Article 93
Every human has the right to life. No one can be sentenced to death. No one must be subjected to torture or other inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. No one shall be held in slavery or forced labour. The authorities of the State shall protect the right to life and oppose torture, slavery, forced labour and other forms of inhuman or degrading treatment.
Article 106
Everyone who has legal residency in the realm may freely move within its borders and choose their place of residence there.
No one can be denied leaving the realm unless it is necessary with regards to effective prosecution or compulsory military service. Norwegian citizens may not be denied access to the realm.
Article 110
The authorities of the State shall create conditions enabling every person capable of work to earn a living by working or doing business. Whoever is unable to provide for themselves has the right to support from the state.
Specific provisions concerning the right of employees to co-determination at their work place shall be laid down by law.Norway Constitution
Section 102. Crimes against humanity
Any person is liable to punishment for a crime against humanity who, as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian population,
(c) enslaves a person,
Section 103. War crimes against persons
Any person is liable to punishment for a war crime who in connection with an armed conflict
(d) subjects a protected person to rape, sexual slavery, enforced prostitution, forced pregnancy, enforced sterilisation or any other form of sexual violence of comparable gravity.
Section 251.Coercion
A penalty of a fine or imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years shall be applied to any person who by criminal or other wrongful conduct or by threatening with such conduct forces a person to perform, submit to or omit to do an act.
Any person who by threatening to make an accusation or to make a report to the police about a criminal act or to put forward harmful information or a defamatory allegation illegally forces a person to perform, submit to or omit to do an act, shall be subject to a penalty of a fine or imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year.
Section 252.Aggravated coercion
Aggravated coercion is punishable by imprisonment for a term not exceeding six years. In determining whether the coercion is aggravated, particular weight shall be given to whether it was committed against a defenceless person, whether it was perpetrated by multiple persons acting together, and whether it has the characteristics of abuse.
Section 253.Forced marriage
Any person who by violence, deprivation of liberty, other criminal or wrongful conduct or improper pressure forces a person to enter into marriage shall be subject to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six years.
The same penalty shall be applied to any person who by deceit or other means contributes to another person travelling to a country other than that person's country of residence with the intent that the person will there be subjected to an act as specified in the first paragraph.
Section 254.Deprivation of liberty
Any person who by confinement, abduction or other means unlawfully deprives a person of his or her liberty shall be subject to a fine or imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years.
Section 255.Aggravated deprivation of liberty
Aggravated deprivation of liberty is punishable by imprisonment for a term not exceeding 10 years. In determining whether the deprivation of liberty is aggravated, particular weight shall be given to its duration, whether it has caused extraordinary suffering or death, or whether it has resulted in considerable harm to body or health.
Section 256.Conspiracy to commit aggravated deprivation of liberty
Any person who enters into a conspiracy with another person to commit an act covered by section 255 shall be subject to a penalty of imprisonment for a term not exceeding six years.
Section 257.Human trafficking
Any person who by violence, threats, taking advantage of a vulnerable situation or other improper conduct forces, exploits or deceives another person into/for
a) prostitution or other sexual services,
b) labour or services, including begging,
c) active military service in a foreign country, or
d) consenting to the removal of one of the person's internal organs,
shall be punished for human trafficking with imprisonment for a term not exceeding six years.
The same penalty shall be applied to any person who
a) facilitates such force, exploitation or deception as specified in the first paragraph by procuring, transporting or receiving the person,
b) otherwise contributes to the force, exploitation or deception, or
c) provides payment or any other advantage to obtain consent for such a course of action from a person who has authority over the aggrieved person, or who receives such payment or advantage.
Any person who commits an act as specified in the first or second paragraph against a person who is under 18 years of age shall be subject to punishment regardless of whether the act involved violence, threats, taking advantage of a vulnerable situation or other improper conduct. Any person who was ignorant of the fact that the aggrieved person was under 18 years of age shall be subject to a penalty if he/she may be held to blame in any way for such ignorance.
Section 258.Aggravated human trafficking
Aggravated human trafficking is punishable by imprisonment for a term not exceeding 10 years. In determining whether the violation is aggravated, particular weight shall be given to whether the person subjected to the act was under 18 years of age, whether severe violence or force was used and whether the act generated significant proceeds. Any person who was ignorant of the fact that the aggrieved person was under 18 years of age shall be punished if he/she may be held to blame in any way for such ignorance.
Section 259.Slavery
Any person who enslaves another person shall be subject to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 21 years. The same penalty shall apply to any person who engages in slave trading or the transport of slaves or persons destined for slave trading.
Section 260.Conspiracy to engage in slavery
Any person who enters into a conspiracy with another person to commit an act specified in section 259 shall be subject to a penalty of imprisonment for a term not exceeding 10 years.
Section 263.Threats
Any person who by words or conduct threatens to engage in criminal conduct under such circumstances that the threat is likely to cause serious fear shall be subject to a fine or imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year.
Norway Penal Code
Paragraph 347
The only law in Norway which specifically concerns slavery etc., is paragraph 225 of the Penal Code of 22 May 1902, reading as follows:
“Anyone placing a person in servile status or is accessory thereto shall be punished with imprisonment from five years to life.
“Similarly is punished anyone who carries out slave trade or the transportation of slaves or persons intended for slave trade, or is accessory thereto.
“Anyone allying himself with others with the intention of carrying out or taking part in any act mentioned in this section shall be punished with imprisonment up to ten years”
Paragraph 349
Paragraph 223 reads as follows:
“Anyone who illegally deprives another of his freedom, or is accessory thereto, is punished with imprisonment up to five years.
“If the deprivation of freedom has been of more than one month’s duration, or has caused extraordinary pain or substantial injury to body or health, or has caused anyone’s death, imprisonment of at last 1 year shall be imposed.
Section 19-2.Liability of employees
(1) An employee who negligently infringes the provisions or orders contained in or issued pursuant to this Act shall be liable to a fine. Contributory negligence shall be subject to the same penalty.
(2) If the infringement is committed wilfully or through gross negligence, the penalty may be a fine, up to three months' imprisonment or both.
(3) In the event of particularly aggravating circumstances imprisonment for up to one year may be imposed. When determining whether such circumstances exist, particular importance shall be attached to whether the offence was contrary to special directives relating to work or safety and whether the employee understood or should have understood that the offence could have seriously endangered the life and health of others.
(4) The provisions of this section do not apply in respect of the provisions of Chapter 10 relating to working hours and of Chapter 14 and 15 relating to protection against dismissal.