more serious offence, anyone who carries out an organised intermediation activity, recruiting labour or organising labour activities characterised by exploitation, through violence, threats or intimidation, taking advantage of the state of need or necessity of workers, shall be punished with imprisonment from five to eight years and a fine ranging from 1,000 to 2,000 euros for each worker recruited.
For the purposes of the first paragraph, the existence of one or more of the following circumstances constitutes an indication of exploitation:
1) the systematic remuneration of workers in a way that is manifestly different from national collective agreements or in any case disproportionate to the quantity and quality of the work performed;
2) the systematic violation of the regulations on working time, weekly rest, compulsory leave and holidays;
3) the existence of violations of the regulations on safety and hygiene in the workplace, such as to expose the worker to danger to health, safety or personal safety;
4) the submission of the worker to working conditions, surveillance methods, or particularly degrading housing situations.
These constitute a specific aggravating circumstance and entail an increase in the penalty from one third to half:
1) the fact that the number of workers recruited exceeds three;
2) the fact that one or more of the persons recruited are minors of non-working age;
3) the fact of having committed the offence by exposing the workers involved to situations of serious danger, having regard to the characteristics of the services to be performed and the working conditions
Paragraph 227
Article 13 of the Constitution of the Republic, which entered into force in 1948, states that personal freedom is “inviolable”, while article 35 provides that labour is protected in all its forms and applications.
Paragraph 230
According to the Italian Penal Code, the individual personality is deemed to have been violated either when a person is actually deprived of his own individuality or when, while retaining his individuality in the strictly legal sense, he is reduced “de facto” to a state of complete subjugation to the power of another. The offences of “reduction to slavery” and “holding a person in a state of subjugation (Plagio)” are typical examples covered in Italian law. The former offence, which cannot be committed in Italy since slavery is not sanctioned by law, consists in reducing a person to slavery or a similar state (article 600 of the Penal Code) and is punished, even when practised upon a consenting party, by imprisonment for five to fifteen years. The latter offence consists in subjecting a person to the power of another in such a way as to reduce him to a state of subjugation (article 603 of the Penal Code); in this case, as may be readily understood, a de facto state of slavery exists but the person’s legal status (status libertatis) remains unchanged. Here too, the penalty is imprisonment for five to fifteen years. Both provisions are applicable even when the act is committed abroad against an Italian citizen (article 604 of the Penal Code).
Paragraph 231
…recruitment for commercial purposes of and trading in slaves or persons in a state similar to slavery is suppressed (imprisonment for five to twenty years) (article 601). The Penal Code also covers the sporadic cases in which persons in a state of slavery or a similar state are transferred or disposed of, acquired or taken possession of, or maintained in a state of slavery or a similar state (article 602), but imposes less severe penalties for such offences (imprisonment for three to twelve years).
Art. 22. Employment and exploitation of illegally staying third-country nationals
(12) The employer that employs foreign workers lacking residence permit provided for by this article, or whose permit is expired and for which renewal was not applied within the terms of law, or revoked or annulled, is punished with imprisonment from six months to three years and with a 5.000 Euro fine for each worker hired.
(12 bis) The sentence for what provided for by paragraph 12 is increased from one third to half:
a) if the workers employed are more than three;
b) if the workers employed are minors not of working age;
c) if the workers employed are subject to other working conditions of particular exploitation as mentioned under the third paragraph of article 603-bis of the code of criminal procedure
Art 29
The Republic recognises the rights of the family as a natural society founded on marriage.
Marriage is based on the moral and legal equality of the spouses within the limits laid down by law to guarantee the unity of the family.
Art. 531 – Incitement to prostitution and aiding and abetting.
[Anyone who, in order to serve the lust of others, induces a person of minor age, or in a state of infirmity or psychic deficiency, into prostitution, or arouses corruption, is punished with imprisonment from one to five years and a fine from three thousand to ten thousand lire. If only it facilitates prostitution or corruption, the penalty is imprisonment from six months to three years and a fine from three thousand to ten thousand lire.
The penalty is increased if the offense is committed to the detriment of a married minor, or of a minor person entrusted to the guilty party for reasons of service or work.
The penalty is doubled:
1) if the fact is committed to the detriment of a person who is under the age of fourteen;
2) if the culprit is an ascendant, a kindred in a straight line ascending, the adoptive father or mother, the husband, the brother, the sister, the guardian;
3) if the person has been entrusted to the offender for reasons of care, education, instruction, supervision or custody] (1).
Art. 532 – Incitement to prostitution of a descendant, wife, sister.
[Anyone who, in order to serve the lust of others, induces the descendant, wife, sister, or similar in a straight line of descent, who are over the age, into prostitution, is punished with imprisonment from six months to four years with a fine of between three and ten thousand lire.
If the offender has only facilitated prostitution, the penalty is reduced by half] (1).
Art. 533 – Compulsion to prostitution.
[Anyone who, in order to serve the lust of others, with violence or threats, forces a person of minor age or an adult woman into prostitution is punished with imprisonment from two to six years and a fine of between five and fifteen thousand lire.
The penalty is increased if the offense is committed to the detriment of a married woman, or of a minor person entrusted to the guilty party for reasons of service or work.
The penalty is doubled in the cases provided for by nos. 1, 2 and 3 of art. 531](1).
Art. 558 – Induction into marriage through deception.
Anyone who, in contracting a marriage having civil effects, by fraudulent means conceals from the other spouse the existence of an impediment other than that deriving from a previous marriage is punished, if the marriage is annulled. (1) due to the hidden impediment, with imprisonment for up to one year or with a fine from € 206 to € 1,032 (2).
Art. 559 – Adultery.
The adulterous wife is punished with imprisonment for up to one year (1).
The adulteress is punished with the same penalty (2).
The penalty is up to two years’ imprisonment in the case of an adulterous relationship (3).
The crime is punishable upon complaint by the husband (4).
Art. 560 – Concubinage.
The husband, who keeps a concubine in the marital home, or notoriously elsewhere, is punished with imprisonment of up to two years.
The concubine is punished with the same penalty.
The crime is punishable upon complaint by the wife (1).
Art. 570 – Violation of the obligations of family assistance.
Anyone who, abandoning the home, or in any case maintaining a conduct contrary to the order or morals of families, evades the obligations of assistance inherent to parental responsibility, [legal protection] or the status of spouse, is punished with imprisonment until to one year or with a fine from € 103 to € 1,032.
These penalties are applied jointly to those who:
The crime is punishable upon complaint by the injured person except in the cases provided for by number 1 and, when the crime is committed against minors, by number 2 of the previous paragraph.
The provisions of this article do not apply if the fact is foreseen as a more serious offense by another law provision.
Art. 572 – Ill-treatment of family members and cohabitants
Anyone who, apart from the cases indicated in the previous article, mistreats a family member or in any case cohabiting, or a person subject to his authority or entrusted to him for reasons of education, instruction, care, supervision or custody, or for the exercise of a profession or an art, is punished with imprisonment from two to six years.
[The penalty is increased if the offense is committed to the detriment of a person under the age of fourteen].
If the fact results in a serious personal injury, a prison term of between four and nine years is applied; a very serious injury ensues, imprisonment from seven to fifteen years; death, imprisonment from twelve to twenty-four years ensues.
Art. 573 – Consensual abduction of minors.
Anyone who takes a minor, who has reached the age of fourteen, with his consent, from the parent exercising parental responsibility [cc 316] or from the guardian [cc 346], or considers it against the will of the same parent or guardian, is punished, upon complaint of this [cp 120; cpp 336], with imprisonment of up to two years [cp 522, 524](1).
The penalty is reduced [cp 65], if the offense is committed for the purpose of marriage; it is increased [cp 64], if it is committed for the purpose of lust.
The provisions of Articles 525 and 544 apply (2)(3).
Art. 574 – Abduction of incapable persons.
Anyone who removes a child under the age of fourteen, or a mentally ill, from the parent exercising parental responsibility [cc 316], from the guardian [cc 346], or from the curator [cc 392, 424], or whoever has the supervision or custody, or considers it against the will of the same, is punished, upon complaint of the parent exercising parental responsibility, of the guardian or curator, with imprisonment from one to three years [cp 120, 522, 524; cpp 336](1).
The same penalty is subject, upon complaint by the same persons, to anyone who removes or considers a minor who has reached the age of fourteen, without his consent for a purpose other than that of lust or marriage. (2).
The provisions of Articles 525 and 544 apply (3)(4).
Article 600. Placing or holding a person in conditions of slavery or servitude
Whoever exerts on any other person powers and rights corresponding to ownership; or who reduces or maintains a person in a state of constant subjection, forcing that person to work or to provide sexual services or to beg or to any other illegal activity involving exploitation or to consent to the removal of organs, shall be punished with imprisonment from eight to twenty years.
Reduction or maintenance in a state of continuous subjection [soggezione] occurs when conduct is carried out by means of violence, threat, deception, abuse of authority or taking advantage of a situation of vulnerability, physical or mental inferiority or a situation of need, by promising or giving sums of money or other benefits to those having authority over the person.
The aforesaid penalty becomes harsher, increasing by one third to 50%, if the offences referred to in the first paragraph above are perpetrated against minors under eighteen or for sexual exploitation, prostitution or organ removal purposes.
Article 601. Trafficking in human beings
Whoever carries out trafficking in persons who are in the conditions referred to in article 600, that is, with a view to perpetrating the crimes referred to in the first paragraph of said article; or whoever leads any of the aforesaid persons through deceit or obliges such person by making use of violence, threats, or abuse of power; by taking advantage of a situation of physical or mental inferiority, and poverty; or by promising money or making payments or granting other kinds of benefits to those who are responsible for the person in question, to enter the national territory, stay, leave it or migrate to said territory, shall be punished with imprisonment from eight to twenty years. The aforesaid penalty becomes harsher, increasing by one third to 50%, if the offences referred to in this present article are perpetrated against minors under eighteen or for sexual exploitation, prostitution or organ removal purposes.
Art. 602 Ter – Aggravating circumstances
(1) The penalty for the offences referred to in Articles 600, 601 and 602 is increased from one third to half:
If the facts provided for in Title VII, Chapter III of this book are committed in order to commit or facilitate the offences referred to in Articles 600, 601 and 602, the penalties provided for therein shall be increased by between one third and one half.
In the cases provided for in articles 600-bis, first paragraph, and 600-ter, the penalty is increased by between one third and one half if the act is committed with violence or threats
(2) In the cases provided for in Articles 600-bis, first and second paragraphs, 600-ter, first paragraph, and 600-quinquies, the sentence shall be increased from one third to one half if the offence is committed taking advantage of the juvenile’s situation of need
(3) In the cases provided for in articles 600-bis, first and second paragraphs, 600-ter and 600-quinquies, as well as articles 600, 601 and 602, the penalty shall be increased by half to two thirds if the act is committed to the detriment of a minor of sixteen years of age
(4) In the cases provided for in Articles 600-bis, first paragraph, and 600-ter, as well as, if the act is committed to the detriment of a child under the age of eighteen, by Articles 600, 601 and 602, the penalty shall be increased by half to two thirds if the act is committed by an ascendant, the adoptive parent, or their spouse or cohabiting partner, spouse or relatives within the second degree, by relatives up to the fourth degree of collateral care, by the guardian or by a person to whom the child has been entrusted for reasons of care, education, education, supervision, custody, work, or by public officials or persons in charge of a public service in the performance of their duties, or if it is committed to the detriment of a child in a state of mental, natural or caused infirmity or impairment
(5) In the cases provided for in Articles 600-bis, first paragraph, and 600-ter, as well as Articles 600, 601 and 602, the penalty shall be increased by half to two thirds if the offence is committed by the administration of alcoholic, narcotic or narcotic substances or in any case harmful to the physical or mental health of the minor, or if it is committed against three or more persons
(6) In the cases provided for in articles 600-bis, 600-ter, 600-quater, 600-quater.1. and 600-quinquies, the penalty is increased.
(c) if the offence is committed with serious violence or if, as a result of the repetition of the conduct, serious harm is caused to the child
(7) The penalties envisaged for the offences referred to in the previous paragraph are increased by no more than two-thirds in cases where the offences are committed using means to prevent the identification of access data to computer networks.
(8) The extenuating circumstances, other than those provided for in articles 98 and 114, competing with the aggravating circumstances referred to in this section, cannot be considered equivalent or prevalent with respect to these, and the penalty reductions shall be applied to the amount of the same resulting from the increase due to the aforesaid aggravating circumstances.
Art. 51 – Maintenance allowance in favor of the absentee’s spouse
The spouse of the absentee, in addition to what is due to him as a result of the property regime of the spouses and by way of succession, can obtain from the court, in case of need, a maintenance allowance to be determined according to the conditions of the family and the size of the assets of the absent.
Art. 53 – Use of assets.
The ascendants, the descendants and the spouse placed in the temporary possession of the assets consider the totality of the annuities to their profit. The others must reserve one third of the pensions for the absent.
Art. 65 – New marriage of the spouse.
Once the sentence declaring presumed death has become enforceable, the spouse can contract a new marriage.
Art. 68 – Nullity of the new marriage.
The marriage contracted in accordance with article 65 is void if the person whose presumed death was declared returns or is established.
The civil effects of the marriage declared invalid are reserved.
The nullity cannot be pronounced in the case in which death is ascertained, even if it occurred on a date after that of the marriage.
Art. 84 – Age
Minors cannot marry.
The court, at the request of the interested party, having ascertained his psycho-physical maturity and the validity of the reasons given, having heard the public prosecutor, parents or guardian, may by decree issued in the council chamber admit to marriage for serious reasons who turned sixteen.
The decree is communicated to the public prosecutor, the spouses, the parents and the guardian.
A complaint can be lodged against the decree, with recourse to the court of appeal, within the peremptory term of ten days from the communication.
The appeals court decides with an unchallengeable order, issued in the council chamber.
The decree takes effect when the deadline provided for in the fourth paragraph has expired without a complaint being lodged [cpc 741].
Art. 88 – Crime.
Persons of whom one has been convicted of murder committed or attempted on the spouse of the other cannot marry (1).
If only the indictment took place or the arrest was ordered, the celebration of the marriage is suspended until a sentence of acquittal is pronounced.
Art. 89 – Temporary ban on new marriages
A woman cannot marry unless after three hundred days from the dissolution, annulment or cessation of the civil effects of the previous marriage. The cases in which the dissolution or cessation of the civil effects of the previous marriage have been pronounced on the basis of article 3, number 2, letters b) and f), of the law 1 December 1970, n. 898, and in cases in which the marriage has been declared null due to the impotence, even if only to generate, of one of the spouses(1).
The court with a decree issued in the council chamber, having heard the public prosecutor, can authorize the marriage when the state of pregnancy is unequivocally excluded or if it results from a final judgment that the husband did not live with his wife in the three hundred days prior to the dissolution , the annulment or cessation of the civil effects of the marriage. The provisions of the fourth, fifth and sixth paragraphs of article 84 and of the fifth paragraph of article 87 apply.
The ban ends on the day the pregnancy ended.
Art. 102 – Persons who can oppose.
The parents and, in their absence, the other ascendants and collaterals up to the third degree can oppose the marriage of their relatives for any reason that prevents its celebration. (1).
If one of the spouses is subject to guardianship or care, the right to object also belongs to the guardian or curator.
The right of opposition also belongs to the spouse of the person who wants to contract another marriage.
When it comes to marriage in contravention of article 89, the right of opposition also belongs, if the previous marriage was dissolved, to the relatives of the previous husband and, if the marriage was declared null, to the one with whom the marriage was contracted and to his relatives.
The public prosecutor must always oppose the marriage if he knows that there is an impediment or if he is aware of the mental infirmity of one of the spouses, against whom, due to age, the interdiction can not be promoted.
Art. 117 – Marriage contracted in violation of articles 84, 86, 87 and 88
The marriage contracted in violation of articles 86, 87 and 88 can be challenged by the spouses, the next ascendants, the public prosecutor and all those who have a legitimate and current interest to challenge it.
A marriage contracted in violation of Article 84 can be challenged by the spouses, by each of the parents and by the public prosecutor. The relative cancellation action can be proposed personally by the minor no later than one year from reaching the age of majority. The request, proposed by the parent or by the public prosecutor, must be rejected if, even while the trial is pending, the minor has reached the age of majority or there has been conception or procreation and in any case the will of the minor to keep alive is ascertained. the marriage bond.
The marriage contracted by the spouse of the absent cannot be challenged as long as the absence lasts.
In cases in which authorization under the fourth paragraph of article 87 could have been granted, the marriage cannot be challenged one year after the celebration.
The provision of the first paragraph of this article is also applied in the case of nullity of the marriage provided for by article 68.
Art. 120 – Inability to understand or want
The marriage can be challenged by that of the spouses who, although not forbidden, prove to have been unable to understand or want, for any reason, even transitory, at the time of the celebration of the marriage.
The action cannot be proposed if there has been cohabitation for one year after the incapable spouse has recovered the fullness of mental faculties.
Art. 122 – Violence and error
Marriage can be challenged by that of spouses whose consent has been violently extorted or determined by fear of exceptional gravity deriving from causes external to the spouse.
The marriage can also be challenged by that of spouses whose consent was given as a result of an error on the identity of the person or an essential error on the personal qualities of the other spouse.
The error regarding personal qualities is essential if, bearing in mind the conditions of the other spouse, it is ascertained that the same would not have given his consent if he had exactly known them and provided that the error concerns:
1) the existence of a physical or mental illness or a sexual anomaly or deviation, such as to prevent the development of married life;
2) the existence of a sentence for a non-culpable crime to imprisonment of not less than five years, except in the case of rehabilitation before the celebration of the marriage. Action for annulment cannot be brought before the sentence has become irrevocable;
3) the declaration of habitual or professional delinquency;
4) the circumstance that the other spouse has been sentenced for crimes relating to prostitution with a penalty of not less than two years. Action for annulment cannot be brought before the sentence has become irrevocable;
5) the state of pregnancy caused by a person other than the subject who fell into error, provided that there has been denial pursuant to article 233, if the pregnancy has been completed.
The action cannot be proposed if there has been cohabitation for one year after the violence or the causes that caused the fear have ceased or the error has been discovered.
Art. 136 – Grounds known by the registrar.
The civil registrar who proceeds with the celebration of the marriage, when there is some impediment or prohibition of which he is aware, is punished with a fine (1) from euro 51 to euro 309.
Art. 143 – Mutual rights and duties of the spouses
With marriage the husband and wife acquire the same rights and assume the same duties.
From marriage derives the mutual obligation of fidelity, moral and material assistance, collaboration in the interest of the family and cohabitation.
Both spouses are required to contribute to the needs of the family, each in relation to their assets and their ability to work professionally or at home.
Art. 143 Bis – Surname of the wife
The wife adds that of her husband to her surname and keeps it during her widowhood, until she marries again.
Art. 146 – Removal from family residence
The right to moral and material assistance provided for in article 143 is suspended in respect of the spouse who, having left the family residence without just cause, refuses to return.
The proposition of the request for separation or annulment or dissolution or termination of the civil effects of the marriage constitutes just cause for removal from the family residence.
The judge may, according to the circumstances, order the seizure of the assets of the spouse who has gone away, to the extent that is capable of guaranteeing the fulfillment of the obligations provided for by articles 143, third paragraph, and 147.
Art. 147 – Duties towards children
Marriage imposes on both spouses the obligation to maintain, instruct, educate and morally assist the children, respecting their abilities, natural inclinations and aspirations, in accordance with the provisions of article 315-bis. .
Art. 149 – Dissolution of marriage
The marriage is dissolved with the death of one of the spouses and in the other cases provided for by law (3).
The civil effects of a marriage celebrated with a religious rite, pursuant to article 82 or article 83, and duly recorded, cease upon the death of one of the spouses and in the other cases provided for by law.
Art. 150 – Personal separation
The personal separation of the spouses is allowed.
The separation can be judicial or consensual.
The right to request the judicial separation or the approval of the consensual separation belongs exclusively to the spouses.
Art. 151 – Judicial separation
Separation can be requested when, even independently of the will of one or both spouses, facts occur that make the continuation of cohabitation intolerable or cause serious damage to the education of the offspring.
The judge pronouncing the separation, declares, where the circumstances apply and is required, to which of the spouses the separation is responsible, in consideration of his behavior contrary to the duties deriving from marriage.
55 Bis – Custody to a single parent and opposition to shared custody
The judge can order the custody of the children to only one of the parents if he deems with a motivated provision that the custody to the other is contrary to the interest of the minor.
Each of the parents may, at any time, request sole custody when the conditions indicated in the first paragraph are met. The judge, if he accepts the request, orders the sole custody of the instant parent, without prejudice, as far as possible, to the rights of the minor provided for in the first paragraph of article 155. If the request is manifestly unfounded, the judge can consider the behavior of the instant parent for the purpose of determining the measures to be adopted in the interest of the children, without prejudice to the application of article 96 of the code of civil procedure.
Art. 155 Quater – Assignment of the family home and residence requirements
The enjoyment of the family home is attributed taking into account the interests of the children as a priority. The judge takes into account the assignment in the regulation of the economic relations between the parents, considering the possible title of ownership. The right to enjoy the family home ceases if the assignee does not live or ceases to live permanently in the family home or cohabits more uxorio or contracts a new marriage. The provision of assignment and that of revocation can be transcribed and opposed to third parties pursuant to article 2643.
In the event that one of the spouses changes residence or domicile, the other spouse may request, if the change interferes with the methods of custody, the redefinition of the agreements or measures adopted, including economic ones.
Art. 156 – Effects of the separation on the property relations between the spouses
The judge, pronouncing the separation, establishes for the benefit of the spouse who is not responsible for the separation the right to receive from the other spouse what is necessary for his maintenance, if he does not have adequate income of his own.
The extent of this provision is determined in relation to the circumstances and income of the obligor.
The obligation to lend the alimony referred to in articles 433 and following remains valid.
The judge who pronounces the separation may require the spouse to provide a suitable real or personal guarantee if there is the danger that he may escape from the fulfillment of the obligations provided for by the previous paragraphs and by article 155.
The sentence constitutes a title for the registration of the judicial mortgage pursuant to article 2818.
In the event of non-compliance, at the request of the person entitled, the judge can order the seizure of part of the assets of the obligated spouse and order third parties, who are also required to pay the obligee periodically sums of money, that part of them be paid directly to those entitled (2).
If justified reasons arise, the judge, at the request of a party, may order the revocation or modification of the provisions referred to in the preceding paragraphs.
Art. 156 Bis – Surname of the wife
The judge may prohibit the wife from using her husband’s surname when such use is seriously prejudicial to him, and may likewise authorize the wife not to use the surname itself, if its use could cause serious harm to her.
Art. 159 – Of the legal property regime between the spouses
The legal property regime of the family, in the absence of a different convention stipulated pursuant to article 162, is constituted by the community of property governed by section III of this chapter.
Art. 165 – Capacity of the minor
The minor admitted to marry [cc 84] is also capable of giving consent for all the relative marriage agreements [cc 162], which are valid if he is assisted by the parents exercising parental responsibility over him or by the guardian or by the special trustee appointed pursuant to article 90.
Art. 215 – Separation of assets (2).
The spouses may agree that each of them retains the exclusive ownership of the assets acquired during the marriage.
Art. 216 – Sources of the communion regulation
The spouses can establish special pacts for communion; in the absence of these agreements, the provisions relating to communion in general apply.
In any case, the following provisions are observed.
Art. 265 – Appeal for violence.
The recognition can be challenged for violence [cc 1434] by the author of the recognition within one year from the day on which the violence ceased.
If the author of the recognition is a minor [cc 2], the action can be promoted within one year of reaching the age of majority [cc 263, 268, 2964, 2968].
Art. 316 – Parental responsibility
Both parents have parental responsibility which is exercised by mutual agreement taking into account the child’s abilities, natural inclinations and aspirations. Parents by mutual agreement establish the child’s habitual residence.
In the event of a dispute on issues of particular importance, each of the parents can appeal to the judge without formalities, indicating the measures they consider most suitable.
The judge, having consulted the parents and ordered to listen to the minor child who has reached the age of twelve and also younger if capable of discernment, suggests the determinations that he considers most useful in the interest of the child and the family unit. If the conflict persists, the judge attributes the power of decision to that of the parents who, in the individual case, consider the most suitable to look after the interest of the child.
The parent who has recognized the child exercises parental responsibility over him. If the recognition of the child, born out of wedlock, is made by the parents, the exercise of parental responsibility belongs to both.
The parent who does not exercise parental responsibility supervises the child’s education, upbringing and living conditions.
Art. 316 Bis – Competition in maintenance
Parents must fulfill their obligations towards their children in proportion to their respective substances and according to their ability to work professionally or at home. When the parents do not have sufficient means, the other ascendants, in order of proximity, are required to provide the parents themselves with the necessary means so that they can fulfill their duties towards their children.
In the event of non-fulfillment, the president of the court, at the request of anyone who has an interest in it, having heard the defaulting party and having obtained information, can order by decree that a share of the obligee’s income, in proportion to the same, is paid directly to the other parent. or to those who bear the expenses for the maintenance, education and upbringing of the offspring.
The decree, notified to the interested parties and to the third debtor, constitutes enforceable title, but the parties and the third debtor can propose opposition within twenty days of notification.
The opposition is governed by the rules relating to the opposition to the injunction, as applicable.
The parties and the third party debtor can always request, with the forms of the ordinary process, the modification and revocation of the provision.
Art. 342 Bis – Protection orders against family abuse
When the conduct of the spouse or other cohabitant causes serious damage to the physical or moral integrity or to the freedom of the other spouse or cohabitant, the judge, at the request of a party, may adopt by decree one or more of the measures referred to in ‘article 342-ter (5).
Art. 342 Ter – Content of protection orders .
With the decree referred to in Article 342-bis, the judge orders the spouse or cohabitant, who has held the prejudicial conduct, to cease the same conduct and orders the removal from the family home of the spouse or cohabitant who carried out the prejudicial conduct also prescribing, where necessary, not to approach the places habitually frequented by the applicant, and in particular the place of work, the domicile of the family of origin, or the domicile of other close relatives or other persons and in the vicinity of the places of education of the couple’s children, unless they have to attend the same places for work needs.
The judge may also order, if the intervention of the social services of the territory or of a family mediation center is necessary, as well as of the associations that have as their statutory purpose the support and reception of women and minors or other victims of abuse. and mistreated; the periodic payment of a check in favor of cohabiting persons who, as a result of the measures referred to in the first paragraph, remain without adequate means, setting methods and terms of payment and prescribing, if necessary, that the sum be paid directly to entitled by the employer of the obligee, deducting it from the salary due to the same.
With the same decree the judge, in the cases referred to in the preceding paragraphs, establishes the duration of the protection order, which runs from the day of its execution. This cannot be longer than one year and can be extended, at the request of a party, only if there are serious reasons for the time strictly necessary.(1).
With the same decree the judge determines the methods of implementation. Where difficulties or disputes arise with regard to execution, the same judge by decree issues the most appropriate measures for implementation, including the aid of the public force and the health officer.
Art. 390 – Emancipation by law.
The minor is by law emancipated by marriage.
Art. 392 – Curator of the emancipated
The trustee of the minor married to an adult is the spouse.
If both spouses are minors, the tutelary judge can appoint a single curator, preferably chosen from among the parents.
If the annulment occurs for a reason other than age, or the dissolution or cessation of the civil effects of the marriage or personal separation, the tutelary judge appoints one of the parents as curator, if suitable for the office, or, failing that, another person. In the event that the minor subsequently contracts marriage, the trustee also assists him in the acts provided for in article 165.
Art. 433 – Obliged persons
The obligation to lend alimony is required, in order:
1) the spouse;
2) the children, even adopted children, and, in their absence, the next descendants (5);
3) the parents and, in their absence, the next ascendants; the adopters(6);
4) gender and daughter-in-law;
5) the father-in-law and the mother-in-law;
6) full or unilateral brothers and sisters, with priority of the germans over the unilateral ones.
Art. 435 – Obligation of parents and natural children
The biological child owes alimony to the parent. His obligation ranks after that of the parents and legitimate ancestors of the child.
The parent owes the alimony to the natural child and his legitimate descendants. His obligation ranks after that of the natural children of the child.
The parent also owes the alimony strictly necessary for the natural children of his legitimate or natural child. His obligation has rank after that of the father-in-law and the mother-in-law of the feeding.