
Summary of Domestic Prohibition

Slavery and slave trade

Provisions related to slavery are found in the Criminal Code which prohibits slavery at article 106.

Practices similar to slavery

There appears to be no legislation in place in Azerbaijan which prohibits institutions and practices similar to slavery.


There appears to be no legislation in place in Azerbaijan which prohibits servitude.

Forced or compulsory labour

Provisions related to forced labour are found in the 1995 Constitution which prohibits forced labour at article 35(3), and in the Criminal Code which criminalises forced labour in article 144-2.

Human trafficking

Provisions related to trafficking in persons are found in the 2005 Law on Fight against Human Trafficking, and article 144-1 of the Criminal Code.

Forced marriage

Provisions related to forced marriage in Azerbaijan are found in the 1994 Constitution at Article 34, according to which no one shall be forced to marry. The 2013 Criminal Code also addresses forcing a woman to enter into marriage at Article 176-1, with a potential penalty of fine from two thousand to three thousand manats or by imprisonment for up to two years. The same acts committed against a person who have not achieved the legal age for marriage is punishable with a potential penalty of fine from three thousand to four thousand manats or by imprisonment for up to four years.

Consent to marriage
Servile marriage

There appears to be no legislation in Azerbaijan that prohibits servile matrimonial transactions.

Marriage trafficking

Provisions related to marriage trafficking in the Azerbaijan are found in Article 1 of the LAW ON FIGHT AGAINST HUMAN TRAFFICKING 2005, which prohibits trafficking for practices similar to slavery. Article 114-1 of the Criminal Code also prohibits trafficking for practices similar to slavery, with a potential penalty of imprisonment from five to ten years.

Minimum age for marriage

The minimum age for marriage in Azerbaijan is 18, without differentiation by gender, as set out on Article 10 of the 1999 Family Code. However, marriages below this age are permitted in the presence of reasonable excuses. These exceptions are not differentiated by gender, and allow marriages as early as 17.


Eastern Europe

Regional Court

European Court of Human Rights

Legal System


International Instruments

1926 Slavery Convention
16 August 1996
1953 Protocol to the Slavery Convention
16 August 1996
1956 Supplementary Slavery Convention
16 September 1996
1966 ICCPR
13 August 1992
1930 Forced Labour Convention
19 May 1992
2014 Protocol to the 1930 Forced Labour Convention
Not Party
1957 Abolition of Forced Labour Convention
09 August 2000
1999 Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention
30 March 2004
2000 Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons
30 October 2003
1998 Rome Statute of the ICC
Not Party
1956 Supplementary Slavery Convention
16 September 1996
1966 ICCPR
13 August 1992
1966 Optional Protocol to the ICCPR
27 November 2001
13 August 1992
2008 Optional Protocol to the ICESCR
Not Party
1962 Convention on Consent to Marriage, Minimum Age for Marriage and Registration of Marriages
16 August 1996
1957 Convention on the Nationality of Married Women
16 August 1996
1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child
13 August 1992
2000 Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography
03 July 2002
2011 Optional Protocol to the CRC on a communications procedure
Not Party
1979 Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women
10 July 1995
1999 Optional Protocol to CEDAW
01 June 2001
1978 Convention on the Celebration and Recognition of the Validity of Marriages
Not Party
2000 Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons
30 October 2003
1998 Rome Statute of the ICC
Not Party
1999 Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention
30 March 2004

International Obligations

  • Slavery
  • Servitude
  • Institutions and Practices Similar to Slavery
  • Forced Labour
  • Human Trafficking
  • Marriage Trafficking

Regional Organisations

  • European Court of Human Rights
  • Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe
  • Organisation of Islamic Cooperation
  • Council of Europe

Legislative Provisions


Article 35 Right to work

1) Labor is the basis of personal and public prosperity. (2) Everyone has the right to choose independently, based on his/her abilities, kind of activity, profession, occupation and place of work. (3) Nobody might be forced to work. (4) Labor agreements are concluded voluntarily. Nobody may be forced to conclude labor agreement.

Constitution of the Azerbaijan Republic 1995 (PDF) 


Article 106. Slavery

106.1. The slavery, that is full or partial realization above a person of the competencies inherent to the property right

— shall be punished by imprisonment for the term from five up to ten years.

106.2. The same act accomplished concerning a minor or with the purpose of moving of a person in the foreign state

— shall be punished by imprisonment for the term from seven up to twelve years.

106.3. Slavery sales, that is maintenance of the person with a purpose of transfer into to slave or use as a slave, his sale or an exchange, and also any act connected with slave sales or transfer into slave, as well as sexual slavery or an encroachment on sexual freedom on grounds of slavery

— shall be punished by imprisonment for the term from five up to ten years.

Article 116. Infringement of norms of the international humanitarian right during confrontations

116.0. Infringement of norms of the international humanitarian right during confrontations, shall be :

116.0.17. commitment of other actions connected to rape, sexual slavery, compulsory prostitution, compulsory sterilization, compulsory pregnancy, and also sexual violence ;


Article 144-1 Human trafficking

144-1.1 Trafficking, i.e. recruitment, obtaining, keeping, harboring, transportation, transfer or acceptance of a person with a purpose of exploitation under the threat of violence or using violence, threats or other means of coercion, abduction, fraud, deception by misusing ability to make pressure or helplessness, or providing or receiving material and other values, privileges or benefits to get a consent of the person that exercises control over another person,

— shall be penalized five to ten years imprisonment.

144-1-2 The same acts:

144-1.2.1. committed against two or more persons;

144-1.2.3. committed against an underage person;

144-1.2.4. committed against a pregnant woman whose pregnancy was evident to the defendant;

144-1.2.4-1. with movement of trafficking victim across the state border of the Republic of Azerbaijan;

144-1.2.5. committed by a group of preliminarily conspired persons, organized group or a criminal association (criminal organization);

144-1.2.6. committed by defendant using his official authority;

144-1.2.7. committed by use or threat of violence which represents a menace to life and health;

144-1.2.8. committed by means of torture or cruel, inhumane or degrading treatment against the victim;

144-1.2.9. committed with the purpose of making use of victim’s organs or tissues

— shall be punishable with imprisonment from eight to twelve years

144-1.3. Should the actions referred to in the ankles 144-1.1 and 144-1.2 be the cause of the death of a victim or other grave results due to negligence

— shall be punishable with ten to fifteen years of imprisonment

Note- “Human exploitation” referred to in this article, shall mean, forced labor (servitude), sexual exploitation, slavery and practices similar to slavery and the resulting dependence, transplantation of human organs and tissues, conduct of illicit biomedical researches on the person, use of a woman as surrogate mother, engaging a person in unlawful, including criminal activities. 2. Any preliminary consent to exploitation, life style or immoral behavior of a human trafficking victim shall not be considered as a fact mitigating the penalty for the person suspected in human trafficking offenses. 3. Hooking, purchase, hold, harboring, transportation, transfer or adoption of a minor with a purpose of his exploitation is recognized trafficking even in case of nonapplication of the methods specified in Article 144-1.1 of the Law.

Article 144-2 Forced Labour

144-2.1. Forcing a person to perform certain work (service) by means of threats, use or threat of coercion, or by means of confinement other than in the situations prescribed by the law

— shall be penalized by imprisonment for the term from four to eight years. 144-2.2. The same acts:

144-2.2.1. committed against two or more persons;

144-2.2.2. committed repeatedly;

144-2.2.3. committed against an underage person; 144-2.2.4. committed against a pregnant woman whose pregnancy was evident to the defendant;

144-2.2.5. committed by defendant using his official authority;

144-2.2.6. committed by a group of preliminarily conspired persons, organized group or a criminal association (criminal organization)

— shall be penalized by imprisonment from seven to ten years.

144-2.3. Should the actions referred to in the articles 144-2.1 and 144-2.2 be the cause of the death of a victim or other grave results due to negligence

— shall be penalized by imprisonment from nine to twelve years.

Criminal Code 1999, as amended in 2013


Article 1. Basic definitions

1.0. The following basic definitions are used in this Law:

1.0.1. human trafficking involving, obtaining, storage, concealment, transportation, delivering or accepting of people (involving, obtaining, storage, concealment, transportation, delivering or accepting children for exploitation purposes shall be considered as human trafficking even if the means stipulated in this Article were not used) for exploitation purposes by using force or under the threat of force, by threat or other methods of compulsion, by means of theft, fraud, deception, abuse of possibility to influence or victim’s weakness, or by providing or obtaining material and other boons, privileges or concession in order to get the consent of the person controlling another person;

1.0.2. human exploitation – forced labour (service), sexual exploitation, slavery, practices similar to slavery and dependence deriving from them, illegally extracting human organs and tissues, conducting illegal bio-medical research on a person, involving into illegal including criminal activity as well as other forms of exploitation of people (if human trafficking is conducted using means specified in Article 1.0.1, the consent of the victim of human trafficking to be subjected to exploitation shall not be taken into account);

1.0.3. forced labour (service) – illegally forcing a person to do certain work (to provide service);

1.0.4. sexual exploitation – using a person for prostitution, sexual slavery or production of pornographic materials, profiting from sexual exploitation of others;

1.0.5. slavery – carrying out powers in full or partially characteristic of the right to property over a person;

1.0.6. practices similar to slavery institutions and practices mentioned in Article 1 of “Supplementary Convention on the Abolition of Slavery, the Slave Trade, and Institutions and Practices Similar to Slavery” from 30 April 1956;

Article 21. Responsibility for human trafficking

21.1. Individuals participating in human trafficking shall be brought before criminal responsibility in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

21.2. Action or inaction of an official that may create conditions for human trafficking shall lead to criminal responsibility in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

21.3. A foreigner or a stateless person who is assumed of being engaged in human trafficking shall not be granted an access to the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan and entry visas issued to them shall be considered void.


Article 34: Right to Marriage

I. Everybody has the right to marriage upon reaching the age specified by law.

II. Marriage is contracted on the basis of voluntary consent. No one shall be forced to marry.

III. Family and marriage are under the protection of the State. Mothers, fathers and children shall be protected by law. The State renders assistance to large families.

IV. The rights of husband and wife are equal. The care and raising of children is the right and obligation of both parents.

V. Children have the obligation to take care of their parents. Able-bodied children upon reaching the age of 18 have the duty to support their invalid parents.


Constitution of the Azerbaijan Republic 1995 (Amended 2009) – Constitute Project – English (PDF)


144-1.1 Trafficking, i.e. recruitment, obtaining, keeping, harboring, transportation, transfer or acceptance of a person with a purpose of exploitation under the threat of violence or using violence, threats or other means of coercion, abduction, fraud, deception by misusing ability to make pressure or helplessness, or providing or receiving material and other values, privileges or benefits to get a consent of the person that exercises control over another person,

— shall be penalized five to ten years imprisonment.

144-1-2 The same acts:

144-1.2.1. committed against two or more persons;

144-1.2.3. committed against an underage person;

144-1.2.4. committed against a pregnant woman whose pregnancy was evident to the defendant;

144-1.2.4-1. with movement of trafficking victim across the state border of the Republic of Azerbaijan;

144-1.2.5. committed by a group of preliminarily conspired persons, organized group or a criminal association (criminal organization);

144-1.2.6. committed by defendant using his official authority;

144-1.2.7. committed by use or threat of violence which represents a menace to life and health;

144-1.2.8. committed by means of torture or cruel, inhumane or degrading

treatment against the victim;

144-1.2.9. committed with the purpose of making use of victim’s organs or tissues

— shall be punishable with imprisonment from eight to twelve years

144-1.3. Should the actions referred to in the ankles 144-1.1 and 144-1.2 be the cause of the death of a victim or other grave results due to negligence

— shall be punishable with ten to fifteen years of imprisonment

Note- “Human exploitation” referred to in this article, shall mean, forced labor (servitude), sexual exploitation, slavery and practices similar to slavery and the resulting dependence, transplantation of human organs and tissues, conduct of illicit biomedical researches on the person, use of a woman as surrogate mother, engaging a person in unlawful, including criminal activities. 2. Any preliminary consent to exploitation, life style or immoral behavior of a human trafficking victim shall not be considered as a fact mitigating the penalty for the person suspected in human trafficking offenses. 3. Hooking, purchase, hold, harboring, transportation, transfer or adoption of a minor with a purpose of his exploitation is recognized trafficking even in case of nonapplication of the methods specified in Article 144-1.1 of the Law.


Article 176-1. Forcing of a woman to enter into marriage

176-1.1. Forcing of a woman to enter into marriage — is punishable by fine in size from two thousand to three thousand manats or by deprivation of liberty for a period up to two years.

176-1.2. The same acts committed against the person who have not achieved the legal age for marriage — is punishable by fine in size from three thousand to four thousand manats or by deprivation of liberty for a period up to four years.

Article 1. Basic definitions

1.0. The following basic definitions are used in this Law:

1.0.1. human trafficking involving, obtaining, storage, concealment, transportation, delivering or accepting of people (involving, obtaining, storage, concealment, transportation, delivering or accepting children for exploitation purposes shall be considered as human trafficking even if the means stipulated in this Article were not used) for exploitation purposes by using force or under the threat of force, by threat or other methods of compulsion, by means of theft, fraud, deception, abuse of possibility to influence or victim’s weakness, or by providing or obtaining material and other boons, privileges or concession in order to get the consent of the person controlling another person;

1.0.2. human exploitation – forced labour (service), sexual exploitation, slavery, practices similar to slavery and dependence deriving from them, illegally extracting human organs and tissues, conducting illegal bio-medical research on a person, involving into illegal including criminal activity as well as other forms of exploitation of people (if human trafficking is conducted using means specified in Article 1.0.1, the consent of the victim of human trafficking to be subjected to exploitation shall not be taken into account);

1.0.3. forced labour (service) – illegally forcing a person to do certain work (to provide service);

1.0.4. sexual exploitation – using a person for prostitution, sexual slavery or production of pornographic materials, profiting from sexual exploitation of others;

1.0.5. slavery – carrying out powers in full or partially characteristic of the right to property over a person;

1.0.6. practices similar to slavery institutions and practices mentioned in Article 1 of “Supplementary Convention on the Abolition of Slavery, the Slave Trade, and Institutions and Practices Similar to Slavery” from 30 April 1956;


Law on Trafficking in Persons 2005 – NATLEX – English (PDF)

Article 10. Age of consent

10.1. The age of consent in the Azerbaijan Republic is established in 18 years.

10.2. In the presence of reasonable excuses relevant organ of the executive authority of the territory at the place of residence of the minors who are wishing to marry, having the right to reduce at their request age of consent no more than by 1 year.


Article 11. Marriage conditions

11.1. Marriage requires written consent, marrying, submission of the reference certifying passing of physical examination by them according to Article 13.3 of this Code and achievement of age of consent by them.

11.2. It cannot be got married in the cases specified in article 12 of this Code.


Article 14. Bases for the scrap termination

14.1. Scrap stops in case of death or recognition judicially of one of spouses by the dead.

14.2. Scrap can be stopped according to the statement of one or both spouses, and also according to the statement of the guardian of the spouse recognized judicially as incapacitated.


Article 15. Restriction of the right to presentation by the husband of the requirement about annulment of marriage

The husband has no right without the consent of the wife to bring the action of rescission of scrap during pregnancy of the wife or within year after the child’s birth.


Article 17. Annulment of marriage in relevant organ of the executive authority

17.1. In case of mutual consent on annulment of marriage of the spouses who do not have general minor children, annulment of marriage it is made in relevant organ of the executive authority.

17.2. Annulment of marriage according to the statement of one of spouses irrespective of availability at spouses of general minor children is made in relevant organ of the executive authority if other spouse:

17.2.1. it is acknowledged judicially it is unknown absent;

17.2.2. it is recognized judicially as incapacitated;

17.2.3. it is condemned for crime execution to imprisonment for the term of at least three years. 17.3. it is excluded

17.4. State registration of annulment of marriage is made by relevant organ of the executive authority according to the procedure, established by the legislation.

Article 18. Consideration of the disputes arising between spouses in case of annulment of marriage in relevant organ of the executive authority

Disputes on the Section of common property of spouses, payment of funds for content of the needing disabled spouse, and also the disputes arising between the parties if one of the parties it is recognized as court incapacitated, or imprisonment for the term of at least three years, or about children, are considered judicially irrespective of annulment of marriage in relevant organ of the executive authority.


Article 20. Annulment of marriage judicially in the absence of the consent of one of spouses

20.1. Annulment of marriage judicially is made if by court it is determined that further joint life of spouses and preserving family are impossible.

20.2. In the absence of the consent of one of the parties to annulment of marriage the court has the right to adjourn case, having appointed spouses term for conciliation within three months.

Annulment of marriage is made if conciliation does not happen or spouses (one of them) insist on annulment of marriage.


Article 21. Annulment of marriage judicially in case of mutual consent of spouses

21.1. In the presence of mutual consent on annulment of marriage of the spouses having general minor children and also in the cases specified in Article 19.2 of this Code, marriage is dissolved judicially without clarification of motives of its termination.

21.2. According to Article 22.1 of this Code of the spouse has the right to submit the agreement on children for consideration of court. In the absence of such agreement or if the agreement violates the interests of children, the court takes measures to protection of their interests according to the procedure, stipulated in Article 22.2 of this Code.

21.3. Annulment of marriage is made judicially not earlier than the expiration of month from the date of submission of the declaration of avoidance of scrap by spouses.