Paragraph 536
“Early in 1952…His Highness the Ruler of Qatar, Shaikh Ali Bin Abdullah Bin Jassim Al Thani, considering that slavery is forbidden in all civilized countries of the world, and that in practice is contrary to the principles of human dignity and social justice, and having full intention to ensure an equitable social system of life to all his subjects, issued a proclamation abolishing slavery in Qatar as from 10 April 1952.
This proclamation expressly declares that it is an offence punishable by law to buy, sell, import, export, give as a gift, or in any way dispose of or be a part of the disposal of any person as a slave or any person who is intended by that transaction to become a slave.
Paragraph 31
The slave-trade has been totally prohibited in Bahrain, Qatar and Kuwait… The proclamations issued in Bahrain [1937], Kuwait [1949] and Qatar [1952] are thought to have been completely effective.
Article 18
The Qatari society is based upon the pillars of justice, charity, freedom, equality, and good morals.
Article 26
Ownership, capital, and labor are basic components for the State's social entity. They are all individual rights having social function, regulated by law.
Article 36
Personal freedom is inviolable. No one can be arrested, or jailed, or searched, or having his residence confined, or having his freedom of residence or mobility restricted, except according to the provisions of the law.
No one shall be subjected to torture or humiliating treatment. Torture is a crime punishable by law.Qatar Constitution
Article (318)
One is convicted to no more than ten years in prison in case of kidnapping, arresting, detaining or depriving a person from their freedom in contrast with the stipulations of the law.
The penalty is no more than fifteen years in prison in the following cases:
1- If the culprit wears a costume, holds a public employee’s badge, impersonates, or shows a fake order of arrest pretending that is issued by competent victim to commit adultery or crime authorities.
2- If the crime takes place by ruse, force or under duress, or by physical or psychological torture.
3- If the crime is committed by more than two people or an armed person
4- If the period of abduction, arrest, detention or deprivation of freedom exceeds fifteen days.
5- If the purpose of the deed is to get a ransom, to assault, hurt, oblige the
6- If the crime is committed on a public employee during or due to their duties.
7- If the victim is a woman, a minor, a crazy or a mentally unstable person.
The penalty is capital punishment or life imprisonment if the crime leads to the victim’s death.
Article (321)
One is convicted to no more than seven years in prison in case of entering or taking out of Qatar a person as a slave, or buying, selling, donating a person as a slave.
Article (322)
One is convicted to no more than six months in prison and to a fine of no more than three thousand riyals, or to one of these two penalties, in case of forcing a person to work with or without a salary. If the victim is under sixteen, the penalty is no more than six years in prison in addition to a fine of no more than ten thousand riyals, or to one of these two penalties.
Article (325)
One is convicted to no more than three years in prison and to a fine of no more than ten thousand riyals or to one of these two penalties in case of threatening others to hurt oneself or distort one’s reputation, or to hurt someone and distort their reputation whether orally or in writing or through deeds determining to hurt oneself or distort the reputation obliging the victim to do something or abstain from doing it. If it is a threat to kill, the penalty is no more than five years in prison.Qatar Penal Code
Article 86
A Juvenile who has not attained the age of sixteen may not be employed in Work of whatever nature and shall not be permitted to enter into any of place of Work.Qatar Labour Law
Article (2):
Whoever recruits , transports, submits, harbors, receives a natural person in any form, whether inside a state territory or across its national borders, through the use of force, violence or threat to use any of them or through abduction, fraud, misrepresentations or through the abuse of power or by exploiting a position of vulnerability or need or by promising to provide or receive of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person for the purpose of exploitation in whatever form, is committing the crime of trafficking in human beings.
Exploitation shall include the exploitation of the prostitution of others or any forms of sexual exploitation and sex trafficking of children, pornography or begging, forced labor or services, slavery or practices similar to slavery servitude or removal of human organs, tissues or parts of it, commits a crime of trafficking in human beings.
Article (3):
The consent of the victim of the crime of trafficking in human beings shall be considered as irrelevant where any of the means set forth in the above article have been used.
The use of the above mentioned means are not considered as prerequisite for the commission of the crime of trafficking in children or persons who lack capacity.
Article (13)
Without prejudice to any more severe penalty provided by another law, penalties provided by this law shall be applied.
Article (14)
A person who has committed one of human trafficking offences provided by Article (2) of this Law shall be punished by imprisonment for a period not exceeding seven (7) years and a fine not exceeding two hundred fifty thousand (250,000) Riyals.
Article (15)
A person who has committed an offence of human trafficking shall be punished by imprisonment for a period not exceeding fifteen (15) years and a fine not exceeding three hundred thousand (300,000) Riyals, in the following cases:
1- If the victim was a female, a child, an incapable person or a person with disabilities.
2- If the crime resulted in the death of the victim or caused him to suffer a permanent disability or an incurable disease.
3- If the perpetrator was a spouse, one of the ascendants or descendants, custodian or guardian of the victim, or has authority over the victim.
4- If the act was committed by threat of death, serious harm or physical or psychological torture; or by a person carrying a weapon.
5- If the perpetrator was a public employee or was assigned to carry out a public service and committed the crime by exploiting this capacity.
6- If the crime was committed by an organized criminal group and the accused person was one of its members.
7- If the crime was of a transnational nature.Qatar Trafficking in Persons Law (English)
Section 3
A domestic worker may not be employed other than by virtue of a labour contract, which is written and certified by the department, in three copies. One copy shall be handed to each party, and the third copy shall be deposited at the department.
Section 5
Recruitment from abroad of domestic workers of both sexes, under the age of eighteen years old or over the age of sixty, shall be prohibited. The Minister or person mandated by him/her, shall have the authority to exempt the maximum age limit from recruitment.
Section 8
An employer shall be responsible for paying the monthly wage in Qatari Riyals agreed upon with the domestic worker at the end of the month, or at the latest on the third day of the consecutive month. An employer shall not be considered as having met his/her duties unless he/she proves that he/she had deposited the worker’s wage in his/her bank account, or handed him /her the wage in cash, by virtue of a receipt signed by the worker, which confirms his/her receipt of the wage in full. An employer shall be prohibited from deducting any fees, expenses or commissions from a worker’s wage in return for the procedures of recruitment from abroadQatar Domestic Workers Law