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Provisions related to forced marriage in Venezuela are found in the 2000 Penal Code, which addresses abduction for marriage of a person under the age of 15 years at Article 178, with a potential penalty of imprisonment from six months to two years. The 2000 Penal Code also prohibits abducting or detaining with violence, threats, or deception, for the purpose of marriage at Article 384, with a potential penalty of imprisonment from one to three years. The potential penalty of imprisonment from three to five years if the abduction or detention with violence, threats, or deception, for the purpose of marriage involves a minor.
Provisions related to servile matrimonial transactions are found in the 2000 Penal Code of Venezuela, which prohibits practices similar to slavery at Article 174. The penalty for practices similar to slavery is imprisonment of six to twelve years.
Provisions related to marriage trafficking in Venezuela are found in the LAW AGAINST ORGANISED CRIME AND TERRORIST FINANCING 2012, which prohibits trafficking for forced marriage at article 41, with a potential penalty of imprisonment for twenty to twenty five years and the cancellation compensation the costs to the victim for their recovery and social reintegration and if the victim is a child, child or adolescent will be punished or imprisoned for twenty five to thirty years. Legislation in Venezuela also prohibits abduction for marriage under article 384, 385 and 386 of the Penal Code 2000, with a potential penalty of imprisonment from one to three years, of three to five years, six to thirty months respectively.
The minimum age for marriage in Venezuela without parental consent is 18, without differentiation of gender, as set out on Article 18 of the 1994 Civil Code. The minimum age for marriage in Venezuela with parental consent is 16, as set out on Articles 46 and 59 of the 1994 Civil Code, as amended in 2014. However, marriages below the minimum age are permitted if the minor woman has given birth to a child or is pregnant, as set out on Article 62 of the 1994 Civil Code. Where marriages are conducted involving a person below the age of 16, the marriage is null, as set out on Article 117 of the 1994 Civil Code.
Latin America and Caribbean
Not party to a court
Paragraph 581
At a time when the anti-slavery movement had only just begun to spread in Europe and throughout the world, and well before the war between the States, the Venezuelan Congress passed the Act of 24 March 1854, which included the following articles:
“Article 1. Slavery is abolished forever in Venezuela.
“Article 2. Freed slaves shall no longer be legally bound to render service; they shall be entitled to the full enjoyment of their freedom and be subject only to paternal power or any other family authority, as free men.
“Article 3. The introduction of slaves into the national territory is prohibited forever. Slaves introduced in contravention of this ban, whatever the pretext, shall immediately and ipso facto be granted their freedom.”
Paragraph 585
In the enumeration of the rights of Venezuelans, the constitutional provision concerning slavery was traditionally worded as follows:
“Slavery is proscribed forever, and slaves setting foot on the territory of the Republic shall be free.”
Paragraph 587
The following extracts from the Criminal Code clearly explain the situation as regards the penalties to be imposed in cases, referred to in section I of the questionnaire, where individual freedom has been violated:
“Article 4. The following persons shall be subject to prosecution in Venezuela and shall be punished in accordance with Venezuelan criminal law:
“10. Venezuelan nationals who, within or outside the Republic, participate in the slave trade.”
Article 20
Everyone has the right to the free development of his or her own personality, subject only to the limitations deriving from the rights of others and public and social order.
Article 44
Personal liberty is inviolable, therefore: […]
Article 46
Everyone is entitled to respect for his or her physical, mental and moral integrity, therefore:
Article 50
Everyone shall freely transit by any means throughout the national territory, to change his or her domicile and residence, to leave and return to the Republic, to move his or her goods or belongings within the country and to bring his or her goods into or remove them from the country, subject only to such limitations as may be prescribes by law. In cases involving the granting of a concession, the law shall provide for the circumstances in which an alternate route must be provided. Venezuelans shall enter the country without need for authorization of any kind.
Article 54
No person shall be subjected to slavery or servitude. Traffic of persons, in particular women, children and adolescents, in any form, shall be subject to the penalties prescribes by law.
Article 77
Marriage, which is based on free consent and absolute equality of rights and obligations of the spouses, is protected. A stable de facto union between a man and a woman which meets the requirements established by law shall have the same effects as marriage.
Article 87
All persons have the right and duty to work. The State guarantees the adoption of the necessary measures so that every person shall be able to obtain productive work providing him or her with a dignified and decorous living and guarantee him or her the full exercise of this right. It is an objective of the State to promote employment. Measures tending to guarantee the exercise of the labor rights of self employed persons shall be adopted by law. Freedom to work shall be subject only to such restrictions as may be established by law.
Every employer shall guarantee employees adequate safety, hygienic and environmental conditions on the job. The State shall adopt measures and create institutions such as to make it possible to control and promote these conditions.
Article 89
Work is a social fact and shall enjoy the protection of the State. The law shall make the necessary provisions for improving the material, moral and intellectual conditions of workers. In order to fulfill this duty of the State, the following principles are established:
Article 174.
Anyone who reduces a person to slavery or subjects him to a similar condition shall be punished by imprisonment from six to twelve years.
In equal penalty will incur those who intervene in the slave trade.
Article 175.
Anyone who has illegitimately deprived some of his personal liberty shall be punished with imprisonment for fifteen days to thirty months.
If the person guilty of committing the offense or during his commission made use of threats, seizure or deception, or if he committed by the spirit of revenge or profit, or to the purpose or pretext of religion, or if he abducted the person to put him to military service Of foreign country, the imprisonment will be of two to four years.
If the offense has been committed against an ascendant or spouse, against any member of Congress or the Legislature of any State, against any Member of the Supreme Court of Justice, or against any other public magistrate, by reason of their functions, Or if the fact has resulted in any serious prejudice to the person, health or property of the aggrieved, the penalty of imprisonment shall be thirty months to seven years.
If the person has spontaneously released the person before any due diligence, without having achieved the intended purpose or caused any harm, the penalty shall be fifteen months to three and a half years.
Article 176.
Anyone who, without authority or right to do so, by threats, violence or other illegitimate coercions, will force a person to perform an act that the law does not oblige or tolerate or prevent from executing any act that is not prohibited by the law. Shall be punished with imprisonment from fifteen days to thirty months.
If the act has been abused by public authority, or against an ascendant or spouse, or against a public official by reason of his or her functions, or if the fact has resulted in any serious prejudice to the person, health or property of the aggrieved, The penalty will be imprisonment from thirty months to five years.
Anyone who, other than the cases indicated and others provided for by law, threatens anyone with serious and unjust harm, will be punished with relegation to a penitentiary colony for a period of one to ten months or arrest from fifteen days to three months or Arrest from fifteen days to three months, after the complaint of the threatened.
Article 178.
Anyone with a foreign object to satisfy his own passions, to marry or to make a profit, has taken a person, under the age of fifteen years, even if she consents, on the side of their parents, guardians or other guardians, even Temporarily, be punished with imprisonment from six months to two years; And the same penalty shall be imposed on the person who improperly abducts that person, even if the latter assents to do so.
If the crime has been committed without the acquiescence of the person taken or kidnapped, or if the person is not twelve years of age, the provisions and penalties specified in the preceding articles shall apply, as the case may be.
Article 382.
Any person who, outside the cases indicated in the preceding articles, has violated modesty or good customs for acts committed in a public place or exposed to the public’s eyes, shall be punished by imprisonment of three to fifteen months.
He who repeatedly or for profit and to satisfy the passions of another, induces, facilitates or favors the prostitution or corruption of any person, will be punished with imprisonment from one to six years. If this crime is committed in a minor person, the penalty shall be applied between the average and the maximum.
Article 385.
Any individual who, by the means referred to in the preceding article and for any of the purposes envisaged, has taken, removed or retained a minor or a married woman, shall be punished with imprisonment of three to five years.
If the abducted person has given her consent, the penalty shall be imprisonment for a period of six months to two years.
And if the kidnapped person is under twelve years of age, even if the guilty person does not have valid violence, threats or deception, the penalty shall be imprisonment for a term of three to five years
Article 388.
Anyone who satisfies the passions of another has induced prostitution or acts of corruption to a minor, shall be punished by imprisonment for three to eighteen months. The imprisonment shall be imposed for a period of one to four years if the offense has been committed:
If several circumstances of the different categories mentioned have occurred, the imprisonment will be from two to five years.
Article 507.
Everyone who has allowed a child of twelve, under its authority or entrusted to his care or supervision, is delivered to beg or to serve other this purpose, shall be punished with arrest up to two months or a fine of three hundred Bolivars. In the case of repeated the same offense. arrest will be two to four months.
Article 41. Trafficking in Persons
Whoever as an integral part of an organized crime group promotes, promotes, facilitates or run through the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of persons, resorting to the threat, force, coercion, abduction, deception, abuse of power, vulnerabilities, awarding, receipt or other fraudulent means of payments or benefits to obtain the consent of the victim, directly or through an intermediary, or a person having authority relationship over the other, to exercise begging, forced labor or services, debt bondage, irregular adoption, slavery or similar practices, the removal of organs, any kind of sexual exploitation; as employed or forced prostitution, pornography, sex tourism and servile marriage, even with the consent of the victim, shall be punished or imprisoned for twenty to twenty five years and the cancellation compensation the costs to the victim for their recovery and social reintegration. If the victim is a child, child or adolescent will be punished or imprisoned for twenty five to thirty years.
Article 42. Illegal immigration and illegal trafficking in persons
Any person who, as an integral part of an organized crime group, promotes, induces, favors, constricts, facilitates, finances, collaborates, by action or omission or otherwise participates in the entry or exit of aliens or illegal traffic of persons Territory of the Republic, without the fulfillment of legal requirements, to obtain economic benefit or any other benefit for itself or for a third party, will be punished or punished with imprisonment of eight to twelve years.
The consent of the taxpayer does not constitute grounds for exclusion of criminal responsibility for the facts referred to in the preceding articles.
Neither is the consent granted by the ascendant, spouse, brother, sister, guardian, guardian, healer or curator, responsible for or in charge of education or custody, person living with the trafficked person, minister or Minister of a cult or official or civil servant, public employee or public employee, being safe the possible criminal responsibility of the latter in case of being determined that even in commission by omission, they intervened in the trafficking.
Article 43. Illegal organ trafficking
Anyone who, as an integral part of an organized crime group, traffics, transplants or illegally disposes of organs, blood, globular concentrate, platelet concentrate, plasma or other derived tissues or anatomical materials from a human being, shall be punished or punished with imprisonment From twenty-five to thirty years.
Article 48. Use of children in pornography
Anyone who, as an integral part of an organized crime group, uses children or adolescents or their image, for purposes or in exhibitions or pornographic shows, whether public or private, or to produce any kind of pornographic material, whatever their support, Or finances any of these activities, shall be punished or punished with imprisonment from twenty-five to thirty years.
15. Forms of violence
The following are considered forms of gender violence against women:
19. Trafficking in women and girls: The recruitment, transportation, transfer, reception or reception of women and girls, using the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, abduction, fraud , Abuse, abuse of power or vulnerability or authority over women, girls or adolescents, for purposes of exploitation, such as prostitution, sexual exploitation, forced labor or services, slavery or practices similar to slavery, Servitude or extraction of organs.
18. Trafficking in women and girls
They are all acts involving recruitment or transport within or across borders, using deception, coercion or force, in order to make a profit for financial or other material order of illegality. ((32))
19. Trafficking in women and girls
The recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of women and girls, resorting to the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, fraud, deception, abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over women or adolescents with the purpose of exploitation, such as prostitution, exploitation sexual, forced labor or services, slavery or practices slavery, servitude or the removal organ….
46. Forced prostitution
Whoever, through the use of physical force, threat of violence, psychological coercion or abuse of power, obliges a woman to perform one or more acts of a sexual nature in order to obtain in return pecuniary or other advantages Nature, for his own benefit or that of a third party, shall be punished with imprisonment of ten to fifteen years.
47. Sexual Slavery
Anyone who illegally deprives a woman of her sexual exploitation by means of purchase, sale, loan, barter or other similar negotiation, forcing her to perform one or more acts of a sexual nature, shall be punished with imprisonment for fifteen to twenty years.
55. Illicit trafficking in women and girls.
Any person who promotes, favors, facilitates or executes the illegal entry or exit of the country of women, girls or adolescents, using deceit, coercion or force to obtain an unlawful benefit for themselves or for a third party, shall be punished or punished with imprisonment Ten to fifteen years.
Article 56. Trafficking in women and girls.
Who promotes, favors, facilitates or executes the recruitment, transportation, reception or reception of women, girls or adolescents through violence, threats, deceit, abduction, coercion or other fraudulent means for the purpose of sexual exploitation, prostitution, forced labor , Slavery, irregular adoption or extraction of organs, shall be punished or punished with imprisonment of fifteen to twenty years.
Law on the Right of Women to a Life Free of Violence 2007 (PDF)
Article 33 Right to be protected against Sexual Abuse and Exploitation.
All children and adolescents have the right to be protected from any form of sexual abuse and exploitation. The State ensure permanent and free programs of assistance and comprehensive care for children and adolescents who have been victims of sexual abuse or exploitation.
38. Prohibition of slavery, servitude and forced labour
No child or adolescent may be subjected to any form of slavery, servitude or forced labor.
Article 94. Right to Protection at Work
All working children and adolescents have the right to be protected by the State, the family and society, especially against economic exploitation and the performance of any work that may hinder their education, is dangerous or harmful to their health or to their development integral.
Article 237. Pornography with Children or Adolescents
Whoever produces or directs a theatrical, television or cinematographic representation, using a child or adolescent in a pornographic scene that does not imply explicit sex, will be punished with a fine of ten to fifty months of admission.
First Paragraph: The same sanction is incurred by the person who, under the aforementioned conditions, participates in the scene with a child or adolescent.
Second Paragraph: The person who photographs or publishes a pornographic scene, that does not imply explicit sex, involves a child or adolescent.
Third Paragraph: In any case, the tape, the photograph or the publication will be seized and the suspension of the work or the transmission of the program or the tape will be ordered.
Article 238. Admission or Profit for Child Labor
Anyone who admits to work or profits from the work of a child from eight to twelve years of age, will be sanctioned with a fine of three to six months of admission.
Article 239. Admission or Profit for Work of Adolescents, without Authorization
Anyone who admits to work or profit from the work of a teenager between twelve and fifteen years of age, without the authorization required by this Law, will be sanctioned with a fine of two to four months of admission.
Article 77
Marriage, which is based on free consent and absolute equality of rights and obligations of the spouses, is protected. A stable de facto union between a man and a woman which meets the requirements established by law shall have the same effects as marriage.
Constitucion de la Republica de Venezuela 1961, (updated 2009 – Georgetown – Spanish (PDF) (Spanish)
Title II. Crimes against freedom
Chapter III. Of crimes against individual liberty
Article 174.
Anyone who reduces a person to slavery or subjects him to a similar condition shall be punished by imprisonment from six to twelve years.
In equal penalty will incur those who intervene in the slave trade.
Article 176.
Anyone who, without authority or right to do so, by threats, violence or other illegitimate coercions, will force a person to perform an act that the law does not oblige or tolerate or prevent from executing any act that is not prohibited by the law. Shall be punished with imprisonment from fifteen days to thirty months.
If the act has been abused by public authority, or against an ascendant or spouse, or against a public official by reason of his or her functions, or if the fact has resulted in any serious prejudice to the person, health or property of the aggrieved, The penalty will be imprisonment from thirty months to five years.
Anyone who, other than the cases indicated and others provided for by law, threatens anyone with serious and unjust harm, will be punished with relegation to a penitentiary colony for a period of one to ten months or arrest from fifteen days to three months or Arrest from fifteen days to three months, after the complaint of the threatened.
Article 178.
Anyone with a foreign object to satisfy his own passions, to marry or to make a profit, has taken a person, under the age of fifteen years, even if she consents, on the side of their parents, guardians or other guardians, even Temporarily, be punished with imprisonment from six months to two years; And the same penalty shall be imposed on the person who improperly abducts that person, even if the latter assents to do so.
If the crime has been committed without the acquiescence of the person taken or kidnapped, or if the person is not twelve years of age, the provisions and penalties specified in the preceding articles shall apply, as the case may be.
Title VIII. Of crimes against good customs and good order of families
Chapter I, Of the rape, seduction, prostitution or corruption of minors and outrages to shame
Article 379
Whoever has a carnal act with a person over twelve and under sixteen years, or I will perform lewd acts on her, without being her ascendant, tutor or institutor and even if none of the circumstances provided for in article 375 exist, will be punished with imprisonment of six to eighteen months and the penalty will be double if the offender is the first to corrupt the aggrieved person.
The carnal act executed on a woman older than sixteen years and less than twenty-one with your consent, it is punishable when there is seduction with promise marriage and the woman is known honest; in this case the penalty will be six months to a year in prison.
It will be considered as a special aggravating circumstance, in the crimes to which contracts this article, that of having valid the culprit of the efforts of the ancestors, guardians or legal representatives or other persons in charge of monitoring the minor person or the trades of pimps or habitual corrupters
Chapter II Of the rapture
Article 384
Any individual who through violence, threats or deception has snatched, abducted or detained, for the purpose of marriage debauchery, from a elderly or emancipated woman, will be punished with imprisonment from one to three years.
Article 385
Any individual who, by the means referred to in the preceding article and for any of the purposes provided for, has snatched, stolen or withheld any minor person or a married woman, will be punished with imprisonment of three to five years.
If the abducted person has given her consent, the penalty will be imprisonment for time from six months to two years.
And if the abducted person is under twelve years of age, even if the culprit does not know if there is valid violence, threats or deception, the penalty will be imprisonment for time three to five years
Article 386
When the guilty of any of the crimes provided for in articles precedents, without having committed any libidinal act, has put voluntarily release the abducted person, returning him to his home, to the relatives or some safe place, available to his family, the penalty that imposed will be imprisonment from one to six months in the case of article 384, of three to eighteen months and six to thirty months, respectively, in the cases of articles 385.
When any of the crimes provided for in this and the previous articles, committed only for the purpose of marriage, the prison sentence may be applied instead of the presidio
Codigo Penal de Venezuala. 2000 – Official Gazette – Spanish (PDF)
Article 41. Trafficking in Persons
Whoever as an integral part of an organized crime group promotes, promotes, facilitates or run through the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of persons, resorting to the threat, force, coercion, abduction, deception, abuse of power, vulnerabilities, awarding, receipt or other fraudulent means of payments or benefits to obtain the consent of the victim, directly or through an intermediary, or a person having authority relationship over the other, to exercise begging, forced labor or services, debt bondage, irregular adoption, slavery or similar practices, the removal of organs, any kind of sexual exploitation; as employed or forced prostitution, pornography, sex tourism and servile marriage, even with the consent of the victim, shall be punished or imprisoned for twenty to twenty five years and the cancellation compensation the costs to the victim for their recovery and social reintegration. If the victim is a child, child or adolescent will be punished or imprisoned for twenty five to thirty years.
Article 42. Illegal immigration and illegal trafficking in persons
Any person who, as an integral part of an organized crime group, promotes, induces, favors, constricts, facilitates, finances, collaborates, by action or omission or otherwise participates in the entry or exit of aliens or illegal traffic of persons Territory of the Republic, without the fulfillment of legal requirements, to obtain economic benefit or any other benefit for itself or for a third party, will be punished or punished with imprisonment of eight to twelve years.
The consent of the taxpayer does not constitute grounds for exclusion of criminal responsibility for the facts referred to in the preceding articles.
Neither is the consent granted by the ascendant, spouse, brother, sister, guardian, guardian, healer or curator, responsible for or in charge of education or custody, person living with the trafficked person, minister or Minister of a cult or official or civil servant, public employee or public employee, being safe the possible criminal responsibility of the latter in case of being determined that even in commission by omission, they intervened in the trafficking.
The following are considered forms of gender violence against women:
The recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of women and girls, resorting to the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, fraud, deception, abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over women or adolescents with the purpose of exploitation, such as prostitution, exploitation sexual, forced labor or services, slavery or practices slavery, servitude or the removal organ….
Anyone who illegally deprives a woman of her sexual exploitation by means of purchase, sale, loan, barter or other similar negotiation, forcing her to perform one or more acts of a sexual nature, shall be punished with imprisonment for fifteen to twenty years.
Any person who promotes, favors, facilitates or executes the illegal entry or exit of the country of women, girls or adolescents, using deceit, coercion or force to obtain an unlawful benefit for themselves or for a third party, shall be punished or punished with imprisonment Ten to fifteen years.
Article 56. Trafficking in women and girls.
Who promotes, favors, facilitates or executes the recruitment, transportation, reception or reception of women, girls or adolescents through violence, threats, deceit, abduction, coercion or other fraudulent means for the purpose of sexual exploitation, prostitution, forced labor , Slavery, irregular adoption or extraction of organs, shall be punished or punished with imprisonment of fifteen to twenty years.
Article 33 Right to be protected against Sexual Abuse and Exploitation.
All children and adolescents have the right to be protected from any form of sexual abuse and exploitation. The State ensure permanent and free programs of assistance and comprehensive care for children and adolescents who have been victims of sexual abuse or exploitation.
No child or adolescent may be subjected to any form of slavery, servitude or forced labor
Article 18
Anyone who has reached eighteen (18) years of age is of legal age.
The adult is capable of all acts of civil life, with the exceptions established by special provisions.
Article 46
A woman who has not reached fourteen (14) years of age and a man who has not reached sixteen (16) years of age cannot validly contract marriage.
Article 59
The minor cannot marry without the consent of her parents.
Article 62
The age prescribed in article 46 shall not be required:
1st. To the minor woman who has given birth to a child or who is pregnant.
2nd. The minor male when the woman with whom he wants to marry has conceived a child that he recognizes as his or that has been judicially declared as such.
Venezuela. Civil Code. 1982 (amended 1994 – JUSTIA – Spanish (PDF)
Article 18
Anyone who has reached eighteen (18) years of age is of legal age.
The person of legal age is capable of all acts of civil life, with the exceptions established by special provisions
Article 46
A woman who has not complied with fourteen (14) years of age and the male who has not reached sixteen (16) years of age
Article 49
For consent to be valid, it must be free. In the case of rapture it will not be consent is valid if it is not given or ratified after the person is returned to their full freedom. It is said that there is no consent when there is an error regarding the identity of the person.
Article 56
The person accused of kidnapping, rape or seduction may not marry, while the criminal trial that is formed and as long as he does not serve the sentence to that he has been condemned, unless he celebrates it with the aggrieved woman.
Article 59
The minor cannot marry without the consent of his fathers.
In case of disagreement between the parents, or if it is impossible to express it,
It will correspond to the Juvenile Judge of the minor’s domicile to authorize or not the marriage, hearing the opinion of the parents if possible. Against these decisions there will be no recourse.
Article 60
In the absence of the father and mother, the consent of the grandparents and grandmothers of the minor. In case of disagreement, it will be enough for them to consent to the marriage two of them. If this is not possible, it will correspond to the Judge of Minors of the minor’s domicile to authorize or not the marriage, after hearing the opinion of grandparents and grandmothers. Against this decision there will be no recourse.
Article 61
In the absence of parents, grandparents and grandmothers, the consent of the guardian is required; Yes this does not exist, the authorization of the Juvenile Judge of the domicile of the less.
Article 62
The age prescribed in article 46 shall not be required:
1st. To the minor woman who has given birth to a child or who is in a state of pregnancy.
2nd. The minor male when the woman with whom he wants to marry has conceived a child that he recognizes as his or that has been declared judicially as such.
Article 63
Against the refusal of consent by those called by the Law to give it there will be no recourse, unless the refusal is from the guardian, in which case it may occur to the Judge of First Instance of the minor’s domicile so that solve the convenient.
Article 64
It is understood that the father, mother or ancestors are missing, not only because deceased, but also for the following reasons;
1st. Perpetual or temporary insanity, while it lasts.
2nd. Declaration or presumption of absence, or stay in foreign countries of where no Answer can be obtained in less than three months.
3rd. The sentence that carries with it the disqualification, while it lasts this.
4th. Deprivation, by sentence, of parental authority
Article 72
Father, mother, grandparents, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, and guardian or curator, can oppose the marriage for any cause that, according to the Law, observe its celebration.
Article 74
The right to object also belongs to the spouse of the person who want to contract another marriage.
Article 117
The nullity of the marriage celebrated in contravention of articles 46, 51, 52, 55 and 56, can be sued by the same spouses, by their ancestors, by the Municipal Procurator Trustee and by all those who have a current interest.
The same people can challenge the marriage authorized by a incompetent official or without the assistance of the required witnesses.
One year after the celebration of the marriage, the claim will not be admitted of nullity due to the incompetence of the official who witnessed it or due to absence of required witnesses.
Article 118
The nullity of the marriage contracted without free consent can only be be sued by that of the spouses whose consent was not free.
When there is an error in the person, the action for annulment can only be tried by the spouse who was misled.
The nullity claim is not admissible for the reasons stated, if there was cohabitation for one month after the spouse regained full freedom or acknowledged the error
Article 120
Marriage contracted by persons who have not reached the age required to validly contract it, the following may not be contested:
1st. When the contracting parties have reached said age without having initiated the corresponding trial;
2nd. When the woman who is not of the required age has conceived.
This marriage cannot be contested by the ascendants or by the guardian who have given their consent.
Article 131
Regardless of the penalties imposed on spouses by other laws,
When there is a violation of provisions relating to marriage, the following:
1st. If article 53 is violated because the dispensation has not been requested, the contracting parties will be punished with a fine of five hundred (500) to two thousand (2,000) bolivars. When the dispensation requested has been denied, a fine of up to three thousand bolivars Bs. 3,000.
2nd. If article 58 is violated, the tutor or curator will be deprived of all remuneration by reason of the position.
3rd. If article 59 is violated, the perpetrator of the offense will be punished with the deprivation of the administration of its assets until it reaches majority.
Article 132
In the cases of the previous article, the application of the penalty may be requested by same people who could oppose the marriage, except those who, having been able to oppose it, they did not do so and those that would have approved it.
The expressed request can only be made within the year following the commission. of the offense. If the marriage was celebrated in a foreign country, the period set
It will not start running until the offenders return to the country.
Article 133
Violations by public officials of the provisions relating to marriage and that do not constitute a crime, will be punished with fines of two thousand (2,000) to five thousand (5,000) bolivars. You can promote the application of this penalty any citizen, as long as it is not included in the exception of article above, before the Civil Court of First Instance, who may also proceed ex officio
Venezuela. Civil Code. 1982 (amended 1994 – JUSTIA – Spanish (PDF)