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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer luctus suscipit felis, sed aliquam tellus mattis in. Duis quis sodales nunc. Cras bibendum aliquet magna, id accumsan ligula convallis ac. Nullam molestie quis risus quis hendrerit. Vestibulum hendrerit felis quis enim mattis, ut varius augue.
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Provisions related to forced marriage in São Tomé and Príncipe are found in the 1977 Family Code, which addresses marriages concluded with by error, deceit or coercion at Article 45.
Although legislation in São Tomé and Príncipe does not recognise consent as a strict requirement of marriage, section 2(1) of the Family code 1977 recognises that marriage is based on voluntarily union of man and woman. Section 4 further recognises that the consent of a party or prospective party to a marriage is invalidated where the person is under the age of marital capacity or is of unsound mind.
There appears to be no legislation in São Tomé and Príncipe that prohibits servile matrimonial transactions.
There appears to be no legislation in São Tomé and Príncipe that prohibits marriage trafficking.
The minimum age for marriage in São Tomé and Príncipe is 18, without differentiation by gender, as set out on Article 3 of the 1977 Family Code. However, marriages below the minimum age are permitted in the presence of a justifiable cause, with the consent of parents and the authorisation of the court, as set out on Article 3 of the 1977 Family Code. Marriage of females is allowed under exceptions as early as 14. Marriage of males is allowed under exceptions as early as 16.
Not party to a court
Article 22. Right to personal integrity
Article 32. Right of relocation and immigration
Article 35. Personal freedom and security
Article 41. Right to work
Article 42. Rights of workers
f. To strike, under terms to be regulated by law, taking into account the interests of the workers and of the National economy.
Constitution of Sao Tome and Principe 1975 (revised 1990) (PDF)
Article 154 [coercion]
1. Whoever, through violence, threatens violence, threatens a criminal complaint or discloses a fact that infringes upon honor and consideration, or threatens to commit a crime, causes others to commit an act or omission or to bear a Activity is punishable by imprisonment for up to two years or a fine of up to 200 days.
2. The attempt is punishable.
3. Coercion shall be punishable only where the use of the means to achieve the intended purpose is objectionable and is not intended to prevent suicide or the practice of a typical wrongful act.
4. The punishment for this crime does not consume that which will fit the means employed to execute.
5. If the act occurs between spouses, ascendants and descendants or adopters and adoptees, or between persons living in a situation similar to that of the spouses, the criminal procedure depends on a complaint.
Article 155 [Serious coercion]
1. When coercion is made:
A) Through the threat of crime which corresponds to a sentence of more than 3 years in prison;
B) By official, with serious abuse of his authority;
C) through a threat resulting in, as an appropriate consequence, suicide or attempted suicide of the threatened person or person to whom the harm is due;
D) The persons referred to in article 130, paragraph 2, point h) shall be sentenced to up to 3 years imprisonment.
2. In the case of points b) of the previous number, if the coercion aims to obtain money, services or anything else that is due, the arrest may amount to 5 years.
Article 158 [Kidnapping]
1. Any person who detains, arrests, holds or apprehends another person, or in any way deprives them of their liberty, shall be punished with imprisonment for up to four years.
2. The imprisonment is, however, from 2 to 10 years if deprivation of liberty:
A) Last for more than 2 days;
B) is preceded or accompanied by assault on physical integrity, torture, cruel and inhuman treatment or use of other violent means;
C) is practiced with the false pretext that the victim suffered from a psychic anomaly;
D) It is practiced by simulation of public authority, or by an official with serious abuse of authority;
E) It results in suicide, deprivation of reason or permanent incapacity for the work of the victim;
F) occur after the offended has been fraudulently attracted to a place in terms of not being able to rely on the public authority or third parties to get rid of detention;
G) It is practiced by two or more persons.
3. For the purpose of sub-paragraph b) of the preceding paragraph, deprivation of liberty with the use of other violent means is considered to be preceded or accompanied by threats with a weapon, the use of narcotics or other substances that may cancel or diminish resistance Of the victim or of the threat of inflicting an evil that constitutes a crime against the victim or the person of his family.
4. When deprivation of liberty results in the death of the victim the agent shall be punished with imprisonment from 3 to 15 years.
Article 159 [Slavery]
1. Whoever reduces another person to the state or condition of slave is punished with imprisonment of 8 to 15 years.
2. In the same sentence, anyone who sells, assigns or acquires a human person or possesses it with the intention of maintaining it in the situation described in the previous paragraph.
Article 160 [Trafficking in Persons for the Exploitation of Labor]
1. Who offers, delivers, entices, accepts, transports, lodges or welcomes persons for the purpose of work exploitation:
A) By violence, abduction or serious threat;
B) by fraudulent scheme or maneuver;
C) With abuse of authority resulting from a relationship of hierarchical, economic, work or family dependency;
D) Taking advantage of a psychic incapacity or situation of special vulnerability of the victim, or by obtaining the consent of the person who has control over the victim
shall be punished with imprisonment from 2 to 8 years.
2. In the same sentence, anyone who, through any means, entices, transports, accommodates or receives a minor, or delivers, offers or accepts, for the purpose of work exploitation.
3. In the case referred to in the previous paragraph, if the agent uses any of the means provided for in paragraph 1, or acts professionally or for profit, or if the victim is under 16 years of age, he shall be punished with a prison sentence of 3 10 years.
4. If the acts referred to above are carried out by the representatives or bodies of a legal person or equivalent, on their behalf and in the collective interest, they are the same criminally responsible, being punishable by a fine to set between 10 million and 500 million folds, And its dissolution may be decreed.
Article 161 [Marketing of persons]
1. Any person who disposes of, transfers or acquires a person by any means and for any purpose, including for the purpose of sexual exploitation or extraction of organs, shall be punished with imprisonment from 5 to 15 years.
2. Anyone who alienates, relinquishes or acquires a person dominated by compassion, despair or reason of significant social or moral value, who appreciably diminishes his or her guilt, shall be punished with imprisonment from one to five years.
3. Any person who obtains or consents to the adoption of a minor upon payment or compensation of any kind, or who, as an intermediary, induces the necessary consent to the adoption of a minor in serious breach of applicable legal norms, shall be punished with a penalty Prison term of 1 to 5 years.
4. If the acts referred to in 1, 2 and 3 are committed by the representatives or bodies of a legal person or equivalent, on their behalf and in the collective interest, they are criminally liable and punishable by a fine of between 10 million And 500 million bends, and its dissolution may be decreed.
Article 162 [Rapture]
1. Who by means of violence, threat or cunning, kidnap another person with the intention of subjecting the victim to extortion; Commit a crime against the victim’s sexual freedom and self-determination; Obtain redemption or reward, or embarrass the public authority or a third party to an action or omission, or to carry on an activity, shall be punished with imprisonment from 2 to 8 years.
2. If the abduction is accompanied by any of the circumstances foreseen in number 2 of article 158, the penalty is imprisonment of 3 to 10 years.
3. If the circumstances provided for in the preceding paragraph result in the death of the victim, the sentence is from 3 to 15 years in prison.
Article 164 [Rapture of minors]
1. Any person who abducts or deprives a minor under 16 years of age with the intention of exploiting or obtaining reward for his or her delivery or with libidinous intentions or of use in prostitution shall be punished with imprisonment of 5 to 10 years.
2. If the crime is accompanied by any of the circumstances provided for in article 162, paragraph 2, the penalty is imprisonment of 8 to 15 years.
3. If the abuses referred to in the preceding paragraph result in death, the penalty is imprisonment of 10 to 20 years.
Article 172 [Trafficking in persons for the practice of prostitution]
Any person who, through violence, a serious threat, a fraud or a fraudulent maneuver, causes another person to practice in a foreign country of prostitution or sexual acts of relief, shall be punished with imprisonment from 2 to 8 years.
Article 173 [Pimping]
1. Those who, professionally or with a lucrative intention, encourage, favor or facilitate the exercise by another person of prostitution or the practice of sexual acts of relief shall be punished with imprisonment from one to five years.
2. If the agent uses violence, serious threat, arduous or fraudulent maneuver, or takes advantage of the victim’s psychic incapacity, situations of abandonment or extreme economic need, he shall be punished with imprisonment from 2 to 8 years.
Article 179 [Prostitution of minors]
Article 181 [Pimping and trafficking of minors]
3. If the agent uses violence, serious threat, ruse, fraudulent maneuver, abuse of authority resulting from a relationship of hierarchical, economic or work dependency, acting professionally or for profit, or taking advantage of the victim’s psychic incapacity, or Any other situation that constitutes a special vulnerability, or even if this is under 16 years, is punished with a prison sentence of 3 to 10 years.
Art 26
Sao Tome and Principe Constitution 1975 (Rev 1990) – Constitute Project (PDF)
Article 2
Article 3
Article 4
They will not be able to celebrate marriage:
a) Those who lack the mental capacity to give their consent;
b) Those who are already united by previous marriage;
c) Women under 14 and men under 16
Article 43
Article 45
Article 46
Article 47