
Summary of Domestic Prohibition

Slavery and slave trade

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce eget nibh consequat, pellentesque velit sed.

Practices similar to slavery

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer luctus suscipit felis, sed aliquam tellus mattis in. Duis quis sodales nunc. Cras bibendum aliquet magna, id accumsan ligula convallis ac. Nullam molestie quis risus quis hendrerit. Vestibulum hendrerit felis quis enim mattis, ut varius augue.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam volutpat tristique arcu eu vehicula. Ut a nunc vel dui blandit aliquet. Praesent magna mauris, viverra eleifend nunc non, bibendum posuere.

Forced or compulsory labour

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean ut mauris sed nisl dapibus efficitur in nec libero. Praesent aliquet sapien nec elit sodales venenatis. Aliquam orci nisl, suscipit at sodales ut, congue non massa. Curabitur gravida nunc id est imperdiet lobortis. Mauris quis urna semper, pulvinar tellus viverra, gravida leo. Duis scelerisque nulla at.

Human trafficking

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris fringilla feugiat justo, in convallis neque euismod ut. Nam commodo justo maximus, faucibus eros id, porttitor urna. Pellentesque sit amet massa odio. Nulla facilisi. Aliquam euismod arcu sit amet molestie blandit.

Forced marriage

There appears to be no legislation in Tunisia that addresses forced marriage.

Consent to marriage

Provisions requiring consent to marriage in Tunisia are found in the Personal Status Law, article 3 of which states that marriage is only formed by the consent of both spouses.

Servile marriage

There appears to be no legislation in Tunisia that prohibits servile matrimonial transactions.

Marriage trafficking

Provisions related to marriage trafficking in Tunisia are found in the prevention of trafficking in persons 2016, which prohibits trafficking for forced marriage at article 2.

Minimum age for marriage

The minimum age for marriage in Tunisia is 18, without differentiation of gender, as set out on Article 5 of the 2008 Personal Status Law. However, marriages below the minimum age are permitted with the consent of parents in case of serious reasons with a special authorisation from the judge and having ascertained the best interest of both future spouses, as set out on Article 5 of the 2008 Personal Status Law. These exceptions are not differentiated by gender.



Regional Court

African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights

Legal System


International Instruments

1926 Slavery Convention
Not Party
1953 Protocol to the Slavery Convention
Not Party
1956 Supplementary Slavery Convention
15 July 1966
1966 ICCPR
18 March 1969
1930 Forced Labour Convention
17 December 1962
2014 Protocol to the 1930 Forced Labour Convention
Not Party
1957 Abolition of Forced Labour Convention
12 January 1959
1999 Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention
28 February 2000
2000 Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons
14 July 2003
1998 Rome Statute of the ICC
24 June 2011
1956 Supplementary Slavery Convention
15 July 1966
1966 ICCPR
18 March 1969
1966 Optional Protocol to the ICCPR
29 June 2011
18 March 1969
2008 Optional Protocol to the ICESCR
Not Party
1962 Convention on Consent to Marriage, Minimum Age for Marriage and Registration of Marriages
24 January 1968
1957 Convention on the Nationality of Married Women
24 January 1968
1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child
30 January 1992
2000 Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography
13 September 2002
2011 Optional Protocol to the CRC on a communications procedure
14 December 2018
1979 Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women
20 September 1985
1999 Optional Protocol to CEDAW
23 September 2008
1978 Convention on the Celebration and Recognition of the Validity of Marriages
Not Party
2000 Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons
14 July 2003
1998 Rome Statute of the ICC
24 June 2011
1999 Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention
28 February 2000

International Obligations

  • Slavery
  • Servitude
  • Institutions and Practices Similar to Slavery
  • Forced Labour
  • Human Trafficking
  • Marriage Trafficking

Regional Organisations

  • African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights
  • African Union
  • Organisation of Islamic Cooperation
  • Arab League

Legislative Provisions


Paragraph 460 

The decree of 23 January 1846 freed the slaves and enacted measures to give effect to their emancipation.  

Paragraph 461 

This decree stated, inter alia, that most Tunisians were abusing their property rights over their slaves and were mistreating these harmless creatures that our sacred law gave any slave who was mistreated by his master the right to freedom and that legislation showed a marked trend towards the enlargement of freedom.  

Paragraph 466 

The Decree of 28 May 1890, which consolidated all the various regulations prohibiting and punishing slavery, provided that slavery did not exist and was prohibited in Tunisia; all human beings in the country, without distinction as to nationality or colour, were free and had equal recourse to the law and the magistrates if they felt they had been wronged.  

Paragraph 467 

Persons convicted of having bought, sold or kept any human being as a slave were to be punished with imprisonment for a term of three months to three years. In the event of a second conviction the offender was liable to the maximum penalty, which could even be doubled.  

Paragraph 470 

All the acts mentioned in I.1 are criminal offences punishable under the Decree of 28 May 1890, as stated above, and under the Penal Code… 

Paragraph 940 

Persons who convey slaves in the way described under IV are punishable as accessories.  

Paragraph 941 

Any slave who takes refuge on a Tunisian ship or aircraft or any part of Tunisian soil is ipso facto free.



Article 23 

The state protects human dignity and physical integrity, and prohibits mental and physical torture. Crimes of torture are not subject to any statute of limitations. 

Article 40 

Work is a right for every citizen, male and female. The state shall take the necessary measures to guarantee work on the basis of competence and fairness. 

All citizens, male and female, shall have the right to decent working conditions and to a fair wage.



Article 250 

(Amended by Law No. 2005-45 of 6 June 2005). 

Anyone who, without a lawful order, has captured, arrested, detained or sequestered a person is punishable by ten years’ imprisonment and twenty thousand dinars of fines. 

Article 251 

(Amended by Law No. 2005-45 of 6 June 2005). 

The penalty is twenty years’ imprisonment and a fine of twenty thousand dinars: 

(A) if the capture, arrest, detention or kidnapping has been accompanied by violence or threats, 

(B) if the operation was carried out by hand or by several perpetrators, 

(C) if the victim is a civil servant or a member of the diplomatic or consular corps or a member of their families provided that the perpetrator knows the identity of his victim. 

(D) if any of these acts have been accompanied by threats to kill the hostage, to infringe his physical integrity or to continue sequestering him, for the purpose of compelling a third party, whether a State, An international or governmental organization, a natural or legal person or a group of persons, to perform a specified act or to refrain from doing so as an express or tacit condition for the release of the hostage. 

The penalty is life imprisonment if the capture, arrest, detention or sequestration lasted for more than one month or if it resulted in a physical disability or illness or if the operation was intended either to prepare Or facilitate the commission of a crime or offense, or to promote flight or ensure the impunity of perpetrators and accomplices of a crime or offense or to respond to the execution of an order or condition , Or to harm the physical integrity of the victim or victims. 

The death penalty is incurred if these offenses have been accompanied by death. 

Penal Code (PDF)


Art. 2 

For the purposes of this Law, the following terms are used: 

  1. Trafficking in persons: Trafficking in persons shall be considered as the trafficking, recruitment, transport, transfer, diversion, repatriation, accommodation or reception of persons, through the use or threat of use of Force or weapons or any other form of coercion, kidnapping, fraud, deceit, abuse of authority or a situation of vulnerability or by the offer or acceptance of sums of money Or benefits or gifts or pledges of gifts in order to obtain the consent of a person having authority over another for the purpose of exploitation, whatever the form, whether that exploitation is committed by the perpetrator or In order to make such person available to a third party

3. Forced labor or service: Any work or service imposed on a person under the threat of any sanction and that person has not agreed to do so voluntarily. 

4. Slavery: Any situation in which all or part of the attributes of the right of ownership are exercised over a person.

5. Practices analogous to slavery:

They include the following: 

– Debt bondage: The situation in which a debtor is obliged to perform work or services by himself or by one of his servants as security for his debt, if the counterpart of such work or services does not, Is not used for the liquidation of the debt or if the nature or duration of the work or service is not limited or if its nature is not determined. 

– Serfdom: The situation in which a person is obliged under an agreement, to live and work on an estate belonging to another person, whether or not the work or service is remunerated and provided that such person Have the freedom to change their situation. 

– Forced marriage of women 

– Forced pregnancy or forced gestation for others. 

– Exploitation of the child in criminal activities or in armed conflict. 

– Adoption of the child for exploitation in any form. 

– Economic or sexual exploitation of children in the course of their employment. 

  1. Servitude: The situation in which a person is obliged to perform work or provide services under conditions to which that person cannot escape or change

Art. 5  

The consent of the victim does not count for the assessment of the use of the offense of trafficking in persons if it is committed by the use of one of the means enumerated in the first paragraph of Article 2 Of this Act. 

The use of these means is not required for the constitution of the said offense if the victim is a child or a person incapable or suffering from a mental infirmity. 

The consent of the victim shall not be considered as a circumstance which mitigates the penalties provided for in this Act. 

Art. 8 

Everyone who commits any of the offenses relating to trafficking in persons provided for in the first paragraph of article 2 of this law shall be punished by ten years’ imprisonment and a fine of fifty thousand dinars.  

Art. 9  

Everyone who publicly incites them by any means shall be punished with half of the penalties for trafficking offenses against persons covered by this Act or those related to them. If the penalty is the death penalty or life imprisonment, it is replaced by a term of imprisonment of twenty years.  

Art. 10 

Anyone who adheres or participates, inside or outside the territory of the Republic, in any capacity whatsoever, shall be punished with seven years’ imprisonment and a fine of forty thousand dinars, An organized criminal group or an agreement for the purpose of preparing or arranging or committing any offense of trafficking in persons under this Act. The penalty is fifteen years’ imprisonment and a fine of one hundred thousand dinars for the persons who have formed or directed the organized criminal groups or the aforementioned agreements.



Art. 2

For the purposes of this Law, the following terms are used:

  1. Trafficking in persons: Trafficking in persons shall be considered as the trafficking, recruitment, transport, transfer, diversion, repatriation, accommodation or reception of persons, through the use or threat of use of Force or weapons or any other form of coercion, kidnapping, fraud, deceit, abuse of authority or a situation of vulnerability or by the offer or acceptance of sums of money Or benefits or gifts or pledges of gifts in order to obtain the consent of a person having authority over another for the purpose of exploitation, whatever the form, whether that exploitation is committed by the perpetrator or In order to make such person available to a third party

  1. Slavery: Any situation in which all or part of the attributes of the right of ownership are exercised over a person.
  2. Practices analogous to slavery:

They include the following:

– Debt bondage: The situation in which a debtor is obliged to perform work or services by himself or by one of his servants as security for his debt, if the counterpart of such work or services does not, Is not used for the liquidation of the debt or if the nature or duration of the work or service is not limited or if its nature is not determined.

– Serfdom: The situation in which a person is obliged under an agreement, to live and work on an estate belonging to another person, whether or not the work or service is remunerated and provided that such person Have the freedom to change their situation.

– Forced marriage of women

– Forced pregnancy or forced gestation for others.

– Exploitation of the child in criminal activities or in armed conflict.

– Adoption of the child for exploitation in any form.

– Economic or sexual exploitation of children in the course of their employment.

Art. 5

The consent of the victim does not count for the assessment of the use of the offense of trafficking in persons if it is committed by the use of one of the means enumerated in the first paragraph of Article 2 Of this Act.

The use of these means is not required for the constitution of the said offense if the victim is a child or a person incapable or suffering from a mental infirmity.

The consent of the victim shall not be considered as a circumstance which mitigates the penalties provided for in this Act.

Art. 8

Everyone who commits any of the offenses relating to trafficking in persons provided for in the first paragraph of article 2 of this law shall be punished by ten years’ imprisonment and a fine of fifty thousand dinars.

Art. 9

Everyone who publicly incites them by any means shall be punished with half of the penalties for trafficking offenses against persons covered by this Act or those related to them. If the penalty is the death penalty or life imprisonment, it is replaced by a term of imprisonment of twenty years.

Art. 10

Anyone who adheres or participates, inside or outside the territory of the Republic, in any capacity whatsoever, shall be punished with seven years’ imprisonment and a fine of forty thousand dinars, An organized criminal group or an agreement for the purpose of preparing or arranging or committing any offense of trafficking in persons under this Act. The penalty is fifteen years’ imprisonment and a fine of one hundred thousand dinars for the persons who have formed or directed the organized criminal groups or the aforementioned agreements.


Tunisia Trafficking in Persons Law 2016 – French (PDF)


Article 3-

Marriage is only formed by the consent of both spouses.

The presence of two honorable witnesses and the fixing of a dowry for the benefit of the woman are, moreover, required for the validity of the marriage

Article 5- (Modified by decree-law n ° 64-1 of February 20, 1964, ratified by law n °64-1 of April 21, 1964 and by law n ° 2007-32 of May 14, 2007).

The two future spouses must not be in one of the cases of impediments provided for by the law.

In addition, each of the two future spouses who have not reached the age of eighteen cannoT contract marriage. Below this age, marriage can only be contracted by virtue of a special authorization from the judge who will only grant it for serious reasons and in the best interest including both future spouses.

Article 6– (Modified by law n ° 93-74 of July 12, 1993).

The marriage of a minor is subject to the consent of his guardian and mother.

In the event of refusal by the guardian or mother and the persistence of the minor, the judge is seized.

The ordinance authorizing the marriage is not subject to any appeal.

Article 7

The marriage of the prodigal is only valid after the consent of the curator.

The latter can, before the consummation of the marriage, ask the judge to annul it.

Article 8

Consent to the marriage of the minor who is the next of kin to the agnate. He must be of holy spirit, of male, major.

The father or his representative consents to the marriage of his minor child, whether of the same sex Masculine or feminine.

If there is no tutor, consent is given by the judge.

Article 9-

The man and the woman can conclude marriage by themselves or by proxy.

A person who consents to the marriage of a minor can also do so by proxy.

Article 14-

There are two kinds of impediments to marriage: permanent and temporary.

Permanent impediments result from kinship, alliance, breastfeeding or of the triple divorce.

Temporary impediments result from the existence of an undissolved marriage and the non-expiry of the period of validity.

Article 21- (Modified by decree-law n ° 64-1 of February 20, 1964, ratified by law n ° 64-1 of April 21, 1964).

A union which includes a clause contrary to the very essence of the marriage or which is concluded in contravention of the provisions of the 1 st paragraph of article 3, of the 1 st paragraph of article 5 and articles 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20 of this code.

When criminal proceedings are brought by application of article 18 above, it will be ruled by one and the same judgment on the offense and the nullity of the marriage.

Spouses whose marriage has been declared are liable to six months’ imprisonment.

No one and who continue or resume living together.

Article 53 of the penal code is not applicable to the offenses provided for by this article

Article 23– (Modified by law n ° 93-74 of July 12, 1993).

Each of the two spouses must treat his spouse with kindness, live in good relationship with him and avoid harming him.

Both spouses must fulfill their conjugal duties in accordance with customary practice and the custom.

They cooperate in the conduct of family affairs, the good education of children, as well as the management of their affairs including education, travel and financial transactions.

The husband, as head of the family, must provide for the needs of the wife and children to the extent of his means and according to their condition within the framework of the components of the pension food.

The woman must contribute to the expenses of the family if she has property

Article 24

The husband has no power of administration over the wife’s own property

Article 153– (Amended by law n ° 93-74 of July 12, 1993)

Anyone who has not reached the age of majority is considered prohibited for a minority of twenty years completed.

The minor becomes of age by marriage if he exceeds the age of 17 years, and this, as regards his personal status and the management of its civil and commercial affairs