
Summary of Domestic Prohibition

Slavery and slave trade

Provisions related to slavery are found in the Constitution at article 19(2) which declares that ‘in Chile there are no slaves, and any that sets foot on its territory will become free’. Slavery may also form an element of trafficking in persons, criminalised under article 411 quater of the Penal Code.

Practices similar to slavery

There appears to be no legislation in place in Chile which prohibits institutions and practices similar to slavery, although institutions and practices similar to slavery may form elements of trafficking in persons, criminalised under article 411 quater of the Penal Code.


There appears to be no legislation in place in Chile which prohibits servitude, although servitude may form an element of trafficking in persons, criminalised under article 411 quater of the Penal Code.

Forced or compulsory labour

There appears to be no legislation in place in Chile which specifically prohibits forced labour, although the Constitution affirms that right to freely contract and to free choice of work with just retribution. Forced labour when committed as an element of trafficking in persons is also criminalised under article 411 quater of the Penal Code.

Human trafficking

Provisions related to trafficking in persons are found in the Penal Code at article 411 Quarter which prohibits trafficking in persons although acts of recruitment and transfer are not included in the provision.

Forced marriage

Provisions related to forced marriage in Chile are found in the 2021 Penal Code, which addresses deceiving a person by simulating the celebration of marriage at Article 383, with a potential penalty of minor imprisonment in their medium to maximum degrees. Article 384 also addresses using deception towards the official who must authorise the marriage in absence of the requirements for the celebration, with a potential penalty of minor detention in its minimum degree. Using violence or intimidation leads to a penalty of recursion in their average to maximum degree. Provisions related to forced marriage in Chile are also found in the 2000 Civil Code, which addresses celebrating a marriage with the consent vitiated by force, fear or reverential fear at Article 1465.

Consent to marriage

Provisions requiring consent to marriage in Chile are found in the Civil code 2000 and Civil Marriage Law 2019, article 105 of civil code of which states that the marriage may not be celebrated without the consent or license of the person or persons whose consent is necessary according to the rules to be expressed, or without it being established that the respective contracting party does not need the consent of another person, or who has obtained that of justice in subsidy and article 4 of civil marriage law which states that the celebration of the marriage requires that both parties be legally capable, that they have freely and spontaneously consented to contract it and that the formalities established by law have been complied with. Article 8 of Civil Marriage Law further recognises that the consent of a party or prospective party to a marriage is invalidated where the person is subjected to coercion. Article 5 further recognises that the consent of a party or prospective party to a marriage is invalidated where the person is under the age of marital capacity (16 years) or if the person is of unsound mind.

Servile marriage

There appears to be no legislation in Chile that prohibits servile matrimonial transactions.

Marriage trafficking

Provisions related to marriage trafficking in Chile are found in the Penal Code, as amended in 2012, which prohibits trafficking for practices similar to slavery at Article 411 Quarter, with a potential penalty of imprisonment from five to fifteen years and a fine of fifty to one hundred monthly tax units.

Minimum age for marriage

The minimum age for marriage in Chile is 18, without differentiation by gender, as set out on Article 106 of the 2000 Civil Code. However, marriages below this age are permitted with consent of parents, as set out on 107 of the 2000 Civil Code. These exceptions are not differentiated by gender, and allow marriage as early as 16. Where marriages are conducted involving a person below the age of sixteen, the marriage can be declared void, as set out on Article 44 of the 2019 Civil Marriage Law.


Latin America and Caribbean

Regional Court

Inter-American Court of Human Rights

Legal System


International Instruments

1926 Slavery Convention
20 June 1995
1953 Protocol to the Slavery Convention
20 June 1995
1956 Supplementary Slavery Convention
20 June 1995
1966 ICCPR
10 February 1972
1930 Forced Labour Convention
12 June 2015
2014 Protocol to the 1930 Forced Labour Convention
19 January 2021
1957 Abolition of Forced Labour Convention
01 February 1999
1999 Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention
17 July 2000
2000 Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons
29 November 2004
1998 Rome Statute of the ICC
29 June 2009
1956 Supplementary Slavery Convention
20 June 1995
1966 ICCPR
10 February 1972
1966 Optional Protocol to the ICCPR
27 May 1992
10 February 1972
2008 Optional Protocol to the ICESCR
Not Party
1962 Convention on Consent to Marriage, Minimum Age for Marriage and Registration of Marriages
Not Party
1957 Convention on the Nationality of Married Women
Not Party
1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child
13 August 1990
2000 Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography
06 February 2003
2011 Optional Protocol to the CRC on a communications procedure
01 September 2015
1979 Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women
07 December 1989
1999 Optional Protocol to CEDAW
12 March 2020
1978 Convention on the Celebration and Recognition of the Validity of Marriages
Not Party
2000 Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons
29 November 2004
1998 Rome Statute of the ICC
29 June 2009
1999 Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention
17 July 2000

International Obligations

  • Slavery
  • Servitude
  • Institutions and Practices Similar to Slavery
  • Forced Labour
  • Human Trafficking
  • Marriage Trafficking

Regional Organisations

  • Inter-American Court of Human Rights
  • Organanisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
  • Organisation of American States

Legislative Provisions


Paragraph 99 

The provision at present in force in this connexion is contained in article 10 paragraph 1 of the Political Constitution of 1925, which states: 


“In Chile there are no slaves, and he who sets foot upon its territory becomes free. The slave traffic may not be engaged by Chileans. The alien who does so may not live in Chile or be naturalized in the Republic.” 


Article 19 

The Constitution guarantees all persons: 

1.The right to life and to the physical and mental integrity of the person. 

The law protects the life of the unborn. 

The death penalty may only be instituted for a crime established in a lawapproved by a qualified quorum. 

The application of any illegitimate force [apremio] is forbidden; 

2.Equality before the law. In Chile there are no privilege persons or groups. In Chile there are no slaves, and any that sets foot on its territory will become free. Men and women are equal before the law. 

Neither the law nor any authority whatsoever may establish arbitrary differences; 

7.The right to personal freedom and to individual security. 

In consequence: 

  1. No one may be deprived of his personal liberty nor is it restricted except in the cases and the manner established by the Constitution and the laws;

16.The freedom to work and its protection. 

Every person has the right to freely contract and to the free choice of work with a just retribution. 

Any discrimination that is not based on personal skills or capability is forbidden, notwithstanding that the law may require Chilean citizenship or age limits in certain cases. 

Constitution of the Republic of Chile (PDF)


Article 367 

Anyone who promotes or facilitates the prostitution of minors to satisfy the wishes of another, will suffer the penalty of imprisonment minor in its maximum degree. If habituality, abuse of authority or trust or deception occurs, penalties of imprisonment in any of its degrees and a fine of thirty-one to thirty-five tax units per month shall be imposed. 

Article 367 ter 

Anyone who, in exchange for money or other benefits of any kind, obtains sexual services by persons over fourteen but under eighteen years of age, without the intervention of the circumstances of the crimes of rape or statutory rape, He shall be punished by imprisonment in its maximum degree. 

Article 383 

Anyone who will deceive a person by simulating the celebration of marriage with her, will suffer the penalty of minor imprisonment in their medium to maximum degrees.  

Art. 384 

Any person who, by surprise or deceit, makes an intervention to the official who must authorize his marriage without having observed the requirements that the law requires for its celebration, even when the marriage is valid, will suffer the penalty of minor detention in its minimum degree. If he does intervene with violence or intimidation, the penalty will be less seclusion in his grades average to maximum. 

Article 388 

The civil officer who authorizes or inscribes a marriage prohibited by law or in which the formalities that it requires for its celebration or registration have not been fulfilled, will suffer the minor relegation penalties in its average degree and a fine of six to Ten monthly tax units. The same fine shall apply to the minister of worship who authorizes a marriage prohibited by law. The minister of religion who, third-party, falsifies in the act or in the certificate of religious marriage destined to produce civil effects, will suffer the penalties of presidio minor in any of its degrees. 

Article 411 Ter

Whoever promotes or facilitates the entry into or exit from the country of persons to engage in prostitution in the national territory or abroad shall be punished by a maximum term of lesser imprisonment and a fine of 20 monthly tax units.

Article 411 Quáter 

Whoever by violence, intimidation, coercion, deception, abuse of power, taking advantage of a position of vulnerability or dependency of the victim, or the giving or receiving of payments or other benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another detains, transports, harbors or receives persons to be subject to some form of sexual exploitation, including pornography, forced labor or services, servitude or slavery or practices similar to it, removal of organs, shall be punished by the penalty of imprisonment in its minimum to medium degrees [5 to 15 years’ imprisonment] and a fine of fifty to one hundred monthly tax units. If the victim is a minor, even if he does not attend violence, intimidation, coercion, deception, abuse of power, taking advantage of a position of vulnerability or dependency of the victim, or the giving or receiving of payments or other benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person, the penalties of imprisonment in its medium degree [10 to 15 years’ imprisonment] and a fine of fifty to one hundred UTM will be imposed. Whoever promotes, facilitate or fund the implementation of the acts described in this article shall be punished for the crime.

Penal Code (PDF)


Art. 54.  

Remuneration shall be paid in legal tender, without prejudice to what is established in the second paragraph of Article 10 and of the provisions for agricultural workers and private households. At the request of the worker, it can be paid by check or bank draft in your name. Along with the payment, the employer must provide the worker with a voucher indicating the amount paid, how it was determined and the deductions made. 

 Article 55.  

The remunerations will be paid with the periodicity stipulated in the contract, but the agreed periods cannot exceed one month. 

 If nothing is said in the contract, fortnightly advances must be given in the works by piece, work or measure and in the season. 

Labour Code (PDF)


VIII. From public outrages to good manners

Article 383

Anyone who will deceive a person by simulating the celebration of marriage with her, will suffer the penalty of minor imprisonment in their medium to maximum degrees.

Art. 384

Any person who, by surprise or deceit, makes an intervention to the official who must authorize his marriage without having observed the requirements that the law requires for its celebration, even when the marriage is valid, will suffer the penalty of minor detention in its minimum degree.

If he does intervene with violence or intimidation, the penalty will be less seclusion in his grades average to maximum.

Article 388

The civil officer who authorizes or inscribes a marriage prohibited by law or in which the formalities that it requires for its celebration or registration have not been fulfilled, will suffer the minor relegation penalties in its average degree and a fine of six to Ten monthly tax units. The same fine shall apply to the minister of worship who authorizes a marriage prohibited by law.

The minister of religion who, third-party, falsifies in the act or in the certificate of religious marriage destined to produce civil effects, will suffer the penalties of presidio minor in any of its degrees.

V bis. Of the crimes of smuggling of migrants and human trafficking

Article 411 Quáter

Whoever by violence, intimidation, coercion, deception, abuse of power, taking advantage of a position of vulnerability or dependency of the victim, or the giving or receiving of payments or other benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another detains, transports, harbors or receives persons to be subject to some form of sexual exploitation, including pornography, forced labor or services, servitude or slavery or practices similar to it, removal of organs, shall be punished by the penalty of imprisonment in its minimum to medium degrees [5 to 15 years’ imprisonment] and a fine of fifty to one hundred monthly tax units. If the victim is a minor, even if he does not attend violence, intimidation, coercion, deception, abuse of power, taking advantage of a position of vulnerability or dependency of the victim, or the giving or receiving of payments or other benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person, the penalties of imprisonment in its medium degree [10 to 15 years’ imprisonment] and a fine of fifty to one hundred UTM will be imposed. Which promote Whoever promotes, facilitates or funds the implementation of the acts described in this article shall be punished for the crime.


Penal Code 1874 (Amended 2014) – SHERLOC – Spanish – (PDF)


Art. 26. Anyone who has not reached the age of seven is called an infant or child; prepubescent, the man who has not reached fourteen years and the woman who has not reached twelve; adult, the one who has stopped being prepubescent; of legal age, or simply older, is one who has reached the age of eighteen; and minor, or simply minor, the one who has not come to fulfill them.

Art. 102. Marriage is a solemn contract by which a man and a woman are united today and indissolubly, and for life, in order to live together, to procreate, and to help each other.

 Art. 105. The marriage may not be celebrated without the consent or license of the person or persons whose consent is necessary according to the rules to be expressed, or without it being established that the respective contracting party does not need the consent of another person, or who has obtained that of justice in subsidy.

  Art. 106. Those who have reached the age of eighteen shall not be obliged to obtain the consent of any person.

 Art. 107. Those who have not reached the age of eighteen may not marry without the express consent of their parents; if one of them is missing, that of the other father or mother; or in the absence of both, that of the closest ascendant or ascendants.

 In equality of opposing votes, the one favorable to marriage will prefer.

 Art. 111. In the absence of said father, mother or ascendants, the consent of the general curator will be necessary for those who have not reached the age of eighteen.

 In the absence of the aforementioned, the consent for the marriage will be given to the minor by the Civil Registry official who must intervene in its celebration. If the latter has any of the reasons contemplated in article 113 to oppose the marriage, he shall communicate it in writing to the judge of letters of the commune or group of communes for the purposes indicated in article 112.

In the case of a child whose parentage has not yet been determined with respect to either of his parents, the consent for the marriage will be given by his general curator. In the absence of this, the provisions of the preceding paragraph will be applicable.

Art. 112. If the person who must give this consent denies it, even without expressing any cause, the marriage of minors under eighteen years of age may not proceed.

    The curator and the Civil Registry official who deny their consent will always be obliged to express the cause, and, in this case, the minor will have the right to request that the dissent be qualified by the competent court.

Art. 113. The reasons that justify dissent may not be other than these:

    1st. The existence of any legal impediment, including the one indicated in article 116;

    2nd. Failure to carry out any of the procedures prescribed in the title On second nuptials, if applicable;

    3rd. Serious danger to the health of the minor to whom the license is denied, or of the offspring;

    4th. Licentious life, immoderate passion for gambling, habitual drunkenness, of the person with whom the minor wishes to marry;

    5th. That person having been convicted of a crime that deserves an afflictive penalty;

    6th. Not having any of the spouses current means for the competent performance of the obligations of marriage.

Art. 114. He who, having not reached eighteen years of age, marries without the consent of an ascendant, being obliged to obtain it, may be disinherited, not only by the one or those whose consent was necessary, but by all other ascendants. If any of these dies without making a will, the descendant will not have more than half of the portion of property that would have corresponded to him in the deceased’s estate.

 Art. 115. The ascendant without whose necessary consent the descendant has married, may for this reason revoke the donations made to him before the marriage.

    Marriage contracted without the necessary consent of another person does not deprive the right to maintenance.

Art. 116. As long as a person has not reached eighteen years of age, it will not be lawful for the guardian or curator who has administered or administers his assets to marry her, without the administration account having been approved by the judge, with a hearing defender of minors.

    The same inability extends to the descendants of the guardian or curator for marriage with the ward or ward.

    The marriage celebrated in contravention of this provision, will subject the guardian or curator who has contracted or allowed it, to the loss of all remuneration that corresponds to him for his position; without prejudice to the other penalties that the laws impose.

    There will be no place for the provisions of this article, if the marriage is authorized by the ascendant or ancestors whose consent is necessary to contract it.

Art. 1456. Force does not vitiate consent, but only when it is capable of producing a strong impression on a sane person, taking into account their age, sex and condition. Any act that instills in a person a just fear of being exposed to her, her consort or any of her ancestors or descendants to an irreparable and serious evil is regarded as a force of this kind.

    Reverential fear, that is, the mere fear of displeasing those to whom submission and respect are owed, is not enough to vitiate consent.

 Art. 1457. For force to vitiate consent, it is not necessary for the one who is benefited by it to exercise it; it is enough that force has been used by any person in order to obtain consent.


Article 1.– The family is the fundamental nucleus of society. Marriage is the main foundation of the family.

Article 2.- The power to marry is an essential right inherent to the human person, if one is old enough to do so. The provisions of this law establish the requirements to ensure the free and full consent of the contracting parties.

      The judge will take, at the request of any person, all the measures that seem convenient to enable the legitimate exercise of this right when, by an act of an individual or an authority, it is arbitrarily denied or restricted.

Article 4.- The celebration of the marriage requires that both parties be legally capable, that they have freely and spontaneously consented to contract it and that the formalities established by law have been complied with.

Article 5.- They may not marry:

1º Those who are bound by undissolved marital bond;

2 ° The who are bound by a current civil union agreement, unless the marriage celebrates it with their civil partner;

3º Those under the age of sixteen;

4º Those who are deprived of the use of reason; and those who, due to a disorder or psychic anomaly, reliably diagnosed, are absolutely incapable of forming the community of life that marriage implies;

5º Those who lack sufficient judgment or discernment to understand and commit to the essential rights and duties of marriage, and

6th Those who cannot clearly express their will by any means, either orally, in writing or through sign language.

Article 8.- Free and spontaneous consent is lacking in the following cases:

3º If there has been force, in the terms of articles 1456 and 1457 of the Civil Code, caused by a person or by an external circumstance, which has been determining to contract the bond.

Article 44.- The marriage may only be declared void for any of the following reasons, which must have existed at the time of its celebration:

a) When one of the contracting parties has any of the disabilities indicated in article 5, 6 or 7 of this law, and

b) When the consent was not free and spontaneous in the terms expressed in article 8.

Article 46.- The ownership of the action for the annulment of the marriage corresponds to any of the presumed spouses, except for the following exceptions:

a) The nullity based on number 3 of article 5 may be sued by either spouse or by one of their ascendants, but after sixteen years by both parties, the action will be based only on the one or those who contracted without be that age;

b) The annulment action based on any of the defects provided for in article 8 corresponds exclusively to the spouse who has suffered the error or force;

c) In cases of marriage celebrated in an article of death, the action also corresponds to the other heirs of the deceased spouse;

d) The nullity action based on the existence of an undissolved marital bond also corresponds to the previous spouse or his heirs, and

e) The declaration of nullity based on any of the grounds contemplated in articles 6 and 7 may also be requested by any person, in the interest of morality or the law.

 The minor spouse and the injunction for dissipation are able to exercise the annulment action by themselves, without prejudice to their right to act through representatives.

Article 48.- The action for annulment of marriage does not prescribe by time, except for the following exceptions:

a) In the case of nullity based on the cause established in number 3 of article 5, the action will prescribe in one year, counted from the date on which the spouse unable to marry has acquired the age of majority;

b) In the cases provided for in Article 8, the action for annulment prescribes within a period of three years, counted from the disappearance of the fact that originates the vice of error or force;

c) When it is a question of a marriage celebrated in article of death, the action of annulment will prescribe in one year, counted from the date of the death of the sick spouse;

d) When the cause invoked is the existence of an undissolved marital bond, the action may be brought within the year following the death of one of the spouses, and

e) When the nullity action is based on the lack of skilled witnesses, it will prescribe in one year, counted from the celebration of the marriage.