
Latin America and Caribbean
Regional Court
Inter-American Court of Human Rights
Regional Organisations
Inter-American Court of Human Rights
Organisation of American States
Legal System
International Obligations
Institutions and Practices Similar to Slavery
Forced Labour
Human Trafficking

International Instruments

1926 Slavery Convention
26 March 1928
1953 Protocol to the Slavery Convention
17 August 1955
1956 Supplementary Slavery Convention
29 March 1960
1966 ICCPR
06 March 1969
1930 Forced Labour Convention
06 July 1954
2014 Protocol to the 1930 Forced Labour Convention
Not Party
1957 Abolition of Forced Labour Convention
05 February 1962
1999 Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention
19 September 2000
2000 Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons
17 September 2002
1998 Rome Statute of the ICC
05 February 2002

Summary of Domestic Prohibition

Slavery and Slave Trade
Practices Similar to Slavery
Forced or Compulsory Labour
Human Trafficking
Provisions related to slavery are found in the Constitution at article 66(29) which prohibits slavery in all its forms and the 2014 Organic Criminal Code which criminalises slavery at article 82.
There appears to be no legislation in place in Ecuador which prohibits institutions and practices similar to slavery, although article 66(29) of the Constitution prohibits bondage. The promise of marriage or servile union and illegal adoption are criminalised under articles 106 and 107 of the Organic Criminal Code. Debt bondage, promise of marriage or servile union, and illegal adoption may also form elements of the offence of trafficking in persons under article 91. 
There appears to be no legislation in place in Ecuador which prohibits servitude.
Provisions related to forced labour are found in the 2014 Organic Criminal Code which prohibits forced labour and labour exploitation at article 105. Exploitation in all its forms is also prohibited by article 66(29) of the Constitution while article 33 demands that the State guarantee the ‘performance of a healthy job that is freely chosen’, and forced labour may be an element of an offence of trafficking in persons under article 91 of the Organic Criminal Code. 
Provisions related to trafficking in persons are found in the Constitution at article 66(29) which prohibits trafficking in human beings and the Organic Criminal Code which criminalises trafficking in articles 91 and 92.  

Legislative Provisions





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