Article 12
1. All human beings are free and equal in dignity and rights. Their fundamental rights and freedoms are inalienable, irrevocable, and absolutely perpetual.
Article 14
Every person shall be entitled to his or her rights.
Article 16
1. The right of every individual to integrity and privacy shall be guaranteed. This right may be limited only in cases specifically provided by law.
2. No person shall be subjected to torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
Article 17
1. Personal liberty of every individual shall be guaranteed.
Article 18
1. No one may be subjected to forced labour or services.
2. Section (1) of this Article shall not apply to:
a. prisoners or persons sentenced to alternatives of imprisonment,
b. military service or other services performed in lieu of compulsory service in the armed forces,
c. services lawfully required in cases of natural disasters, calamities and other events threatening the lives, health or valuable property of citizens,
d. activities lawfully required for the protection of life, health and rights of other people,
e. minor municipality services on the basis of a law.
Article 23
- Freedom of movement and residence shall be guaranteed.
Article 35
- Every person shall have the right to choose freely his or her profession and to receive appropriate training, as well as the right to earn his or her living through entrepreneurial activities.
- Terms of, or restrictions on, specific professions, trades or activities may be regulated by law.
- Citizens shall have the right to work. The State shall guarantee, within reasonable limits, the material welfare of those who cannot enjoy this right through no fault of their own. The terms thereof shall be specified by law.
- The rights of aliens provided in sections (1) to (3) of this Article, as concerns aliens, may be governed under a separate law.
Article 36
All employees shall have the right to fair and satisfactory conditions at work. The law shall provide in particular for:
- the right to compensation for the work performed to secure a dignified standard of life,
- the security from arbitrary dismissal and discrimination at work,
- the protection of health and safety at work,
- the setting of maximum working hours,
- reasonable rest time after work,
- a minimum amount of paid vacation,
g. the right of collective bargaining.
Constitution of the Slovak Republic 1992 (revised 2014) (PDF)
Section 179. Trafficking in Human Beings
(1) Any person who, by using fraudulent practices, a trick, restriction of personal freedom, violence, threatened violence, threat of grievous bodily harm or other forms of coercion, by accepting or offering monetary payment or other benefits in order to get approval of a person on whom another person depends, or by misusing his powers, or abusing of defencelessness or other vulnerable position, entices, transports, harbours, hands over or takes over another person, even upon his consent, for the purposes of his prostitution or another form of sexual exploitation, including pornography, forced labour or domestic slavery, slavery or practices similar to slavery, bondage, taking of organs, tissues or cells or other forms of exploitation, shall be liable to a term of imprisonment of four to ten years.
(2) The same sentence as referred to in paragraph 1 shall be imposed on any person who entices, transports, harbours, hands over or takes over a person under eighteen years of age, even upon his consent, for the purposes of his prostitution or other form of sexual exploitation, including pornography, forced labour or domestic slavery, slavery or practices similar to slavery, bondage, taking of organs, tissues or cells or other forms of exploitation.
3) The offender shall be liable to a term of imprisonment of seven to twelve years if he commits the offence referred to in paragraphs 1 or 2,
a) and obtains larger benefit for himself or another through its commission,
b) against a protected person,
c) by reason of specific motivation, or
d) acting in a more serious manner.
(4) The offender shall be liable to term of imprisonment of twelve to twenty years if he commits the offence referred to in paragraphs 1 or 2,
a) and obtains substantial benefit for himself or another through its commission,
b) and causes grievous bodily harm or death, or other particularly serious consequence through its commission, or
c) as a member of a dangerous grouping.
(5) The offender shall be liable to a term of imprisonment of twenty to twenty-five years or to life imprisonment if he commits the offence referred to in paragraphs 1 or 2,
a) and obtains large-scale benefit for himself or another through its commission, or
b) and causes grievous bodily harm or death to several persons through its commission.
Note: Law No 204/2013 (no text available) amended section 179 as follows –
In section (1), instruments of THB also include abduction,
the purposes of exploitation include, apart of forced service, also begging,
and new purposes have been added, such as forced marriage and exploitation of criminal activities.
Qualified merits of the criminal offence of THB are specified in sections (2) to (5). Section (2) related to commitment of the criminal offense of trafficking in humans younger than 18 years of age has been fully substituted, and section (3) includes new letters b) and c)
Section 180. Trafficking in Children
(1) Any person who, in breach of a generally binding legal regulation, places a child under the control of another for the purpose of adoption shall be liable to a term of imprisonment of up to three years.
(2) The offender shall be liable to a term of imprisonment of four to ten years if he commits the offence referred to in paragraph 1,
a) and obtains larger benefit for himself or another through its commission, or
b) acting in a more serious manner.
(3) The offender shall be liable to a term of imprisonment of ten to fifteen years if, through the commission of the offence referred to in paragraph 1, he causes grievous bodily harm or death, or other particularly serious consequence.
Section 181
(1) Any person who, in exchange for money, places a child under the control of another for the purpose of exploiting the child for child labour, or for any other purpose, shall be liable to a term of imprisonment of four to ten years.
2) The offender shall be liable to a term of imprisonment of seven to twelve years if he commits the offence referred to in paragraph 1,
a) and obtains larger benefit for himself or another through its commission, or
b) acting in a more serious manner.
(3) The offender shall be liable to a term of imprisonment of twelve to twenty years if he commits the offence referred to in paragraph 1,
a) and causes grievous bodily harm or death, or other particularly serious consequence through its commission, or
b) and obtains substantial benefit for himself or another through its commission.
(4) The offender shall be liable to a term of imprisonment of twenty to twenty-five years or to life imprisonment if he commits the offence referred to in paragraph 1,
a) and obtains large-scale benefit for himself or another through its commission,
b) and causes death to several persons through its commission, or
c) as a member of a dangerous grouping.
Section 182. Deprivation of Personal Freedom
(1) Any person who unlawfully deprives another of personal freedom shall be liable to a term of imprisonment of four to ten years.
(2) The offender shall be liable to a term of imprisonment of seven to twelve years if he commits the offence referred to in paragraph 1
a) by reason of specific motivation,
b) against a protected person, or
c) acting in a more serious manner.
(3) The offender shall be liable to a term of imprisonment of ten to fifteen years if he commits the offence referred to in paragraph 1,
a) and causes gruievous bodily harm or death through its commission, or
b) and obtains substantial benefit for himself or another through its commission.
(4) The offender shall be liable to a term of imprisonment of fifteen to twenty-five years or to life imprisonment if he commits the offence referred to in paragraph 1,
a) and obtains large-scale benefit for himself or another through its commission,
b) as a member of a dangerous grouping, or
c) and causes death to several persons through its commission.
Section 183. Restriction of Personal Freedom
(1) Any person who, without lawful authority, prevents another from enjoying personal liberty shall be liable to a term of imprisonment of between six months and three years.
(2) The offender shall be liable to a term of imprisonment of three to eight years if he commits the offence referred to in paragraph 1
a) acting in a more serious manner,
b) by reason of specific motivation,
c) as a public figure,
d) against a protected person, or
e) and causes larger damage through its commission.
(3) The offender shall be liable to a term of imprisonment of seven to twelve years if he commits the offence referred to in paragraph 1,
a) and causes grievous bodily harm or death through its commission, or
b) and causes substantial damage through its commission.
(4) The offender shall be liable to a term of imprisonment of twelve to twenty-five years or to life imprisonment if he commits the offence referred to in paragraph 1,
a) and causes death to several persons through its commission,
b) and causes large-scale damage through its commission, or
c) as a member of a dangerous grouping.
Section 184. Restricting the Freedom of Residence
(1) Any person who, through deception or violence, threat of violence or other harm,
a) forces without lawful authority other person to stay in a certain place, or
b) prevents without lawful authority other person from staying in a certain place,
shall be liable to a term of imprisonment of between six months and three years.
(2) The offender shall be liable to a term of imprisonment of one to five years if he commits the offence referred to in paragraph 1
a) acting in a more serious manner,
b) by reason of specific motivation, or
c) as a public figure.
(3) The same sentence as referred to in paragraph 2 shall be imposed on the offender who forces without lawful authority other person to leave the territory of the Slovak Republic, or prevents other person from staying on the territory of the Slovak Republic.
Section 190. Gross Coercion
(1) Any person who, by violence, the threat of violence or other serious harm, forces another to render consideration of proprietary or other than proprietary nature for himself or for a third party in return for his own services or the services of a third party, which he forces on such person against his will, even if he pretends providing the services concerned, shall be liable to a term of imprisonment of four to ten years.
(2) The same sentence as referred to in paragraph 1 shall be imposed on the offender who, with respect to a group of persons because of their race, complexion, ethnicity, age or health condition, or with the intention to obtain an unlawful or undue advantage for himself or another,
- a) without lawfull authority, forces them by violence or the threat of violence to do anything, omit doing or endure anything being done contrary to their fundamental human rights, or
- b) batters, tortures or treats them in a similar inhuman and cruel manner.
(3) The offender shall be liable to a term of imprisonment of seven to twelve years if he commits the offence referred to in paragraphs 1 or 2,
- a) and causes larger damage through its commission,
- b) against a protected person,
- c) by reason of specific motivation, or
- d) acting in a more serious manner.
(4) The offender shall be liable to a term of imprisonment of twelve to twenty years if he commits the offence referred to in paragraphs 1 or 2,
- a) and causes grievous bodily harm or death through its commission, or
- b) and causes substantial damage through its commission.
(5) The offender shall be liable to a term of imprisonment of twenty to twenty-five years or to life imprisonment if he commits the offence referred to in paragraphs 1 or 2,
- a) and causes large-scale damage through its commission,
- b) and causes death to several persons through its commission, or
c) as a member of a dangerous grouping.
Criminal Code (PDF)