
Summary of Domestic Prohibition

Slavery and slave trade

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce eget nibh consequat, pellentesque velit sed.

Practices similar to slavery

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer luctus suscipit felis, sed aliquam tellus mattis in. Duis quis sodales nunc. Cras bibendum aliquet magna, id accumsan ligula convallis ac. Nullam molestie quis risus quis hendrerit. Vestibulum hendrerit felis quis enim mattis, ut varius augue.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam volutpat tristique arcu eu vehicula. Ut a nunc vel dui blandit aliquet. Praesent magna mauris, viverra eleifend nunc non, bibendum posuere.

Forced or compulsory labour

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean ut mauris sed nisl dapibus efficitur in nec libero. Praesent aliquet sapien nec elit sodales venenatis. Aliquam orci nisl, suscipit at sodales ut, congue non massa. Curabitur gravida nunc id est imperdiet lobortis. Mauris quis urna semper, pulvinar tellus viverra, gravida leo. Duis scelerisque nulla at.

Human trafficking

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris fringilla feugiat justo, in convallis neque euismod ut. Nam commodo justo maximus, faucibus eros id, porttitor urna. Pellentesque sit amet massa odio. Nulla facilisi. Aliquam euismod arcu sit amet molestie blandit.

Forced marriage

Provisions related to forced marriage in Guatemala are found in the 2010 Criminal Code, which addresses abducting or retaining a woman between twelve and sixteen years for the purpose of marriage at Article 182, with a potential penalty of imprisonment from six months to one year. However, the liability can be extinguished by the legitimate marriage of the victim with the offender. Article 227 also prohibits concealing an impediment to marriage, with a potential penalty of imprisonment from two to five years. Provisions related to forced marriage in Guatemala are also found in the 2008 Civil Code, which addresses consenting to the marriage by mistake, fraud or duress, or concluding a marriage due to mental incapacity, at Article 145. Article 146 also addresses an error falling on the personal identity of the other party or produced by fraud.

Consent to marriage

There appears to be no legislation in Guatemala that requires consent to marriage. However, section 145 of the civil code 2005 (amended 2008) recognises that the consent of a party or prospective party to a marriage is invalidated where the person is subjected to coercion.

Servile marriage

There appears to be no legislation in Guatemala that prohibits servile matrimonial transactions.

Marriage trafficking

Provisions related to marriage trafficking in Guatemala are found in the Criminal Code 2010, which prohibits trafficking for forced marriage at Article 202, with a potential penalty of imprisonment from eight to eighteen years and a fine of three hundred thousand to five hundred thousand Quetzales. Legislation in Guatemala also prohibits abduction for marriage under ARTICLE 182 of the Criminal Code 2010, with a potential penalty of imprisonment from six months to one year.

Minimum age for marriage

The minimum age for marriage in Guatemala is 18, without differentiation by gender, as set out on Article 81 of the Civil Code, as amended in 2016. However, marriages below this age are permitted based on well-founded grounds by the judge, after listening to the opinion of the minors, as set out on Article 82 of the Civil Code, as amended in 2016. These exceptions are not differentiated by gender, and allow marriage as early as 16.


Latin America and Caribbean

Regional Court

Inter-American Court of Human Rights

Legal System


International Instruments

1926 Slavery Convention
11 November 1983
1953 Protocol to the Slavery Convention
11 November 1983
1956 Supplementary Slavery Convention
11 November 1983
1966 ICCPR
05 May 1992
1930 Forced Labour Convention
13 June 1989
2014 Protocol to the 1930 Forced Labour Convention
Not Party
1957 Abolition of Forced Labour Convention
09 December 1959
1999 Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention
11 October 2001
2000 Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons
01 April 2004
1998 Rome Statute of the ICC
02 April 2012
1956 Supplementary Slavery Convention
11 November 1983
1966 ICCPR
05 May 1992
1966 Optional Protocol to the ICCPR
28 November 2000
19 May 1988
2008 Optional Protocol to the ICESCR
Not Party
1962 Convention on Consent to Marriage, Minimum Age for Marriage and Registration of Marriages
18 January 1983
1957 Convention on the Nationality of Married Women
13 July 1960
1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child
06 June 1990
2000 Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography
09 May 2002
2011 Optional Protocol to the CRC on a communications procedure
Not Party
1979 Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women
12 August 1982
1999 Optional Protocol to CEDAW
09 May 2002
1978 Convention on the Celebration and Recognition of the Validity of Marriages
Not Party
2000 Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons
01 April 2004
1998 Rome Statute of the ICC
02 April 2012
1999 Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention
11 October 2001

International Obligations

  • Slavery
  • Servitude
  • Institutions and Practices Similar to Slavery
  • Forced Labour
  • Human Trafficking
  • Marriage Trafficking
  • Minimum Age for Marriage

Regional Organisations

  • Inter-American Court of Human Rights
  • Organisation of American States

Legislative Provisions


Paragraph 193

Slavery as defined in the Slavery Convention of 1926 and the Supplementary Convention of 1956 on the Abolition of Slavery, the Slave Trade, and Institutions and Practices Similar to slavery, was abolished by the Government of the United Provinces of Central America at the dawn of the Provinces’ independence, by a Decree of the National Constituent Assembly of 24 April 1824.

Paragraph 198

The present Constitution of the Republic, which was promulgated on 15 September 1965… no person may be subjected to slavery or servitude or to any other condition which impairs his dignity or standing (article 43).

Paragraph 199

The Law on Alienage develops the foregoing principles which, as we have pointed out, have remained unchanged throughout Guatemalan constitutional history. Article 99 of this law provides that “Piracy, white slave traffic, blackbirding and the slave trades… and other offences of the same nature against international law, committed on the high seas, in the air, or in territories not yet organized in States, shall be punished by the authorities of the Republic in accordance with its criminal laws.”


Article 1: Protection of the Person:

The State of Guatemala is organized to protect the person and the family; its supreme objective is the realization of the common good.

Article 2: Duties of the State:

It is the duty of the State to guarantee to the inhabitants of the Republic the life, the freedom, the justice, the security, the peace, and the integral development of the person.

Article 4: Freedom and equality:

In Guatemala[,] all [of the] human beings are free and equal in dignity and rights. The man and the woman, whatever their civil status may be, have equal opportunities and responsibilities. No person can be subject to servitude or to another condition that diminishes his or her dignity. The human beings must exercise [guardar] brotherly behaviour among them.

Article 43. Freedom of industry, trade, and work

The freedom of industry, trade, and work is recognized, except for the limitations that due to social motives or the national interest are imposed by the law.

Article 101. Right to work

To work is a right and a social obligation of the person. The labor regime of the country must be organized in accordance with the principles of social justice.

Article 102. Minimum social rights of labor legislation

The minimum social rights that form the basis of the labor legislation and the activity of the tribunals and [the] authorities [are]:

a. The right to the free choice [elección] of work and the satisfactory economic conditions that guarantee a dignified existence for the worker and his [or her] family;

b. That all work be equitably remunerated, except with what the law determines in that regard;

d. The obligation to pay the worker in currency of legal tender. However, the field worker [trabajador de campo] can receive, by choice [a su voluntad], food products until up to thirty percent of his [or her] salary. In this case the employer will provide those products at a price no superior than their cost;

e. The freedom from lien [inembargabilidad] of the salary in the cases determined by the law. The personal work implements may not be subject to a lien for any reason. Nevertheless, for the protection of the family of the worker and by judicial order, part of the salary can be retained and delivered to the corresponding [party];

f. The periodic establishment [fijación] of the minimum salary in accordance with the law;

g. The ordinary effective workday [jornada] can neither exceed eight hours of work per day, nor forty-four hours per week, equivalent to forty-eight hours for the exclusive purpose of the payment of the salary.

The ordinary effective workday on the night shift can neither exceed six hours per day, nor thirty-six hours per week. The mixed ordinary effective workday can neither exceed seven hours per day, nor forty-two hours per week. All work effectively performed outside [of the] ordinary working hours, constitutes an extraordinary workday and must be remunerated as such. The law will determine the very qualified situations of exception where the provisions relative to the workdays are not applicable.

Those that by provision of the law, by custom or by agreement with the employers work less than forty-four hours per week during the day, thirty-six hours during the night, or forty-two hours in mixed-schedule workdays, will have the right to receive the weekly salary in its entirety.

It is understood that effective work means the entire time that the worker remains under the orders or at the disposal of the employer;

  1. Minors under fourteen years of age may not be employed in any type of work, except for the exceptions established by the law. It is forbidden to employ [ocupar] minors in works that are incompatible with their physical capacity or that endanger their moral formation.

The workers older than sixty years of age will be the object of a treatment [that is] adequate to their age;

  1. The State will participate in international or regional agreements and treaties relating to labor matters and which grant better protection of conditions to [the] workers.

In such cases, what is established in said agreements and treaties will be considered as part of the minimum rights enjoyed by the workers of the Republic of Guatemala.

Article 106. Irrenouncability of the labor rights

The rights consigned in this section are irrenounceable for the workers, susceptible of being exceeded [superado] through individual or collective contracting, and in the form established by the law. For this objective the State will encourage and protect collective negotiation. The stipulations that call for the renunciation, reduction, distortion [tergiversación], or limitation of the rights recognized for the workers in the Constitution, in the law, in the international treaties ratified by Guatemala, in the regulations or in [any] other provisions with regards to work, will be void ipso jure and will not obligate the workers, even if they are expressed in a collective or individual labor contract, in an agreement or in another document.

In case of doubt in the interpretation or scope of [the] legal provisions, regulations, or contractual [provisions] within the labor matters, they will be interpreted in the most favorable sense for the workers.

Constitution of the Republic of Guatemala (PDF)


Article 107

  1. For the double time period of the maximum penalty indicated for offenses Referred to in Chapters I and II of Title III of Book II of the Penal Code.

Article 150 bis: Abuse against minors.

Anyone who, through any action or omission, causes a person who is a minor or with a volitional or cognitive disability, physical, psychological or illness damage or places the child at serious risk of suffering, shall be punished with imprisonment of two to five years, Penalties applicable for other offenses. ” . The limitation period shall begin to run from the time the victim reaches his majority ” Article 23 Article 150 bis of the Penal Code, Decree 17-73 of the Congress of the Republic, which is thus added: ” Article 150 Bis. Abuse against minors. Anyone who, through any action or omission, causes a person who is a minor or with a volitional or cognitive disability, physical, psychological or illness damage or places the child at serious risk of suffering, shall be punished with imprisonment of two to five years, Penalties applicable for other offenses. ” . The limitation period shall begin to run from the time the victim reaches his majority ” Article 23 Article 150 bis of the Penal Code, Decree 17-73 of the Congress of the Republic, which is thus added: ” Article 150 Bis. Abuse against minors. Anyone who, through any action or omission, causes a person who is a minor or with a volitional or cognitive disability, physical, psychological or illness damage or places the child at serious risk of suffering, shall be punished with imprisonment of two to five years, Penalties applicable for other offenses.

Article 191: Promotion, facilitation or prostitution

The exploitation of an adult person, through the promotion, facilitation Or favoring their prostitution, shall be punished with imprisonment of five to ten years, and with a fine of  fifty thousand to one hundred thousand Quetzales.

Article 192. Promotion, facilitation or favor of aggravated prostitution

The penalties indicated in the previous article shall be increased by one third, in the following cases:

a) If during sexual exploitation the person has been pregnant.

b) When the perpetrator is a relative of the victim, or responsible for his or her education, custody, custody, care, or guardianship, ie the spouse, ex-spouse, cohabiting or ex-partner of the victim, or a parent when there will be violence or abuse of authority.

Article 193. Paid sexual activities with minors.

Whoever for himself or for third persons, in exchange for any sexual act with a minor, provides or promises to this or a third person an economic or any other benefit, regardless of the achievement of the purpose, shall be punished with imprisonment of five to eight years, without prejudice to the penalties that may apply for the commission of other crimes.

Article 193 Bis. Remuneration for the promotion, facilitation or favor of prostitution.

Who for himself or for third person, in exchange for any sexual act with a person of legal age, Gives or promises to a third party an economic or other benefit, regardless of whether it achieves its purpose, shall be punished by imprisonment of three to five years.

Article 202: Submission to servitude

It shall be repressed with imprisonment of two to ten years, who reduces a person to servitude or to another analogous condition and to those who maintain it in her.

Article 202 Ter. Trafficking.

It is a crime of trafficking in persons to capture, transport, amply, retain, receive or receive one or more persons for the purpose of exploitation. Whoever commits this crime will be punished with imprisonment from eight to eighteen years and a fine of three hundred thousand to five hundred thousand Quetzales.

In no case shall the consent given by the victim of trafficking in persons or by his legal representative be taken into account.

For the purposes of the offense of trafficking in persons, exploitation shall be understood as: The prostitution of others, any form of sexual exploitation, forced labor or services, any type of labor exploitation, begging, any form of slavery, servitude , sales persons, extraction and trafficking in human organs and tissues, recruitment of underage persons for organized criminal groups, illegal adoption, irregular adoption process, pornography, forced pregnancy or forced or servile marriage.

Article 202 Quater. Remuneration for trafficking in persons.

Who for himself or for third parties, in exchange for the exploitation activities to which the crime of trafficking refers, provides or promises to a person or third parties an economic benefit or of any other nature, shall be punished with imprisonment from six to eight years. The penalty established in the preceding paragraph shall be increased by two thirds if the remuneration is provided or promised in exchange for the exploitation of a person under the age of fourteen; And shall increase double if it is a person under ten years of age.

Article 204. Aggravating Circumstances.

The penalties indicated in the previous articles will be increased by one third, If any of the following circumstances concur:

1. If the abduction or plagiarism, confinement or detention, lasts a month of three days.

2. If, in the execution of the crime, there is a threat of death, cruel or infamous treatment for the offended person,

3. If the offense is committed by more than two persons.

4. If the will of the victim is weakened or annulled, on purpose or by any means.

5. If the victim as a result of the fact, is affected mentally, temporarily or permanently.

If the penalties refer to the crimes referred to in articles 191, 192, 193, 193 Bis, 194, 195, 195 Bis, 195 Ter, 195 Quater, 202 Ter and 202 Quater, the penalty shall be increased by one third if Any of the following circumstances: a

A. Resorting to violence.

B. Servitude marriage, substitution of one child for another, supposition of childbirth or suppression or alteration of marital status.

C. The victim was a person with a volitional, cognitive or resistance disability or an adult.

D. The author was a relative of the victim or responsible for their education, custody, custody, care, guardianship, ie the spouse, ex-spouse, cohabiting or ex-cohabiting partner of the victim or one of their parents.

E. The author will act with the use of weapons, alcoholic substances, narcotics, narcotics, other instruments or substances that seriously injure the health of the offended person.

F. The victim will be in a state of pregnancy.

G. The perpetrator of the crime of trafficking in persons is an official, Public employee or professional in the exercise of their functions.

The penalty to be imposed shall be increased by two thirds if in the cases covered by articles 201 and 203, the action was executed with simulation of authority or if the victim is a person under eighteen and over fourteen years of age; In three quarters if he is less than fourteen and greater than ten years of age; And double if the victim is a person under the age of ten.

Article 214. Enforcement

Who, without being lawfully authorized by violent procedure,

intimidating or in any other way to compel, force this to do or not do what the law does not forbid, make or consent which does not tolerate or have someone else do it, fair or not, shall be punished with imprisonment from six months to two years.

Article 215. Threats

Whoever threatens another to cause the same or their relatives within law degree, his person, honor or property, an evil that constitutes or not a crime, shall be punished imprisonment for six months to three years.

Article 301 Bis Illegal Disposal of Human Organs or Tissues

Whoever participates in any illegal act involving extraction Conservation, supply, trade and use of organs or tissues of living persons or corpses shall be punishable by imprisonment of five to ten years.

Criminal Code (PDF)


Article 58 Allowances

Those convicted of human trafficking offenses are obligated to compensate the victims for the damages caused, including all costs of care necessary for their complete physical, psychological and economic recovery, even if the victim has not made a private accusation Or has not expressly claimed compensation, or has abandoned the private accusation. Such items will be determined in the conviction.

The compensation will be paid to the heirs, if the victim has died.

Law against Sexual Violence, Exploitation and Trafficking in Persons 2009 (PDF)


Article 47: Protection of the Family

The State guarantees the social, economic, and juridical protection of the family. It will promote its organization on the legal basis of marriage, the equal rights of the spouses, [the] responsible paternity and the right of the persons to decide freely the number and the spacing [espaciamiento] of their children.


Guatemala Constitution 1985 (REV 1993) – Constitute project – English (PDF)




 Whoever abducts or retains a woman over twelve years of age and under sixteen, for sexual purposes, marriage or cohabitation, with their consent will be punished with imprisonment from six months to one year


In the crimes included in the previous chapters I, II, III and IV, the criminal liability of the active subject or the penalty, where appropriate, will be extinguished by the legitimate marriage of the victim with the offender, provided that the former is greater than twelve years and, in any case, with the prior approval of the Public Ministry





ARTICLE 202. * Ter. Human trafficking.

It constitutes a crime of trafficking in persons the recruitment, transportation, basting, retention, reception or reception of one or more people for exploitation purposes.

Whoever commits this crime will be punished with a prison term of eight to eighteen years and a fine of three hundred thousand to five hundred thousand Quetzals.

In no case will the consent given by the victim of human trafficking or by your legal representative.

For the purposes of the crime of trafficking in persons, the following shall be understood as the purpose of exploitation: The prostitution of others,, any form of sexual exploitation, forced labor or services, any type of exploitation labor, begging, any form of slavery, servitude, sale of people, extraction and the trafficking of human organs and tissues, the recruitment of minors for groups organized criminals, irregular adoption, irregular adoption process, pornography, forced pregnancy or forced or servile marriage.

ARTICLE 204. * Aggravating circumstances.

 The penalties indicated in the previous articles will be increased by a third, if concurrent any of the following circumstances:

  1. If the kidnapping or plagiarism, confinement or detention, I will last a month of three days.
  2. If in the execution of the crime there is a threat of death, cruel or infamous treatment for the person offended,
  1. If the crime was committed by more than two people.
  2. If the will of the victim is weakened or annulled, on purpose or by any means.
  3. If the victim as a result of the fact, is affected mentally, temporarily or permanently.

If the penalties refer to the crimes contemplated in articles 191, 192, 193, 193 Bis, 194, 195, 195

Bis, 195 Ter, 195 Quáter, 202 Ter and 202 Quáter, the penalty will be increased by one third if the any of the following circumstances:

A. They resort to violence.

B. Servile marriage is resorted to, substitution of one child for another, assumption of childbirth or suppression or alteration of marital status.

C. The victim was a person with a volitional, cognitive or resistance disability or an older adult.

D. The perpetrator is a relative of the victim or responsible for their education, guardianship, custody, care, guardianship, or be the spouse, ex-spouse, partner or ex-partner of the victim or one of his parents.

E. The author will act with the use of weapons, alcoholic, narcotic, narcotic substances, other instruments or substances that seriously injure the health of the offended person.

F. The victim is pregnant.

G. the perpetrator of the crime of trafficking in persons is an official, public employee or professional in the exercise of their functions.

The penalty to be imposed will be increased by two thirds if, in the cases included in the articles 201 and 203, the action was carried out with simulation of authority or if the victim is a minor eighteen and over fourteen; in three quarters if it is less than fourteen and greater than ten year old; and double if the victim is a person under ten years of age.



ARTICLE 227.- Concealment of impediment.

Those who enter into marriage knowing that there is an impediment that causes its absolute nullity, will be punished with two to five years’ imprisonment

The same sanction will be applied to those who get married, knowing that there is an impediment that causes their absolute nullity and I will hide this circumstance from the other party.

ARTICLE 228.- Simulation.

Who, deceiving a person, simulates marriage with her, will be sanctioned with imprisonment from one to four years.

With the same penalty those who, for profit, another illicit purpose or with damage to third party, contracts marriage, exclusively for any of those effects, without prejudice to the other responsibilities that may arise from their action.




ARTICLE 437.- Responsibility of the official.

The official or minister of worship, duly authorized, who authorizes a marriage knowingly the existence of an impediment that causes its absolute nullity, will be sanctioned with imprisonment from two to six years and special disqualification for the term set by the court, which may not exceed six years.

If the official or minister of worship had acted guiltily, he will be punished only with a fine. of two hundred quetzals


Guatemala Penal Code – Spanish (PDF)


ARTICLE 78. Marriage, social institution. Marriage is an institution by which a man and a woman are legally united, in the spirit of permanence and in order to live together, procreate, feed and educate their children and help each other.

ARTICLE 79. Marriage is based on equal rights and obligations of both spouses, and in its celebration all the requirements must be fulfilled and the formalities required by this Code for its validity.

ARTICLE 81. Aptitude to contract marriage. Age of majority determines free fitness to marry.


Article 83. Prohibition of marriage . The marriage of minors under eighteen (18) years of age may not enter into marriage or be authorized in any way

ARTICLE 90. Sanctions. If notwithstanding what is prescribed in the previous article is guilty of the Infringement will be liable in accordance with the law and the persons referred to in Sections 4 and 5, they will lose the administration of the assets of the minors, and may not succeed them by intestate.

ARTICLE 91. If the official who intervenes in the act has knowledge of the existence of any legal impediment, either by reason of office or by complaint of the Public Ministry or any person, will order the suspension of the proceedings matrimonial and may not continue them until the Interested Parties obtain Favorable resolution by the competent authority. If the complaint is not ratified, it will be without effect

ARTICLE 145. Annulment of the marriage. The marriage is voidable:

  1. When one or both spouses have consented by mistake, fraud or duress;
  2. Anyone who suffers from absolute or relative impotence for procreation, always that by its nature is perpetual, incurable and prior to marriage;
  1. Of any person who suffers from mental incapacity when celebrating it; Y
  2. Of the perpetrator, accomplice or accessory to the death of a spouse, with the spouse survivor.

ARTICLE 146. Error or fraud. The error that makes the marriage voidable is the one that falls on the personal identity of the other contracting party, or is produced by ignorance of some substantial defect in it, of such gravity that it makes life unbearable in common or constitute a danger to the offspring.

The annulment action that arises from error or fraud, can only be deducted by the spouse deceived, within thirty days of realizing the error or fraud.

ARTICLE 147. Violence. Cancellation due to duress corresponds sue the aggrieved contracting party, within sixty days from the date when the violence, threat or intimidation stopped. In the case of the raptor’s marriage with the abducted, the term will begin to count as soon as the woman has recovered her full freedom.