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Provisions related to forced marriage Montenegro are found in the 2007 Family law, which addresses marriage consented for fear, force or serious threat, or through deception, at Articles 49 or 53 respectively.
Provisions requiring consent to marriage in Montenegro are found in the Constitutional law 2007 and Family law 2007. Article 71 of constitutional law states that marriage may be entered into only on the basis of a free consent of a woman and a man. Marriage shall be based on equality of spouses. Article 16 of Family law states that a marriage shall be entered into by a wilful consent of a woman and a man expressed before a competent body, in the manner established by this law.
There appears to be no legislation in Montenegro that prohibits servile matrimonial transactions.
Although legislation in Montenegro does not prohibit marriage trafficking as such, it does prohibit submitting another person to slavery or other similar positions and transporting persons in the position of slavery or other similar positions under Article 446 of the Criminal Code, with a potential penalty from six months to five years.
The minimum age for marriage in Montenegro is 18, without differentiation by gender, as set out on Article 24 of the 2007 Family Law, as amended in 2016. Cohabitating in a customary marriage with a minor, allowing a minor to cohabitate in customary marriage with another, or instigating the minor into such marriage is an offence under Article 216 of the Criminal Code, with a potential penalty of imprisonment from three months to three years. However, marriages below this age are permitted by the court. These exceptions are not differentiated by gender, and allow marriage as early as 16, as set out on as set out on Article 24 of the 2007 Family Law, as amended in 2016.
Eastern Europe
European Court of Human Rights
Article 28. Dignity and inviolability of a person
The dignity and security of a man shall be guaranteed. The inviolability of the physical and mental integrity of a man, and privacy and individual rights thereof shall be guaranteed. No one can be subjected to torture or inhuman or degrading treatment. No one can be kept in slavery or servile position.
Article 29. Deprivation of liberty
Everyone shall have the right to personal liberty.
Deprivation of liberty is allowed only for reasons and in the procedure provided for by law.
Article 39. Movement and residence
The right to freedom of movement and residence shall be guaranteed, as well as the right to leave Montenegro. Freedom of movement, residence and leaving Montenegro may be restricted if required so for conducting the criminal procedure, prevention of contagious diseases spreading or for the security of Montenegro. Movement and residence of foreigner citizens shall be regulated by the law.
Article 62. Right to work
Everyone shall have the right to work, to free choice of occupation and employment, to fair and human working conditions and to protection during unemployment.
Article 63. Prohibition of forced labor
Forced labor shall be prohibited.
The following shall not be considered forced labor: labor customary during the serving of sentence, deprivation of liberty; performance of duties of military nature or duties required instead of military service; work demanded in case of crisis or accident that threatens human lives or property.
Article 64. Rights of the employed
The employed shall have the right to adequate salary.
The employed shall have the right to limited working hours and paid vacation.
The employed shall have the right to protection at work.
Youth, women and the disabled shall enjoy special protection at work.
Article 71. Marriage
Marriage may be entered into only on the basis of a free consent of a woman and a man.
Marriage shall be based on equality of spouses.Montenegro Constitution
Article 162. Unlawful Deprivation of Liberty
(1) Anyone who unlawfully incarcerates, keeps in custody, or in any other manner unlawfully deprives another person of liberty or limits his freedom of movement shall be punished by a prison term up to one year.
(2) Where the offence under para. 1 above was committed by a public official by virtue of his official position or authority, he shall be punished by a prison term from six months to five years.
(3) Where the offence of unlawful deprivation of liberty lasts longer than thirty days, or where it is conducted in a cruel manner, or where the health of a person unlawfully deprived of liberty is seriously impaired or where other grave consequences occur, the perpetrator shall be punished by a prison term from one to eight years.
(4) Where the offences under paras 1 and 3 above resulted in the death of the person unlawfully deprived of his liberty, the perpetrator shall be punished by a prison term from two to twelve years.
(5) An attempted offence under para. 1 above shall be subject to punishment.
Article 163. Violation of Freedom of Movement and Residence
(1) Anyone who unlawfully denies or restricts the right of another person to freedom of movement or residence in the territory of Montenegro shall be punished by a fine or a prison term up to one year.
(2) Where the offence under para. 1 above was committed by a public official while acting in his official capacity, the public official shall be punished by a prison term up to three years.
Article 164. Abduction
(1) Anyone who, by use of force, threat, deception or in other manner takes away or keeps someone with the intention to extort money or other pecuniary gain from that person or to force him or other person to act, refrain from acting, or endure something shall be punished by a prison term from one to eight years.
(2) Anyone who in view of accomplishing the aim of abduction threatens by murder or serious bodily injury to the abductee shall be punished by a prison term from two to ten years.
(3) Where the abductee is kept for more than ten days or is treated with cruelty or where the abductee’s health is heavily impaired or where other grave consequences occur, or where the offence referred to in para. 1 above was committed against a minor, the perpetrator shall be punished by a prison term from two to twelve years.
(4) Where, due to the acts referred to in paras 1, 2 and 3 above, the abductee dies or where the offence was committed by several persons in an organized manner, the perpetrator shall be punished by a prison term from five to fifteen years.
Article 165. Coercion
(1) Anyone who by use of force or threat compels someone to act or refrain from acting or to endure something shall be punished by a prison term from three months to three years.
(2) Anyone who commits the act referred to in para. 1 above in a cruel manner or by threat of murder or serious bodily injury or abduction shall be punished by a prison term from six months to five years.
(3) Where, due to the acts referred to in paras 1 and 2 above, a serious bodily injury is inflicted or other grave consequences occur, the perpetrator shall be punished by a prison term from one to eight years.
(4) Where, due to the acts referred to in paras 1 and 2 above, the person under coercion dies, or where the offence was committed by several persons in an organized manner, the perpetrator shall be punished by a prison term from two to twelve years.
Article 224. Breach of Labor Rights
Anyone who knowingly does not abide by laws or other regulations, collective agreements and other general legal acts on labor rights and occupational health of youth, women and persons with a disability and thereby denies or limits the statutory right of another person shall be punished by a fine or a prison term up to two years.
Article 427. Crimes against Humanity
Anyone who by breaching the rules of international law, within the limits of a wider or systematic attack against civilian population, orders any of the following:
coercion to prostitution;
or any other similar inhuman acts intended to cause serious suffering or seriously harm health;
or who commits any of the said offences
shall be punished by a prison term not shorter than five years or by a forty year prison term.
Article 428. War Crime against Civilian Population
(1) Anyone who, in breach of the rules of international law, in state of war, armed conflict or occupation orders an attack upon civilian population, settlement, individual civilians, persons incapacitated for combat or members or facilities of humanitarian organizations or peace-keeping missions ;
coercion to prostitution or rape;
compelling to service in armed forces of an enemy force or its intelligence service or administration;
forced service in armed forces of persons under the age of seventeen;
forced labour;
or who commits any of the said offences
shall be punished by a prison term not shorter than five years.
(5) Anyone who threatens to commit one or more of the offences under paras 1 and 2 above shall be punished by a prison term from six months to five years.
Article 444. Trafficking in Persons
(1) Anyone who by use of force or threat, deceiving or keeping in deception, abuse of power, trust, dependence, position of vulnerability of another person, dispossession of personal documents or giving or receiving payments or other undue advantage to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person commits any of the following: recruits, transports, transfers, surrenders, sells, buys, mediates in sale, conceals or keeps another person for the purpose of exploitation of his labour, forced labour, submission to servitude, commission of criminal activity, prostitution or other type of sexual exploitation, beggary, exploitation for pornographic purposes, unlawful extraction of organs for transplantation, or for exploitation in armed conflicts shall be punished by a prison term from one to ten years.
(2) The acts under para. 1 above shall constitute criminal offences when committed against minors even where the perpetrator did not use force, threat or any other of the methods listed above.
(3) Where the offence under para. 1 above was committed against a minor, the perpetrator shall be punished by a prison term not shorter than three years.
(4) Where the offence under paras 1 to 3 above resulted in a serious bodily injury, the perpetrator shall be punished by a prison term from one to twelve years.
(5) Where the offence under paras 1 and 3 above resulted in the death of one or more persons, the perpetrator shall be punished by a prison term not shorter than ten years.
(6) Anyone who regularly engages in the commission of the criminal offences under paras 1 to 3 above or where the offence was committed by several persons in an organised manner shall be punished by a prison term not shorter than ten years.
(7) Anyone who uses the services of a person knowing that the person is a victim of the offence under para. 1 above shall be punished by a prison term from six months to five years.
(8) Where the offence under para. 7 above was committed against a minor, the perpetrator shall be punished by a prison term from three to fifteen years.
Article 445. Trafficking in Children for Adoption
(1) Anyone who abducts for adoption a person who has not reached the age of fourteen in breach of valid regulations or anyone who adopts such a person or mediates in such adoption or whoever for that purpose buys, sells or surrenders another person who has not reached the age of fourteen or who transports, provides accommodation for or conceals such a person shall be punished by a prison term from one to five years.
(2) Anyone regularly engages in the commission of the offences referred to in para. 1 above or participates in their organized commission together with several other persons shall be punished by a prison term not shorter than three years.
Article 446. Submission to Slavery and Transportation of Enslaved Persons
(1) Anyone who, in breach of rules of international law, submits another person to slavery or other similar position or keeps another person in such a position, or who buys, sells, surrenders to another person or mediates in buying, selling or surrendering of such a person or who incites another person to sell his own freedom or freedom of persons he supports or cares for shall be punished by a prison term from one to ten years.
(2) Anyone who transports persons in the position of slavery or other similar
position from one country to another shall be punished by a prison term from six months to five years.
(3) A perpetrator who commits the offences under paras 1 and 2 above against a minor shall be punished by a prison term from five to fifteen years.Montenegro Criminal Code
Article 68
(1) An employee has the right to a guaranteed earnings amounting to the minimal wage rate defined in accordance with the need of employee and his family, general level of wages in the Republic of Montenegro (hereinafter referred to as: the Republic), cost of living, economic factors and the productivity level.
(2) The minimal wage rate is determined in away and under the method defined in the General Collective Agreement.
(3) Tan employee shall be paid guaranteed earnings for full time engagement or the equivalent time or, in case of short time engagement, the part of the guaranteed earnings in proportion to the time spent at work or working performance based on norms, standards and other criteria.Montenegro Labour Law
Article 71. Marriage
Marriage may be entered into only on the basis of a free consent of a woman and a man.
Marriage shall be based on equality of spouses.
Article 164. Abduction
(1) Anyone who, by use of force, threat, deception or in other manner takes away or keeps someone with the intention to extort money or other pecuniary gain from that person or to force him or other person to act, refrain from acting, or endure something shall be punished by a prison term from one to eight years.
(2) Anyone who in view of accomplishing the aim of abduction threatens by murder or serious bodily injury to the abductee shall be punished by a prison term from two to ten years.
(3) Where the abductee is kept for more than ten days or is treated with cruelty or where the abductee’s health is heavily impaired or where other grave consequences occur, or where the offence referred to in para. 1 above was committed against a minor, the perpetrator shall be punished by a prison term from two to twelve years.
(4) Where, due to the acts referred to in paras 1, 2 and 3 above, the abductee dies or where the offence was committed by several persons in an organized manner, the perpetrator shall be punished by a prison term from five to fifteen years.
Article 165. Coercion
(1) Anyone who by use of force or threat compels someone to act or refrain from acting or to endure something shall be punished by a prison term from three months to three years.
(2) Anyone who commits the act referred to in para. 1 above in a cruel manner or by threat of murder or serious bodily injury or abduction shall be punished by a prison term from six months to five years.
(3) Where, due to the acts referred to in paras 1 and 2 above, a serious bodily injury is inflicted or other grave consequences occur, the perpetrator shall be punished by a prison term from one to eight years.
(4) Where, due to the acts referred to in paras 1 and 2 above, the person under coercion dies, or where the offence was committed by several persons in an organized manner, the perpetrator shall be punished by a prison term from two to twelve years.
Article 214 Concluding a Void Marriage
(1) Anyone who concludes a marriage concealing from the other party a fact which makes marriage void or who misleads or keeps the other party mislead on that fact shall be punished by a prison term from three months to three years.
(2) Prosecution may be undertaken only if the marriage thus concluded is declared void for reasons referred to in para. 1 above.
Article 215 Allowing Conclusion of Unlawful Marriage
Where a public official authorized to conclude marriages knowingly allows while acting in his official capacity the conclusion of a marriage which by law is prohibited or void, he shall be punished by a prison term from three months to three years.
Article 216 Customary Marriage with Juvenile
(1) An adult person who cohabitates in a customary marriage with a juvenile shall be punished by a prison term from three months to three years.
(2) A parent, adoptive parent or a guardian who allows a juvenile to cohabitate in a customary marriage with another or instigates him into such marriage shall be punished by the punishment under para. 1 above.
3) Where the offence under para. 2 above was committed for gain, the perpetrator shall be punished by a prison term from six months to five years.
(4) Where the marriage is already concluded, prosecution shall not be instituted, and where it is in the process of being concluded, it shall be suspended.
Article 444. Trafficking in Persons
(1) Anyone who by use of force or threat, deceiving or keeping in deception, abuse of power, trust, dependence, position of vulnerability of another person, dispossession of personal documents or giving or receiving payments or other undue advantage to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person commits any of the following: recruits, transports, transfers, surrenders, sells, buys, mediates in sale, conceals or keeps another person for the purpose of exploitation of his labour, forced labour, submission to servitude, commission of criminal activity, prostitution or other type of sexual exploitation, beggary, exploitation for pornographic purposes, unlawful extraction of organs for transplantation, or for exploitation in armed conflicts shall be punished by a prison term from one to ten years.
(2) The acts under para. 1 above shall constitute criminal offences when committed against minors even where the perpetrator did not use force, threat or any other of the methods listed above.
(3) Where the offence under para. 1 above was committed against a minor, the perpetrator shall be punished by a prison term not shorter than three years.
(4) Where the offence under paras 1 to 3 above resulted in a serious bodily injury, the perpetrator shall be punished by a prison term from one to twelve years.
(5) Where the offence under paras 1 and 3 above resulted in the death of one or more persons, the perpetrator shall be punished by a prison term not shorter than ten years.
(6) Anyone who regularly engages in the commission of the criminal offences under paras 1 to 3 above or where the offence was committed by several persons in an organised manner shall be punished by a prison term not shorter than ten years.
(7) Anyone who uses the services of a person knowing that the person is a victim of the offence under para. 1 above shall be punished by a prison term from six months to five years.
(8) Where the offence under para. 7 above was committed against a minor, the perpetrator shall be punished by a prison term from three to fifteen years.
Article 446. Submission to Slavery and Transportation of Enslaved Persons
(1) Anyone who, in breach of rules of international law, submits another person to slavery or other similar position or keeps another person in such a position, or who buys, sells, surrenders to another person or mediates in buying, selling or surrendering of such a person or who incites another person to sell his own freedom or freedom of persons he supports or cares for shall be punished by a prison term from one to ten years.
(2) Anyone who transports persons in the position of slavery or other similar
position from one country to another shall be punished by a prison term from six months to five years.
(3) A perpetrator who commits the offences under paras 1 and 2 above against a minor shall be punished by a prison term from five to fifteen years.