Paragraph 99
The provision at present in force in this connexion is contained in article 10 paragraph 1 of the Political Constitution of 1925, which states:
“In Chile there are no slaves, and he who sets foot upon its territory becomes free. The slave traffic may not be engaged by Chileans. The alien who does so may not live in Chile or be naturalized in the Republic.”
Article 19
The Constitution guarantees all persons:
1.The right to life and to the physical and mental integrity of the person.
The law protects the life of the unborn.
The death penalty may only be instituted for a crime established in a lawapproved by a qualified quorum.
The application of any illegitimate force [apremio] is forbidden;
2.Equality before the law. In Chile there are no privilege persons or groups. In Chile there are no slaves, and any that sets foot on its territory will become free. Men and women are equal before the law.
Neither the law nor any authority whatsoever may establish arbitrary differences;
7.The right to personal freedom and to individual security.
In consequence:
- No one may be deprived of his personal liberty nor is it restricted except in the cases and the manner established by the Constitution and the laws;
16.The freedom to work and its protection.
Every person has the right to freely contract and to the free choice of work with a just retribution.
Any discrimination that is not based on personal skills or capability is forbidden, notwithstanding that the law may require Chilean citizenship or age limits in certain cases.
Constitution of the Republic of Chile (PDF)
Article 367
Anyone who promotes or facilitates the prostitution of minors to satisfy the wishes of another, will suffer the penalty of imprisonment minor in its maximum degree. If habituality, abuse of authority or trust or deception occurs, penalties of imprisonment in any of its degrees and a fine of thirty-one to thirty-five tax units per month shall be imposed.
Article 367 ter
Anyone who, in exchange for money or other benefits of any kind, obtains sexual services by persons over fourteen but under eighteen years of age, without the intervention of the circumstances of the crimes of rape or statutory rape, He shall be punished by imprisonment in its maximum degree.
Article 383
Anyone who will deceive a person by simulating the celebration of marriage with her, will suffer the penalty of minor imprisonment in their medium to maximum degrees.
Art. 384
Any person who, by surprise or deceit, makes an intervention to the official who must authorize his marriage without having observed the requirements that the law requires for its celebration, even when the marriage is valid, will suffer the penalty of minor detention in its minimum degree. If he does intervene with violence or intimidation, the penalty will be less seclusion in his grades average to maximum.
Article 388
The civil officer who authorizes or inscribes a marriage prohibited by law or in which the formalities that it requires for its celebration or registration have not been fulfilled, will suffer the minor relegation penalties in its average degree and a fine of six to Ten monthly tax units. The same fine shall apply to the minister of worship who authorizes a marriage prohibited by law. The minister of religion who, third-party, falsifies in the act or in the certificate of religious marriage destined to produce civil effects, will suffer the penalties of presidio minor in any of its degrees.
Article 411 Ter
Whoever promotes or facilitates the entry into or exit from the country of persons to engage in prostitution in the national territory or abroad shall be punished by a maximum term of lesser imprisonment and a fine of 20 monthly tax units.
Article 411 Quáter
Whoever by violence, intimidation, coercion, deception, abuse of power, taking advantage of a position of vulnerability or dependency of the victim, or the giving or receiving of payments or other benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another detains, transports, harbors or receives persons to be subject to some form of sexual exploitation, including pornography, forced labor or services, servitude or slavery or practices similar to it, removal of organs, shall be punished by the penalty of imprisonment in its minimum to medium degrees [5 to 15 years’ imprisonment] and a fine of fifty to one hundred monthly tax units. If the victim is a minor, even if he does not attend violence, intimidation, coercion, deception, abuse of power, taking advantage of a position of vulnerability or dependency of the victim, or the giving or receiving of payments or other benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person, the penalties of imprisonment in its medium degree [10 to 15 years’ imprisonment] and a fine of fifty to one hundred UTM will be imposed. Whoever promotes, facilitate or fund the implementation of the acts described in this article shall be punished for the crime.
Penal Code (PDF)
Art. 54.
Remuneration shall be paid in legal tender, without prejudice to what is established in the second paragraph of Article 10 and of the provisions for agricultural workers and private households. At the request of the worker, it can be paid by check or bank draft in your name. Along with the payment, the employer must provide the worker with a voucher indicating the amount paid, how it was determined and the deductions made.
Article 55.
The remunerations will be paid with the periodicity stipulated in the contract, but the agreed periods cannot exceed one month.
If nothing is said in the contract, fortnightly advances must be given in the works by piece, work or measure and in the season.
Labour Code (PDF)