Paragraph 192
All acts contributing to the trade of slaves are prosecuted according to the Greek criminal legislation (article 323 of the Greek Penal Code).
Article 5
1. All persons shall have the right to develop freely their personality and to participate in the social, economic and political life of the country, insofar as they do not infringe the rights of others or violate the Constitution and the good usages.
2. All persons living within the Greek territory shall enjoy full protection of their life, honour and liberty irrespective of nationality, race or language and of religious or political beliefs. Exceptions shall be permitted only in cases provided by international law.
The extradition of aliens prosecuted for their action as freedom-fighters shall be prohibited.
3. Personal liberty is inviolable. No one shall be prosecuted, arrested, imprisoned or otherwise confined except when and as the law provides.
4. Individual administrative measures restrictive of the free movement or establishment in the country, and of the free exit and entrance therein of any Greek are prohibited. Restrictive measures of such content may only be imposed as an attendant penalty by a criminal court ruling, in exceptional cases of emergency and only in order to prevent the commitment of criminal acts, as specified by law.
5. All persons have the right to the protection of their health and of their genetic identity. Matters relating to the protection of every person against biomedical interventions shall be specified by law.
Article 7
2. Torture, any bodily maltreatment, impairment of health or the use of psychological violence, as well as any other offence against human dignity are prohibited and punished as provided by law.
Article 22
1. Work constitutes a right and shall enjoy the protection of the State, which shall care for the creation of conditions of employment for all citizens and shall pursue the moral and material advancement of the rural and urban working population.
All workers, irrespective of sex or other distinctions, shall be entitled to equal pay for work of equal value.
2. General working conditions shall be determined by law, supplemented by collective labour agreements concluded through free negotiations and, in case of the failure of such, by rules determined by arbitration.
3. The matters relating to the conclusion of collective labour agreements by civil servants and the servants of local government agencies or of other public law legal persons, shall be specified by law.
4. Any form of compulsory work is prohibited.
Special laws shall determine the requisition of personal services in case of war or mobilization or to face defence needs of the country or urgent social emergencies resulting from disasters or liable to endanger public health, as well as the contribution of personal work to local government agencies to satisfy local needs.
5. The State shall care for the social security of the working people, as specified by law.
Article 25
- The rights of the human being as an individual and as a member of the society and the principle of the welfare state rule of law are guaranteed by the State. All agents of the State shall be obliged to ensure the unhindered and effective exercise thereof. These rights also apply to the relations between individuals to which they are appropriate. Restrictions of any kind which, according to the Constitution, may be imposed upon these rights, should be provided either directly by the Constitution or by statute, should a reservation exist in the latter's favour, and should respect the principle of proportionality.
- The recognition and protection of the fundamental and inalienable rights of man by the State aims at the achievement of social progress in freedom and justice.
- The abusive exercise of rights is not permitted.
4. The State has the right to claim of all citizens to fulfil the duty of social and national solidarity.
Constitution of Greece 1975 (revised 2008) (PDF)
Article 323 Slave trade
1. Whoever acted slave trade shall be punished with imprisonment.
2. The slave trade includes all acts of conception, acquisition and disposal of a person seeking to do slave each act slave acquisition for resale or exchange of the Act of the concession by sale or exchange actual slave and generally every act of trade or transport of slaves.
3. Whoever takes any service on a ship, knowing that the ship is intended to conduct slave trade or not already used for this purpose, and whoever remains voluntarily in service knowingly above destination of the ship or its use for such purpose, shall be punished with imprisonment of at least six months.
4. Anyone who contributed directly or indirectly to ship chartering aware that the charter is to undertake trade slaves shall be punished with imprisonment of at least six months.
5. Anyone who transfers from one place to other slaves, without purpose to market them, but without the transfer be made in order for their release, punishable by imprisonment.
6. The same penalty shall be imposed by the owner and the master of the ship, which knowingly would transfer such slaves.
Article 323A Human trafficking
1. Whoever by use of force, threat or other coercive means or the imposition or abuse of authority hires, transports, promotes inside or outside the territory, abets, delivers with or without consideration to another or receives from another person in order to remove "body" tissue cells or organs or to avail himself or other work or begging shall be punished with imprisonment up to ten years and a fine of 10000-50000 euro.
2. sentence of the preceding paragraph shall be punished if the perpetrator to achieve the same purpose, elicits the consent of using fraudulent means or drift, taking advantage of the vulnerability, promises, gifts, payments or other benefits.
3. Whoever knowingly accepts the person work, which is under the conditions described in paragraphs 1 and 2, or the proceeds from the begging of that person, shall be punished with imprisonment of at least six months.
4. imprisonment of at least ten years and a fine 50000-100000 euros punished the perpetrator under the preceding paragraphs if the operation:
a) against a minor or a person physically or mentally disabled,
b) committed kat` art,
c) committed by a staff member who in the performance of duty or by taking advantage of its status as such commits or participates in any way in practice or
d) has resulted in serious injury to the victim.
5. Anyone who uses the means of paragraphs 1 and 2 to recruit minors for the purpose of use in armed conflicts shall be punished with imprisonment of at least ten years and a fine 50000-100000 euros.
6. life imprisonment the perpetrator is punished under the preceding paragraphs if the act resulted in death.
Article 349 Pimping
- Whoever, to serve other debauchery, promotes or incites a minor to prostitution or pandering or forces or facilitates or participates in child prostitution shall be punished with imprisonment up to ten years and a fine of 10000-50000 euro.
- With imprisonment and a fine 50000-100000 euros punished the perpetrator, if the crime was committed:
- a) against a person younger than fifteen years,
- b) by fraudulent means,
- c) the anions relative by blood or marriage or adoptive parent, spouse, guardian or other person to whom the minor was entrusted for upbringing, teaching, supervision or custody, even temporarily,
- d) by an official who in the performance of the service or benefiting from its status as such commits or participates in any way in practice.
- e) the use of electronic media,
- f) to offer money or promise of payment or any other consideration.
3. Anyone kat` profession or speculation promotes women in prostitution is punishable by imprisonment of not less than eighteen months, and a fine. The commission of the act by an official who in the performance of the service or benefiting from its status as such commits or participates in any way in practice, constitutes an aggravating circumstance.
Article 351 Trafficking
- Whoever by use of force, threat or other coercive means or the imposition or abuse of authority hires, transports, promotes inside or outside the territory, abets, delivers with or without consideration to another or receives from another person in order to proceed himself or another to sexual exploitation is punishable with imprisonment up to ten years and a fine of 10000-50000 euro.
- sentence of the preceding paragraph shall be punished if the perpetrator to achieve the same purpose, elicits the consent of using fraudulent means or drift, taking advantage of the vulnerability of promises, gifts, payments or other benefits.
- Whoever knowingly performs lewd acts with a person who is under the conditions described in paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be punished with imprisonment of at least six months.
- imprisonment of at least ten years and a fine 50000-100000 euros punished the perpetrator under the preceding paragraphs if the operation:
- a) against a minor or connected with spiritual weakness or frivolity of the victim,
- b) committed by one of the persons referred to in subparagraph c of paragraph 2 of Article 349,
- c) linked to illegal entry, stay or exit of the victim from the country,
- d) performed kat` art,
- e) committed by a staff member who in the performance of the service or benefiting from its status as such commits or participates in any way in practice or
- f) resulted in serious injury to the victim.
- If any of the actions of the first and second paragraph resulted in the death of the victim imposed life imprisonment.
6. in the preceding paragraphs sexual exploitation is to run from speculation of any lewd act or the use of speculation body, voice or facial image for the real or feigned such an act, or perform work or services aimed at sexual stimulation.
Greek Penal Code (PDF)
Law No 4198 of 2013 (Trafficking in Persons) (PDF)
Part a Provisions of substantive criminal law
- Special part
Article 8 Crimes against humanity
- Anyone who, in the context of a widespread or systematic attack directed against any
civilian population, which is directed or encouraged by a state or an organization which exercises de facto authority in a certain territory:
- c) Commits slave trade (art. 323 Cr.C.), trafficking of human beings (art. 323A Cr. C.) or white slavery (art. 351 Cr. C.),
Art. 9 War crimes against persons
- Anyone who, in connection with an international or non-international armed conflict:
d) Commits rape (art. 336 Cr. C.) or enforced prostitution (art. 349 Cr. C.) or enforced sterilization against a person protected according to the provisions of international humanitarian law, or unlawfully confines a woman made pregnant forcibly or with the use of threat of force, with the intent of affecting the ethnic composition of any population.